– No offense. – None taken…
– 无意冒犯 – 没关系…
if… you give me a job.
只要… 你能给我一个工作

Uh, I’m Missie LaHaye.
呃 我是Missie LaHaye
My husband and I, uh, homestead this place.
我丈夫和我 嗯 住在这里
We raise, uh, cattle.
我们 嗯 养牛
This “how,” what is that supposed to mean?
You speak English?
That’s what they tell me.
I’m Miriam Red Hawk McClain.
我是Miriam Red Hawk McClain
Married to Sean McClain
Sean McClain是我丈夫
We homestead the next tract to the south of here.
– Oh, we’re neighbors. – Mm-hmm. Yes, ma’am.
– 哦 我们是邻居 – 没错 是的 女士
Please. Please come in.
请 快请进
– I don’t understand, mister… – Just Scottie’s fine.
– 我不明白 先生… – 叫我Sottie就好
Been cowboying since I was a kid.
I’ve done everything there is to do.
How come you haven’t been hired by one of the big outfits?
I can’t use this no more, so most people think I’m washed up.
我的右手残废了 所以人们都觉得我已经没有用了
But I learned to get by with my left.
You take me on, Mr. LaHaye, and I won’t let you down.
如果你雇了我 LaHaye先生 我是不会让你失望的
You got yourself a job.
Uh, I’m just getting started. Trying to make this place into a home.
嗯 我们才刚来没多久 正努力把这儿变得像个家
Please, sit.
请 请坐
I think I have one last jar of strawberry preserves…
that I’ve been saving for just such an occasion.
Please, here.
Now, this here is a county fair blue ribbon winner.
Mm. Mm.
嗯 嗯
This is very good. You must teach me how to make this.
味道很棒 你一定要教我怎么做
Oh, my mother made it. I’m not a very good cook.
哦 这是我母亲做的 我不是很擅长做饭
When I was growing up, I mostly helped out my pa
我还是孩子的时候 我经常给我爸帮忙
riding horses, plowing the field, tending to the chickens.
骑马 耕作 养鸡
Then you will do very well here.
Many women who come here are soft.
They don’t know how to do these things. You do.
她们不知道怎么做这些事情 你知道
Still, I feel that my husband would prefer a good meal.
尽管如此 我能感觉到我丈夫更喜欢吃美味的晚餐
I brought you some things.
It is too late to start a garden this year, so corn, potatoes, beets.
现在才开始种菜已经晚了 所以这里有玉米 土豆 甜菜
– Oh, thank you, Miriam. – We are neighbors.
– 哦 谢谢你 Miriam – 我们是邻居
The last family was here, well, they could have asked us for more help…
之前住在这儿的一家人 嗯 他们本来可以找我们帮忙的…
but… I think they feared my Shoshone ways.
但是… 我想他们可能是害怕我们肖松尼人
Oh, well, my husband and I will be grateful for whatever help we can get.
哦 嗯 我和我丈夫会非常感激你为我们做的一切
Um, what is in there?
嗯 那里面是什么?
The secret to flaky biscuits.
Pig lard.
Excuse me. Sorry, sorry.
不好意思 对不起 对不起
– What do you think about these? – You could breed ’em.
– 你觉得这些如何? – 你能饲养它们
– Would you be Mr. LaHaye? – I would.
– 你是LaHaye先生吗? – 我是
Well, I’m Fyn Anders. I would like job, sir, if please.
嗯 我是Fyn Anders 如果可以我希望得到一份工作
Uh, what kind of foreigner is you, son?
嗯 你是哪国人 孩子?
I come from Norway on boat…
to find adventure in the big, wide open spaces.
Well, you have any experience around cattle?
嗯 你有放牧的经验吗?
No, sir. But I am big, strong. Own horse.
没有 先生 但是我很强壮 自己有马
Well, Fyn Anders from Norway, this’ll be strictly trial basis.
嗯 来自挪威的Fyn Anders 这里的要求很严格
– Hope you learn fast. – Don’t worry, Mr. LaHaye.
– 希望你学得快点儿 – 这不用担心 LaHaye先生
I learn good and fast. You betcha.
我学得又快又好 你看好吧
– What do you think? – Probably 40 or 50
– 你看呢? – 大概四五十只
Good cow.
The boys will love the jam. And so will their pa.
孩子们会喜欢吃果酱 他们爸也是
Sure I can’t give you any biscuits.
Thank you, though.
不过 谢谢你
Well, maybe next time I’ll make them with the pig lard.
嗯 也许下次我做的时候加点猪油
If I don’t retch.
When you’re ready to bring this little one into the world, I will be there.
当你准备好要生下这个小生命的时候 我会过来的
– I’ve delivered many babies. – Oh, Miriam, thank you!
– 我已经为很多孩子接生过 – 哦 Miriam 谢谢你!
– I’ll bring some books for the boys. – Good.
– 我会给孩子们带些书来的 – 太好了
I don’t want them growing up illiterate like their pa.
我不希望他们长大后 像他们爸一样目不识丁
Very nice to meet you, neighbor.
非常高兴认识你 邻居
You too.
Here comes trouble.
I, uh, heard you were hiring some cowpokes.
我 嗯 我听说你雇了几个牧牛工
Jobs are filled.
Oh, this is the bunch you hired.
哦 他们就是你雇的
You’re really scratching the bottom of the barrel.
Too bad you just couldn’t have waited a bit, hired some real men.
真可惜你没再多等一会 雇几个真正的牛仔
Just where would I find these real men?

Me and my boys.
Not only can we rope and ride…
but most important, we can shoot.
最重要的是 我们会打枪
Hey, mister. I bet you can’t shoot worth nothing.
嘿 先生 我想你一定不会无故浪费子弹
Why don’t I start with you?
Trent, come on. Let’s get out of here.
Trent 行了 我们走吧
Well, we got some cows to drive, so watch them, and do likewise.
我们要赶牛 看着他们怎么做 然后照着做就行了
You betcha, boss.
那还用说 老板
Mr. LaHaye.
How would you feel about hiring on another broke-down old cowboy?
Well, I suppose I wouldn’t feel so good about that, mister…
呃 我觉得不太好吧 你叫…
– My name is Cookie. – You’re a cook.
– 我叫Cookie – 你是个厨子
You’re real quick.
Afraid I can’t afford another hand right now.
Strictly on a trial basis.
Come on! Get up there!
快点! 跟上!
Get it up there! Move it now! Ha!
跟上! 快点! 驾!
It’s a beautiful herd, Willie.
牛群真壮观 Willie
Move it! Come on. Move it!
快点! 跟上 快点!
This… This way. Come on.
这… 这边走 快点
Hyah! Hyah! Come on!
驾! 驾! 快点!
This way. Hyah!
这边 驾!
How do, Miss LaHaye?
您好吗 LaHaye太太?
My dearest Missie, the prospect of being grandparents…
亲爱的Missie 即将成为祖父母…
fills us with such joy and pride.
I can only imagine how happy you must be.
And by now, I’m sure you’ve shared the happy news with that hard-working son-in-law of mine.
而且我肯定你早已把这个好消息 告诉了我那勤劳的女婿
I can still remember the exact moment…
when your mother told me about you.
I was standing in the kitchen eating breakfast…
and most of all, I remember how radiant your mother looked when she told me.
最重要的是 我记得你母亲在那一刻是那样的容光焕发
And as for you, my strong daughter, I hope you are feeling well…
至于你 我坚强的女儿 我希望你现在好好的…
and that it is an easy pregnancy for you.
I love you, darling.
我爱你 亲爱的
My wife and my initials.
Fine idea, including her.
有她的首字母 不错
All this would be nothing without her.
如果没有她 这里的一切都将没有意义
Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife.
所以 男人应该离开他的父亲母亲而忠于妻子
They shall be as one.
Genesis. You know your Bible.
Genesis 你知道圣经
Yes. Yes, good reading material. Anyway, I’m happy for you.
是啊 是本好书 总之 我为你感到高兴
A good marriage, that’s…
一段美好的姻缘 那是…
something to be treasured.
Speaking from experience?
– Scottie! – What?
– Scottie! – 什么?
– Ready for another one? – Not just yet.
– 准备好下一头了吗? – 还没
Hold on.
Where you off to?
I’m taking some books to our neighbors, the McClains.
