Do you lack self-confidence, Agent Shepard?
等我两小时 当然
Give me two hours? – Sure.
我看到你采访了他 – 很多人都看到了
I saw your interview with Mr. Escobar. – Thousands of people saw it.
对于他 你有什么要说的
What can you tell me about him?
真失望 你为什么对我没兴趣呢
So dissappointing. You’re not interested in me. You are interested in Pablo.
I’m a married man.
So you know how he makes his money?
贵国大使♥馆♥告诉你什么 – 没什么
What does your embassy over there tell you? – Nothing good.
No, Mr Escobar is an elected government representative.
所以我认为 缉毒署没有法律权力干涉哥伦比亚政♥治♥
So I don’t think the DEA has any legal authority to interfere in Colombian politics.
你们国家生产的毒品 正在进入我国 令我们很担心
The drugs produced in your country are entering mine and that worries us.
不 不
No. No.
Your government is only worried about the money
从美国流出 而不是毒品进来
leaving the country not the drugs that come in.
他们与意大利黑♥手♥党♥ 就没有此问题
They don’t have this problem with the Italian mafia
因为他们不会让钱流出国外 毒品的钱不同 它们没有了
because what they make stays here. Drug money is different. It flies away.
That’s what worries you.
他说了什么 巴勃罗
What did he say? Pablo?
你说要来见我 他说了什么
When you told him that you’re coming to meet me? What did he say?
他说 美国应付帐
He said to make sure the United States pays the bill.
You two are involved.
You have the nerve to ask me that?
你为什么不去找中情局 – 我会的
Why don’t you ask your friends at the CIA? – I will.
知道吗 我会同意喝一杯
You know what? I would have agreed to a drink…
even without the badge.
巴勃罗在哪里 – 去波哥大了
Where is Pablo? He had to go to Bogota.
Congress is calling a special session.
They want to revoke his appointment.
They cannot do that.
Well. that bastard minister of justice has it out for us.
是他的要求 进行审查
He requested a review.
一切都失控了 弗吉尼亚
Things are getting wild Virginia.
The whole country is watching us.
We are in the spotlight.
议员们 这是耻辱
Congressman, this is a disgrace!
这些人 一夜暴富
These men, who became inexplicably rich overnight,
入侵了我们这个神圣的机构 进行了阴暗交易
have reached this sacred institution with their shady dealings.
他们在众议院的存在 是对每个哥伦比亚人的侮辱
Their presence in the house is an insult to every Colombian.
Congressman Escobar.
It certainly must have been quite a struggle for you to obtain your fortune…
然而 在麦德林
and to go from having a few properties in Medellin
不到两年内 累积超过了20亿美元
to accumulating more than two billion dollars in less than two years.
总统先生 各位议员们
Mr. President, Fellow Congressmen.
司法部长显然不相信 一个出身卑微的人
Apparently, his honor the Minister of Justice doesn’t believe that a person of humble origin
能通过努力工作 达到更高的社会地位 或入座本房♥间
can through hard work, reach a higher social position or a seat in this room.
也许你应扪心自问自己的存在 部长先生
Maybe you should question your own presence here Mr. Minister.
因为 如果你不相信你所代表的正义
Because if you don’t believe in the justice that you represent.
要借用别国的司法系统 来对付我们的公民
Then you want the justice system of another country for our citizens.
所以你不配你的职位 你应辞职
So you don’t deserve your position. You should resign.
你今天说谎 暗示我的财富来自贩毒
You have lied today by suggesting that my money is linked to drug trafficking.
因此 我给你24小时 请出示具体的指控证据
That’s why, I’m giving your honor 24 hours to present solid evidence of your accussations against me
其实 你应该是那个解释的人
Actually you are the one who should explain
钱的来源 是谁资助你的竞选
the origin of the money that financed your campaign.
Mr. President.
Mr. President.
I will bring, I will bring proof to this room, of the quantities
that you and some of your colleagues have received from certain people.
不像你 我有确凿的证据
Yes, unlike you, solid proof.
时间 地点和多少
When, where and how much.
证据 非常感谢 总统先生
Evidence. Thank you very much, Mr. President.
辞职 辞职
Resign! Resign!
埃斯科巴议员 有详细的资料
Congressman Escobar has detailed information
about how drug trafficking operates.
对一个靠谦逊勤奋的人来说 这很令人惊讶
Which continues to surprise for a humble and hardworking man like himself.
巴勃罗 辞职 在他们把你赶出去之前辞职
Pablo, resign. Leave, leave before they kick you out.
我希望我儿子看到我在国会 维多利亚
I want my son to see me there, Victoria.
今天的全国性事件 你不希望你儿子看到吧 巴勃罗
You don’t want your son to see what the whole country saw today, Pablo.
Those men clapping in there today and laughing in there today
they have a lot to hide.
The President publicly backed the Minister.
总统支持部长 因为他也有很多要隐瞒
The President backs the minister because he has a lot to hide too.
So what are going to do accuse the President as well
in front of of the whole country?
巴勃罗 你是毒贩
Pablo, you’re a drug trafficker.
那些混♥蛋♥ 招之即来
Yes, and those bastards they stand up when I call them.
他们来参加我的派对 拿走了我给他们的每一分钱
And they come to my parties and they grab every penny I gave them.
可恶的猪 – 你说一切都会好的
The damn pig! – You promised me everything will be alright.
一切都很好 – 我怀孕了
Everything is fine. – I’m pregnant.
My Beloved…
My Beloved.
我不想孩子受苦 – 不会的
I don’t want our baby to suffer. It won’t suffer.”
答应我 孩子不会受苦
Promise me it won’t suffer.
答应我 否则我就终止怀孕
Promise me, or I won’t have it.
喂 你是谁
Yes? Hello? Who is this?
混♥蛋♥ 该死的混♥蛋♥
Motherfuckers! The damn fuckers!
I don’t want to a single newspaper on the street. No no, not one.
每份我出500比索 明白吗
I will pay 500 pesos per copy, do you understand me?
Spread the word in the slums. Take off
混♥蛋♥ – 冷静点 巴勃罗
Motherfuckers. Calm down, Pablo.
Those fuckers.
“旁观者报”封面故事 写了 巴勃罗年轻时期的罪孽
El Espectador does a cover story about the sins of Pablo’s youth
backing the minister’s accusations.
Come on, hurry up!
他的犯罪记录 包括他参与
His criminal record include his involvement
在莱蒂西亚 谋杀了两名警官
in the murder of two police officers in Leticia.
再见 政♥治♥生涯
Goodbye, career in politics.
想杀我吗 那就杀了我
Don’t you think you’re killing me? Kill me then!
被派去抹除档案的人 没有完成工作
The villagers Pablo sent to erase his past didn’t do his job.
他把钱花在了女人身上 自取灭亡
He spent the money on women who will not mourn his death today.
你打算杀了我吗 那就杀了我
Do you intend to kill me or not? Kill me then!
闭嘴 – 揍他 你这个懦夫
Shut up! – Beat him, you coward!
我们的在天之父 让你的名圣洁
Our Father in heaven, let your name be sanctified!
帮他 伙计们
Help him, damn fighters.
他是重要部长 我准备了三种选择
Since he is such an important minister, I have three different operations prepared for him.
我会具体描述 请大家选择
You want to know about them I’ll let you know and you let me know which one you like the most
就算你们什么都不做 我一定会做
But if you prefer none now… I’ll do it anyway.
他是部长 巴勃罗 你不能杀部长
He’s a minister, Pablo. You can’t kill a minister.
不能 谁说的 你吗
No? Who says that? You?
是时候杀人了 让他们学会尊重
It’s time to start killing people so they learn to respect us.
计划如下 每人出1000万比索
Listen, this is how it goes. Every one of us put up ten million pesos for expenses
所有人都参加 要么集体无辜 要么集体有罪 就么简单
so that way we all are commited. Either we are all innocent or we are all guilty. That easy.
做生意 要杀部长吗
You’re gonna create a company to kill a minister?
在卡利 染血和商业不能混杂 会复杂化
In Cali we do not want to mix blood with business. It complicates things.
卡利已经复杂了 你没注意到吗
Things are already complicated. Haven’t you noticed up there in Cali?
一旦开战 没有赢一半的说法
With war you can’t win halfway.
没有半赢家和半输家 必须全力以赴
There are no half-winners and half-losers. You have to go all the way in.
如果卡利不喜欢血 那就别来我家侮辱我
I mean you people in Cali don’t like blood then you you better not come to my house to insult me.
巴勃罗 他不是故意侮辱你的 – 别怪我没有事先警告
Pablo, he didn’t mean to insult you. Then I didn’t mean to warn him.
听我一句 朋友
Listen my friend.
拉瑞 不会在乡下很久的
Lara will not be in the country for a long.
等他去某个地方当大使 你就可以杀了他
They’re sending him somewhere as ambassador. Then you can kill him.
我被部长侮辱了 不是大使
I was insulted by a minister, not an ambassador.
Do you want to hear the plans?
决定了吗 OK
Are they decided? Ok.
They think they are.

What are we celebrating?
That everything is going to change.
