

[adjective] producing a great deal of profit
[形容词] 产生大量利润的


Lucrative 一词对于小站(微信公众号:田间小站)的老铁们来说应该较为熟悉了,今年先后在 单词双拼 | 这份 sideline 很赚钱 和 小词详解 | attest 中出现过。

该词最早于15世纪初经古法语 lucratif (有利可图的)或直接由拉丁语 lucrativus (有报酬的、有利可图的)进入英语,即用来表示“赚大钱的、获利多的”,强调生意、交易、职位或活动等带来大量回报或利润,或者企业、事业等的成功超出最初的期望,比如:

  • 我可以证实他的话是千真万确的。在如此一个不景气的时期,这份副业很赚钱。
    I can attest to the absolute truth of his statement. In such a lean period, it was quite a lucrative sideline.


He never appreciated being awoken early on a Saturday morning, but it was particularly distasteful that he had been called in to oversee the arrest of one of his most lucrative clients.

出自美国著名作家丹·布朗的悬疑惊悚小说《达芬奇密码》(The Da Vinci Code)。


  • Graduate students are regularly lured away from their studies by lucrative jobs.
  • A niche business straddling journalism and oil is proving surprisingly lucrative.


lucrative (LOO kra tive) This adjective means “yielding money or profit.” Another word for money is “lucre,” however it generally has a negative connotation associated with money that comes from greed as in the mention of “filthy lucre” in the Bible (Titus 1:11). In fact, the word comes from the Latin root for “avarice.”

  • “Plastics is a very lucrative business, Benjamin,” said Mr. Robinson. “You should consider a career in a field that will make you rich.”
  • The miser surveyed his Rich!” lucre and rubbed his hands greedily. “I’m rich!” he exclaimed.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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有利可图(LOO kra tive)这个形容词的意思是“产生金钱或利润”。金钱的另一个词是“幸运”,但它通常有一个负面的含义,与来自贪婪的金钱有关,就像圣经中提到的“肮脏的幸运”一样(提多书1:11)。事实上,这个词来自拉丁词根“贪婪”


1. Lucrative business – 有利可图的生意

  • He started a lucrative business selling handmade crafts online. (他在网上开办了一个卖手工艺品的有利可图的生意。)

2. Lucrative career – 有前途的职业

  • Becoming a software engineer can lead to a lucrative career with high earning potential. (成为一名软件工程师可以带来有前途且薪水潜力大的职业。)

3. Lucrative investment – 有利可图的投资

  • Real estate has always been a lucrative investment option. (房地产一直是一个有利可图的投资选择。)

4. Lucrative deal – 有利可图的交易

  • The company secured a lucrative deal with a major client, boosting its revenue significantly. (该公司与一家重要客户达成了一笔有利可图的交易,大幅增加了其收入。)

5. Lucrative market – 有利可图的市场

  • The fashion industry is known for being a highly lucrative market. (时尚产业以其高利润的市场而闻名。)

6. Lucrative opportunity – 有利可图的机会

  • The entrepreneur seized the lucrative opportunity to launch a new tech startup. (这位企业家抓住了有利可图的机会,推出了一家新的科技创业公司。)

7. Lucrative contract – 有利可图的合同

  • The actor signed a lucrative contract to star in a blockbuster movie. (这位演员签下了一份有利可图的合同,参演一部大片。)

8. Lucrative project – 有利可图的项目

  • The construction company won a bid for a lucrative project to build a luxury hotel. (建筑公司赢得了一项有利可图的建造豪华酒店的项目投标。)

9. Lucrative partnership – 有利可图的合作伙伴关系

  • The collaboration between the two companies proved to be a lucrative partnership, generating substantial profits. (这两家公司之间的合作被证明是一种有利可图的合作伙伴关系,创造了可观的利润。)

10. Lucrative sideline – 有利可图的副业 – He started a photography business as a lucrative sideline to his main job. (他开办了一家摄影业务作为他主要工作的有利可图的副业。)

11. Lucrative investment opportunity – 有利可图的投资机会 – The company presented a lucrative investment opportunity in renewable energy projects. (该公司提供了一个有利可图的可再生能源项目投资机会。)

12. Lucrative commission – 有利可图的佣金 – The salesperson earned a lucrative commission for closing the big deal. (销售人员为成功达成这笔大交易赚取了一笔有利可图的佣金。)

13. Lucrative side business – 有利可图的副业 – She started a successful bakery as a lucrative side business to her full-time job. (她开办了一家成功的面包店作为她全职工作的有利可图的副业。)

14. Lucrative advertising campaign – 有利可图的广告活动 – The company launched a lucrative advertising campaign to promote their new product. (该公司启动了一项有利可图的广告活动,以推广他们的新产品。)

15. Lucrative sales opportunity – 有利可图的销售机会 – The sales team identified a lucrative sales opportunity in the emerging market. (销售团队在新兴市场中找到了一个有利可图的销售机会。)

16. Lucrative contract negotiation – 有利可图的合同谈判 – The lawyer successfully negotiated a lucrative contract for their client. (律师成功地为客户谈判了一份有利可图的合同。)

17. Lucrative royalty agreement – 有利可图的版税协议 – The author signed a lucrative royalty agreement with the publishing company. (这位作者与出版公司签订了一份有利可图的版税协议。)

18. Lucrative export market – 有利可图的出口市场 – The company expanded its operations to tap into a lucrative export market. (该公司扩大了业务以进入一个有利可图的出口市场。)

19. Lucrative franchise opportunity – 有利可图的特许经营机会 – The entrepreneur invested in a lucrative franchise opportunity and opened multiple successful outlets. (这位企业家投资了一个有利可图的特许经营机会,并开设了多家成功的分店。)

20. Lucrative stock investment – 有利可图的股票投资 – He made a lucrative stock investment and earned significant returns. (他进行了一次有利可图的股票投资,并获得了可观的回报。)

21. Lucrative consulting contract – 有利可图的咨询合同 – The consultant secured a lucrative consulting contract with a multinational corporation. (这位顾问与一家跨国公司签署了一份有利可图的咨询合同。)

22. Lucrative sponsorship deal – 有利可图的赞助协议 – The athlete signed a lucrative sponsorship deal with a major sports brand. (这位运动员与一家重要的运动品牌签署了一项有利可图的赞助协议。)

23. Lucrative rental property – 有利可图的租赁物业 – The investor purchased a lucrative rental property that generated consistent rental income. (这位投资者购买了一处有利可图的租赁物业,产生了稳定的租金收入。)

24. Lucrative endorsement contract – 有利可图的代言合同 – The celebrity signed a lucrative endorsement contract with a famous fashion brand. (这位名人与一家著名时尚品牌签署了一份有利可图的代言合同。)

25. Lucrative freelance opportunity – 有利可图的自由职业机会 – The graphic designer found a lucrative freelance opportunity to work on a high-profile project. (这位平面设计师找到了一个有利可图的自由职业机会,参与一项备受关注的项目。)

26. Lucrative import business – 有利可图的进口业务 – The company established a lucrative import business, sourcing high-demand products from overseas. (该公司建立了一个有利可图的进口业务,从海外采购高需求的产品。)

27. Lucrative sales incentive – 有利可图的销售激励措施 – The sales team was motivated by a lucrative sales incentive program, resulting in increased productivity. (销售团队受到有利可图的销售激励计划的激励,从而提高了生产力。)

28. Lucrative online business – 有利可图的在线业务 – She built a lucrative online business selling handmade jewelry through e-commerce platforms. (她通过电子商务平台销售手工珠宝,建立了一个有利可图的在线业务。)

29. Lucrative contract renewal – 有利可图的合同续约 – The company successfully negotiated a lucrative contract renewal with their major client. (该公司成功地与其重要客户谈判了一份有利可图的合同续约。)

30. Lucrative export opportunity – 有利可图的出口机会 – The manufacturer seized a lucrative export opportunity to expand their international market presence. (该制造商抓住了一个有利可图的出口机会,扩大了他们在国际市场的存在。)


profitable: (of a business or activity) yielding profit or financial gain
gainful: serving to increase wealth or resources; providing money or other benefit
remunerative: financially rewarding; lucrative

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
