

[noun] mental illness marked by periods of great excitement or euphoria, delusions, and overactivity
[名词] 以极度兴奋或欣快、妄想和过度活跃周期发作为特征的精神疾病


Mania 一词源自希腊语 mania (疯狂、狂热、热情、疯狂的激情、狂怒),14世纪末经晚期拉丁语 mania (精神失常、疯狂)进入英语后即用来表示心理学上的“躁狂症”,也就是一种以极度兴奋或欣快、妄想和过度活跃周期发作为特征的精神疾病。

等到了17世纪80年代后, mania 开始用来引申表示“狂热、热衷”,常用搭配 mania (for sth/for doing sth) 表示某种许多人共有的强烈欲望、极大热情,多指一种过分或不合理的欲望或热情,比如:

  • 她是个飞车狂。
    She has a mania for driving fast.
  • 他几乎颗粒未进,走火入魔。
    He almost wouldn’t eat at all and had the oddest manias.

此外,由 mania 而来的后缀 -mania 常用于构成名词表示“……狂、……癖、……热”,比如在 小词详解 | cynical 中出现过的 Beatlemania (甲壳虫热)。


Money and so-called love are its two great manias; money a long way first.

出自英国作家D·H·劳伦斯创作的最后一部长篇小说《查泰莱夫人的情人》(Lady Chatterley’s Lover)。


  • The mania for tech platforms that match cars with riders rests on the idea that they can turn car-hire into critical urban-transport infrastructure.
  • Now Chinese chic has become Hollywood’s latest mania. Ang Lee is an Oscar front runner for his first studio film, Sense and Sensibility.



  1. Shopping mania – 购物狂潮
  2. Football mania – 足球狂热
  3. Social media mania – 社交媒体狂热
  4. Dance mania – 舞蹈热潮
  5. Gaming mania – 游戏热潮
  6. Fitness mania – 健身狂热
  7. Travel mania – 旅行狂潮
  8. Technology mania – 科技狂热
  9. Fan mania – 粉丝狂热
  10. Movie mania – 电影狂潮
  11. Music mania – 音乐狂热
  12. Sports mania – 运动狂热
  13. TV series mania – 电视剧热潮
  14. Collectibles mania – 收藏品狂热
  15. Food mania – 美食狂热
  16. Fitness class mania – 健身课热潮
  17. Art mania – 艺术狂热
  18. Fashion mania – 时尚狂热
  19. Crafting mania – 手工艺狂热
  20. Reading mania – 阅读狂热
  21. Language learning mania – 语言学习狂热
  22. Celebrity mania – 名人狂热
  23. Photography mania – 摄影狂热
  24. Cooking mania – 烹饪狂热
  25. Adventure mania – 冒险狂热
  26. Thrill-seeking mania – 寻求刺激狂热
  27. Health mania – 健康狂热
  28. Selfie mania – 自拍狂潮
  29. Dog mania – 狗狂热
  30. Cat mania – 猫狂热
  31. Coffee mania – 咖啡狂热
  32. Plant mania – 植物狂热
  33. Home decor mania – 家居装饰狂热
  34. Pet mania – 宠物狂热
  35. Extreme sports mania – 极限运动狂热
  36. Car mania – 汽车狂热
  37. Green living mania – 绿色生活狂热
  38. Online shopping mania – 网购狂潮
  39. Cooking show mania – 烹饪秀狂热
  40. Craft beer mania – 手工啤酒狂热


fad: an intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, especially one that is short-lived and without basis in the object’s qualities; a craze
obsession: an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person’s mind
hysteria: exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion or excitement, especially among a group of people

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
