malleable 英 [ˈmæliəbl] 美 [ˈmæliəbl]



  • Another disadvantage of composites is that they are not as malleable as metals. Bit by bit, however, that disadvantage is disappearing.
  • Their game involved no serving and a complicated but curiously malleable set of rules that often appeared, to me, to change midgame and almost always to Denis’s advantage.


[adjective] (of a metal or other material) able to be hammered or pressed permanently out of shape without breaking or cracking
[形容词] (指金属或其他材料)能被锤击或压制成永久变形而不断裂或破裂的


Malleable 源自拉丁语 malleus (锤子),14世纪末进入英语时仅表示“金属等材料可锤展的、可锻造的、可轧压的、可塑的、易成型的”,比如铅和锡是具延展性的金属(lead and tin are malleable metals)。

  • 延伸阅读:熟词僻义 | lead是一种什么金属?

除了金属以外,有很多人也存在着这种易受外界影响的现象,于是到了16世纪,人们开始将 malleable 用在人身上,指“人或思想等可塑的、易受影响或改变的”,比如他具有演员典型的可塑性强的特征(he had an actor’s typically malleable features)。

这种容易被外界影响或改变的人,往往都比较温顺,所以也可以用 malleable 表示“顺从的、易管教的”,这与小站前天发的 docile 相似,比如一只廉价又听话的劳动力队伍(a cheap and malleable labour force)。

  • 延伸阅读:小词详解 | docile


Habits are malleable throughout your entire life.

出自美国记者、非小说类作家、普利策奖获得者查尔斯·都希格(Charles Duhigg,1974年生)。他毕业于耶鲁大学历史系,是畅销书《习惯的力量》(The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business)和《高效的秘密》(Smarter Faster Better)的作者。


malleable (MAL ee ah bul) From the Latin word for “hammer,” this adjective means “capable of being shaped or formed (as if by hammering, either literally or figuratively).” It can be used to describe things or people who easily adjust to differing circumstances.

  • Bernard was an extremely malleable child, which made him easily liked by the other children, particularly the bullies who always wanted to have their way.
  • The jewelry designer preferred working with silver because it is an extremely malleable metal, making it ideal for creating unique and intricate settings.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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malleable (MAL ee ah bul) 源自拉丁语中的 “锤子”,这个形容词的意思是 “能够被塑造或形成(就像被锤子敲打一样,无论是字面还是比喻)。” 它可以用来描述那些容易适应不同环境的事物或人。






  1. malleable material: 易塑性材料
  2. malleable metal: 易塑性金属
  3. malleable clay: 易塑性黏土
  4. malleable substance: 易塑性物质
  5. malleable nature: 易受影响的性质
  6. malleable personality: 易受影响的个性
  7. malleable character: 易塑性品格
  8. malleable behavior: 易受影响的行为
  9. malleable attitude: 易受影响的态度
  10. malleable mindset: 易塑性心态
  11. malleable opinions: 易变的观点
  12. malleable beliefs: 易变的信仰
  13. malleable culture: 易塑性文化
  14. malleable society: 易塑性社会
  15. malleable environment: 易受影响的环境
  16. malleable ideas: 易变的想法
  17. malleable perceptions: 易变的感知
  18. malleable concepts: 易变的概念
  19. malleable thoughts: 易受影响的思维
  20. malleable emotions: 易变的情感
  21. malleable traditions: 易变的传统
  22. malleable norms: 易变的规范
  23. malleable customs: 易塑性习俗
  24. malleable values: 易变的价值观
  25. malleable principles: 易变的原则
  26. malleable ethics: 易塑性道德
  27. malleable standards: 易变的标准
  28. malleable rules: 易变的规则
  29. malleable regulations: 易变的法规
  30. malleable policies: 易受影响的政策
  31. malleable decisions: 易变的决策
  32. malleable strategies: 易受影响的策略
  33. malleable plans: 易变的计划
  34. malleable approaches: 易受影响的方法
  35. malleable techniques: 易变的技术
  36. malleable skills: 易塑性技能
  37. malleable talents: 易受影响的才能
  38. malleable creativity: 易塑性创造力
  39. malleable innovation: 易受影响的创新
  40. malleable thinking: 易变的思维
  41. malleable learning: 易塑性学习
  42. malleable adaptation: 易受影响的适应
  43. malleable growth: 易变的成长
  44. malleable development: 易受影响的发展
  45. malleable progress: 易变的进步
  46. malleable transformation: 易受影响的转变
  47. malleable change: 易变的变化
  48. malleable evolution: 易受影响的演化
  49. malleable adjustment: 易变的调整
  50. malleable modification: 易受影响的修改


  • pliable: easily bent; flexible
  • ductile: able to be deformed without losing toughness; pliable, not brittle
  • plastic: (of a substance or material) easily shaped or molded
