maelstrom /ˈmeɪlstrɒm/指大漩涡,源于Maelstrom(挪威西北海岸罗弗敦群岛附近的猛烈潮水)。maelstrom出自荷兰语malen(磨)和stroom(流动)。据说曾有船载了两个磨石航行于此水域,磨石磨出了大量的盐,最后重得把船都压沉了,两个磨石在水底仍不断地转动,这也说明了为什么附近水域惊涛汹涌、咸涩异常。该词本专指挪威的这个漩涡,后适用范围扩大,也用于比喻混乱骚动的局面。
- Get caught in a maelstrom: 被卷入漩涡中
- Survive the maelstrom: 在漩涡中生存下来
- Navigate the maelstrom: 操纵漩涡般的局势
- Escape the maelstrom: 逃离漩涡
- Weather the maelstrom: 度过漩涡时期
- Amidst the maelstrom: 在漩涡之中
- Stir up a maelstrom: 引起一场漩涡
- Unleash a maelstrom of emotions: 释放一股情绪漩涡
- Tumultuous maelstrom: 喧嚣的漩涡
- Dive into the maelstrom: 跳入漩涡
- Ride the maelstrom: 骑乘漩涡
- Witness the maelstrom: 见证漩涡
- Conquer the maelstrom: 征服漩涡
- Sucked into the maelstrom: 被吸入漩涡
- Chaos of the maelstrom: 漩涡的混乱
- Dance within the maelstrom: 在漩涡中舞动
- Battle the maelstrom: 对抗漩涡
- Swirl in the maelstrom: 在漩涡中旋转
- Find calm amidst the maelstrom: 在漩涡中找到宁静
- Whirlwind maelstrom: 旋风般的漩涡
- Engulfed by the maelstrom: 被漩涡吞噬
- Plunge into the maelstrom: 跳入漩涡
- Break free from the maelstrom: 从漩涡中挣脱出来
- The eye of the maelstrom: 漩涡之眼
- Lost in the maelstrom: 在漩涡中迷失
- Collide with the maelstrom: 与漩涡相撞
- Unpredictable maelstrom: 不可预测的漩涡
- Swallowed by the maelstrom: 被漩涡吞没
- Steer clear of the maelstrom: 避开漩涡
- Sink into the maelstrom: 沉入漩涡
- Embrace the maelstrom: 拥抱漩涡
- Escape the maelstrom‘s grip: 逃离漩涡的掌控
- Caught in the maelstrom of emotions: 被情绪漩涡困扰
- The destructive maelstrom: 毁灭性的漩涡
- Emotionally charged maelstrom: 充满情绪的漩涡
- Battle the maelstrom of chaos: 对抗混乱的漩涡
- Descend into the maelstrom: 降临漩涡之中
- Overwhelmed by the maelstrom: 被漩涡压倒
- Caught in the political maelstrom: 被卷入政治漩涡
- Struggle against the maelstrom: 与漩涡抗争
- Find a way out of the maelstrom: 找到摆脱漩涡的方法
- Engulfed by the maelstrom of controversy: 被争议的漩涡吞没
- The maelstrom of conflicting opinions: 互相矛盾的意见漩涡
- Battle through the maelstrom of challenges: 在挑战的漩涡中奋战
- Navigate the maelstrom of uncertainty: 驾驭不确定性的漩涡
- Caught in the financial maelstrom: 被金融漩涡困扰
- Plunge into the maelstrom of danger: 跳入危险的漩涡
- The maelstrom of conflicting emotions: 矛盾情绪的漩涡
- The maelstrom of change: 变革的漩涡
- The relentless maelstrom: 无情的漩涡