Well, I liked her first!
“我先喜欢她的” 你多大啦 六岁小孩? 天哪!
“I liked her first.” What are you, six years old? Jesus.
听着 我以为我们结束了 我是说 要是我当时还喜欢她
I thought it was over. Would I have encouraged you…
to take her out if I still liked her?
所以你喜欢她 你不喜欢她 然后你又喜欢她
You liked her. Now you don’t like her. Then you did like her.
现在还早得很 晚饭前 你还可以再改一次主意
It’s still early. You can change your mind one more time before dinner.
别阴阳怪气的 你以为我喜欢这样?
Don’t get sarcastic about this. You think I like this?
你背着我和她见面 还打算瞒我多长时间?
How long were you gonna see her without saying anything to me?
别又把这变成你那些 道德大问题中的一个
Don’t turn this into one of your big moral issues.
你本该告诉我 可是你…
All you had to do
你要做的只是给我打个电♥话♥ 和我谈谈
was call me and talk to me.
我非常理解 虽然我不会答应 但是你应该对我诚实
I’m very understanding. I’d said ” No,” but you’d have felt honest.
我是想告诉你来着 可是我知道那会让你难过
I wanted to tell you about it. I knew it was gonna upset you.
We had a few innocent meetings.
有过几次? 她说只有一次!
A few? She said one!
你们俩应该把故事编得圆一些 你们不排练吗?
You guys should get your story straight. Don’t you rehearse?
我们见过两次 一起喝过咖啡
We met twice for coffee.
嘿 打住吧 她不喜欢喝咖啡
Hey, come off it. She doesn’t drink coffee.
你们见面就为了喝”山卡”? 那也太不浪漫了
What’d you do, meet for Sanka? That’s not too romantic.
It’s a little on the geriatric side.
我又不是圣人 行了吧!
I’m not a saint.
可是你太纵容自己了 你不觉得吗?
But you’re too easy on yourself. Don’t you see that?
That’s your whole problem.
你做什么都有理由 你对自己极其不诚实
You rationalize everything. You’re not honest with yourself.
你叨叨着你要写一本书 可到头来你却买♥♥了一辆”保时捷”
You talk about you wanna write a book. In the end you’d rather buy the Porsche.
你对埃米莉玩点小欺骗 对我玩点小心计
You cheat a little bit on Emily and play around the truth a little with me…
and the next thing you know you’re in front of a Senate committee…
指名道姓 告发你的朋友了!
and you’re naming names, informing on your friends!
你太自以为是了 我是说 我们只是普通人!
You are so self-righteous. We’re just people!
我们只是普通的人! 而你以为自己是上帝!
We’re just human beings! You think you’re God!
I gotta model myself after someone.
你不能再这个样子下去了 你把自己当成个完美化身似的
You just can’t live the way you do. It’s all so perfect.
What are future generations gonna say about us?
天哪 迟早 我们也会变得像他一样
Someday, we’re gonna be like him.
我是说 你知道 他在世时也许非常漂亮
He was probably one of the beautiful people.
他也许也会跳舞 会玩网球等等的
He was probably dancing and playing tennis and everything.
可是最终 我们都会变得跟他一样
And this is what happens to us.
你知道 一个人得有点人格 这一点非常重要
It’s very important to have some kind of personal integrity.
你知道 也许有一天 我也会被挂在某间教室里
I’ll be hanging in a classroom one day…
我希望在我变成骨架子的时候 人们想到的是我的好
and I wanna make sure when I thin out that I’m well thought of.
艾克 艾萨克 你要去哪儿?
Where are you going?
不 我知道耶尔有了外遇
No, I knew Yale had affairs.
可是话说回来 没有什么是十全十美的
But then, nothing’s perfect.
婚姻是… 需要一些小的妥协 我想是
Marriage is a… requires some minor compromises, I guess.
很有意思 因为我不能… 你知道
You know, it’s funny, because I can’t…
我是个不能妥协的人 我是说 我不同意你的意见
I’m just a non-compromiser. I can’t see that.
我一直认为对问题视而不见 是一个大错
I think it’s always a big mistake to look the other way…
因为到头来 无论如何 你都是要为此付出代价的
’cause you always wind up paying for it in the end anyhow.
可是又怎样呢? 你知道吉尔在那书里是怎么写我的
But then, you saw what Jill wrote about me in that book.
我… 我活在过去
I’m living in the past.
你怎么样? 有没有认识别的人?
How about you? You seeing anybody?
你知道 交女友这事 对我来说从来不成问题
You know, I never had any problem meeting women.
不过一星期之前 我产生了这样的想法:
But I was thinking about this just about a week ago.
我在想… 我知道这听上去有点奇怪
I think, and I know this sounds strange…
but I think I really missed
a good bet when I let Tracy go.
-你还记得特蕾西吗? -记得 我一直很喜欢她
-Do you remember Tracy? -Yeah, I always liked her.
是啊 上星期我在家里 就一直在想这事
Yeah, I was just thinking about this at home last week…
我想起过去这几年里 我认识的所有女性
and I think of all the women I’ve known over the last years…
when I actually am honest with myself…
I think I had the most relaxed times…
我最美好的时光 你知道 是和她一起度过的
and the most, you know… the nicest times with her.
她真是个不错的女孩 只是太年轻 对吗?
She was really a terrific kid, but young, right?
-所以 就这样了 -你为什么不给她打电♥话♥?
-So, that’s that. -Why don’t you call her?
I would never do that.
I think I blew that one.
我把她拒之于千里之外 没有给她一点机会
I really kept her at a distance and would never give her a chance.
她真的很可爱 你知道 她打电♥话♥给我…
She was so sweet. She called me…
约一个月前 她给我的 留言电♥话♥留了条口信
She left a message with my service about a month ago…
that I should watch Grand Illusion on television.
可是我从不给她回电♥话♥什么的 你知道
And I never returned her call or anything…
因为我不想 你知道 利用她的这份感情
’cause I didn’t wanna lead her on or anything.
你知道 她真的很在乎我 而我…
She really cared about me, and I…
你知道吗? 我真的对你有点恼火
I was a little pissed off at you.
我在想要是你没有介绍 玛丽和耶尔认识
I figured if you hadn’t introduced Mary to Yale…
this might never have happened.
An idea for a short story…
关于 呃… 生活在曼哈顿的人们
about, um, people in Manhattan…
他们庸人自扰 时时制♥造♥出…
who are constantly creating…
那些毫无必要的 神经兮兮的问题
these real unnecessary neurotic problems for themselves…
因为这样 他们就不用去面对…
’cause it keeps them from dealing with…
more unsolvable…
terrifying problems about the universe.
唔 还是乐观一点吧
Well, it has to be optimistic.
好吧 为什么活着是值得的?
All right, why is life worth living?
That’s a very good question.
唔 我想存在着一些东西 使我们值得活下去
Well, there are certain things I guess that make it worthwhile.
Like what?
For me…
我会说格劳乔·马克斯 比如说
I would say, what, Groucho Marx, to name one thing…
and Willie Mays…
and the second movement of the Jupiter Symphony…
还有 呃… 路易·阿姆斯特朗的…
and, uh, Louie Armstrong…
recording of “Potatohead Blues”…
当然 还有瑞典电影
Swedish movies, naturally…
Sentimental Education by Flaubert…
马龙·白兰度 弗兰克·辛纳特拉
Marlon Brando, Frank Sinatra…
those incredible…
apples and pears by Cezanne…
the crabs at Sam Wo’s…
Tracy’s face.
What are you doing here?
唔 我跑来的
Well, I ran.
我试着给你打电♥话♥ 可是总是忙音
I tried to call you on the phone, but it was busy.
I knew that was two hours worth of…
可是我又没能叫到出租车 所以我只好跑了来
Then I couldn’t get a taxi cab, so I ran.
Where are you going?
-伦敦 -你现在就要去伦敦了吗?
-London. -You’re going to London now?
你… 你什么意思?
What do you… What do you mean?
要是我再晚到两分钟 你就已经去伦敦啦?
If I got over here two minutes later, you’d be going to London?
好吧 我还是直说了吧
Well, let me get right to the point then.
我认为你不应该去 我想我犯了一个大错
I don’t think you ought to go. I think I made a big mistake.
I would prefer it if you didn’t go.
我是说真的 我知道现在很不是时候 可是…
I mean it. I know it looks real bad now, but…
你和别的人认识啦? 你和其他人好上啦?
Are you seeing anybody? Are you going with anybody?
那么 你还爱我吗? 还是旧情已逝或怎么样嘛?
Well, do you still love me or has that worn off or what?
天哪 你一下子冒了出来
Jesus, you pop up.
你一直不打电♥话♥给我 然后突然又出现了
You don’t call me, and then you suddenly appear.
我想说 你认识的那个女的怎么样了?
I mean, what happened to that women you met?
好吧 我来告诉你 这…
Well, I’m telling you, it’s…
I don’t see her anymore.
我是说 你知道 我做错了 你还要我怎么说呢?
I made a mistake. What do you want me to say?
I don’t think you ought to go to London.
Well, I have to go.
我是说 所有的计划 都已经弄好了 都安排好了
I mean, all the plans have been made, the arrangements.
我爸妈现在已经在那儿了 正在为我寻找住的地方
My parents are there now looking for a place for me to live.
Do you still love me or what?
Do you love me?
