Then you’re gonna go to London exactly as we discussed it.
你要好好利用这个机会 在那里学习表演
You’re gonna take advantage of that opportunity and study acting.
你会一直想起我 作为一种 很温馨的回忆 这样就很好
And you’ll think of me always as a fond memory. And be nice.
你知道我们得停止互相来往了 是吗?
You know we have to stop seeing each other, don’t you?
噢 是的 没错 我理解
Oh, yeah, right, I understand.
我可以从电♥话♥那头 你传过来的声音里听出来
I could tell by the sound of your voice over the phone.
非常的发号♥施令 你知道 像是教皇
Very authoritative, you know, like the pope…
或是《2001: 星际漫游》里的电脑
or the computer in 2001.
这样下去对你很不公平 我不知道我究竟在干什么
It’s not fair to you, and I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.
-是啊 是啊 -别这样 别那么生气
-Right. -Come on, don’t be angry.
一开始是你先卷进来的 然后你又对现况不满意
You brought this up to begin with. You’re not happy with things.
我没有生气 我就知道 这事会像这样结束
I’m not angry. It’s just that I knew it was gonna end this way.
可是现在它结束了 我还是有点难过 行吗?
Now that it’s happened, I’m upset, okay?
你看 你不想做出什么承诺
Look, you don’t wanna make a commitment…
我也不希望毁掉我的婚姻 然后发现我们俩其实并不合适
and I don’t wanna break up my marriage then find out we’re no good together.
I’ve gotta start thinking about Emily.
很好 你的意思我明白了 非常清楚
Okay, you made your point. It’s very clear.
我很高兴我们当中有人 有了勇气来了结这一切
I’m just glad one of us had the nerve to end it.
-你不会有事吧? -不会
-Will you be all right? -Yeah.
我当然不会有事 你以为我会怎么做? 去上吊?
Of course, I’m gonna be all right. Do you think I’m gonna hang myself?
我是个漂亮的女人 我年轻 有高智商
I’m a beautiful woman, young, highly intelligent.
所有其他事情都顺顺当当 我想说的是… 我不知道
I got everything going for me. The point is that I don’t know.
我现在实在是一团糟! 我只是… 见鬼!
I’m all fucked-up. I’m just… Shit.
我想要说的是: 我究竟有什么理由要搅和在里面?
The point is: What the hell am I doing in this relationship anyway?
My phone never stops ringing.
只要我愿意 我可以和 “麻省理工”的所有教职员上♥床♥
I can go to bed with the entire faculty of M.I.T. if I wanted to.
这简直是… 我不知道
It’s just… I don’t know.
I’m wasting myself on a married man.
听着 我想我最好现在就走
Listen, I think I’d better go now.
I just want you to have this.
我买♥♥的两张今晚去看朗帕尔的门票 给你 拿去吧
I got these tickets to see Rampal tonight. Here, take them.
听着 这对我也非常艰难
This is very hard on me too.
别 拜托! 拿上票和你太太去看吧
Take them and go with your wife.
玛丽 别这样 你喜欢朗帕尔
Come on, you love Rampal.
找个人陪你去吧 就找艾萨克吧
Call somebody up. Take Isaac.
去你的蛋 耶尔!
Fuck off, Yale.
呃… 我知道你可能会觉得这水 怎么有点棕色
I know you’re gonna think the water’s a little brown,
but you can drink it.
你知道 这是… 别被它吓到了
You know, it’s… Don’t get thrown by this.
-我真的很抱歉来打搅你 -没问题 真的
-I’m really sorry for bothering you. -No problem, really.
我不知道… 天哪 这水是棕色的 是吗?
I didn’t know… God, is this brown, isn’t it?
是有点偏棕色 毫无疑问
It is on the brown side, no question,
可是 你知道 一会儿你就会习惯了
but you get used to it after a while.
我不知道该给谁打电♥话♥ 所以我来找你
I didn’t know who to call, that’s all.
我想你最好别吃安定 因为我认为它会致癌
Don’t take Valium. They cause cancer.
-不可能 就半片安定? -是的 我想是腹腔癌
-No, half a Valium? -Yeah, abdominal cancer.
-这是什么时候发现的? -这… 这只是我的理论
-When did they find that out? -That’s just my theory.
但是我认为它是对的 我身上就已经长了东西
But I think it’s correct. I got tissues someplace.
-我想我要是长了 也是罪有应得 -噢 别这么说!
-I guess I deserve everything I get. -Oh, come on.
是真的 的确是这样的 我早就知道我和耶尔不可能有结果
It’s true, it’s really true. I knew it couldn’t possibly work out.
是啊 你… 你找了个
Yeah, you pick a
结了婚的家伙 然后…
married guy and then…
当事情没有结果之后 就证实了你那糟糕透顶的感觉
when it doesn’t work out, it confirms your worst feelings.
What worst feelings?
你知道 就是那些你对男人 对婚姻的感觉
You know, your feelings about men and marriage and
没有一样是对的 诸如此类的破烂玩意儿
that nothing works.
噢 拜托 别为我做心理分♥析♥!
Please, don’t psychoanalyze me.
我有心理医生为我做 我付钱的
I pay a doctor for that.
嘿 你称那个打电♥话♥给你的 家伙为心理医生?
You call that guy that you talk to a doctor?
You don’t get suspicious
在电♥话♥里哭哭啼啼的 你就没有怀疑过吗?
when your analyst calls you at 3:00 a.m., weeping?
好吧 他是有点旁门左道 可他是个完全合格的心理医生
All right, so he’s unorthodox. He’s a highly qualified doctor.
He’s done a great job on you.
Your self-esteem’s a notch below Kafka’s.
-给你 拿着擤鼻子用 -那是什么声音?
-Here, you can blow your nose. -What is that noise?
-是啊 不可思议 是吗? -是的
-Yeah, it’s incredible, isn’t it? -Yeah.
楼上有个家伙 我不知道 他妈的怎么回事 每天都这样
There’s a guy upstairs. I don’t know what the hell it is. Every day.
像是他在上面要勒死一只鹦鹉 还是怎么着 真受不了!
It’s like he’s up there strangling a parrot or something. I can’t stand it.
怎么可能受得了? 这太可怕了 简直糟透了!
How can you stand it? It’s terrible. It’s awful.
我知道 我以前有处很棒的寓所 可是我付不起钱了
I know. I used to have a great apartment, but I can’t afford it.
你想出去走走吗? 大街上都要比这里安静
You wanna go for a walk? It’s quieter in the street.
-不 我想我还是回家算了 -别这样!
-I think I’ll just go home. -Come on.
是他把我带到这一步的 这才是关键
He led me on. That’s the point.
Why am I reluctant to criticize him?
嘿 放松点 耶尔不会
Hey, relax. Yale would not lead you on.
把你带到这一步 他不是这样的人
He’s not that kind of a guy.
别护着他! 你们这些家伙就会互相包庇
Don’t defend him. You guys all stick up for each other.
耶尔本身是有问题 就像我们所有人一样 你知道
Yale has his problems as we all do.
我的腔调听上去有点像 布列茨坦拉比了
I’m starting to sound like Rabbi Blitzstein here.
好了 你看 谢谢你让我过来
Listen, thanks for letting me come over.
我真的很感谢 谢谢你的好意
I appreciate it. It was nice of you.
你知道 特蕾西和我今晚要出去
Tracy and I are going out tonight
你愿意的话 没事也可以过来
if you wanna come along.
不 不 我没关系的 我没事的
No, I’ll be fine. I’ll be okay.
-是吗? -是的
-Yeah? -Yeah.
你手上拿的纸巾不错啊 很卫生的
That’s a nice, healthy piece of towel paper you got.
噢 天哪 我忘了 唔 再见 谢谢你!
Oh, Jesus, God. Well, good-bye and thanks a lot.
看那家伙戴的假发 简直太搞了!
Look at that guy’s toupee. That’s unbelievable.
-真的好怪 -笑死人了!
-Really weird. -That is hilarious.
那边还露出了一英寸粗棉布 你可以看得见
There’s an inch of cheesecloth. You can see it.
我不知道他身边的人 为什么不提醒他
I don’t know why his loved ones don’t tell him.
看上去像是那假发从窗台上落下 在他路过时正好…
It looks like the toupee dropped on his head from a window ledge…
扣到他头上 没人…
when he was walking, and no one…
你看他太太 她的脸像是 做过八千次拉皮整容
But look at his wife. Her face looks like it was lifted 8,000 times.
是啊 整得不成样了 那么硬梆梆的
I know. It’s so plastic, and it’s so tight.
-我讨厌整容 特别讨厌 -她的肉…
-I hate that, I just hate that. -Her flesh is…
她们为什么不接受自然变老 非要弄些废料往里填?
Why can’t they just age naturally instead of putting all that junk on?
是的 这看起来… 老人的脸也很美
I know, it looks… Old faces are nice.
是的 没错
Yeah. Great.
嘿 小心点! 别把黑酱油弄到床上了
Be careful. I think I got black bean sauce in the bed.
We’re gonna sleep in that tonight.
噢 你看 太好了! 深夜场要放菲尔茨的电影
The late show’s a W.C. Fields film.
太棒了 我们一定要看
Great. We gotta watch that.
噢 天哪
Oh, God.
哇哦 这感觉真好 我的生活总算又重回正轨
Boy, I really feel good. I’ve got my life together finally.
你知道 我最后不得不快刀斩乱麻
You know, I just had to cut this thing off finally.
我不是那种适合搞婚外恋的人 我最后终于想明白了
I’m not the type for affairs. I finally figured it out.
你后来有没有再听到过玛丽 或再见过她?
Do you ever hear from Mary or see her?
没有 我们完全了断了 我想那样更容易一些
No, we just cut it off. I think it’s easier that way.
她是个很不错的人 不值得 和一个已婚男人纵情一时
She’s a terrific person. She deserves more than a fling with a married guy.
她是不错 她有点神神叨叨的 不过是还不错
She’s a little screwed up, but great.
你最好这一口了 你应该打电♥话♥给她
That’s right up your alley. You ought to call her.
我… 我应该打电♥话♥给她?
I-I should call her?
-是的 -我为什么要打电♥话♥给她?
-Yeah. -Why should I call her?
因为她喜欢你 她告诉过我她喜欢你
Because she likes you. She told me she did.
-你疯了吧 -不 我没有
-You’re crazy. -No, I’m not.
She said she finds you attractive.
-她说她觉得我很有吸引力? -是的
-She said she finds me attractive? -Yeah.
When was this?
第一次见过你以后 她这样说的
She said it when she first met you.
-我怎么不知道? -抱歉没告诉你
-I didn’t know. -Sorry about that.
I always think of you two guys as together.
-我想我不应该… -我们结束了 都结束了
-I don’t think that I could… -It’s over.
Unless you’re serious about Tracy.
Are you serious about Tracy?
-特蕾西太年轻了 -那么就打电♥话♥给她
-Tracy’s too young. -Then call her up.
听着 她不是个幸福的人
Listen, she’s an unhappy person.
我是说 她的生活里需要些东西
I mean, she needs something in her life.
I think you guys would be good together.
