May their marriage be long and fruitful.
嗯 我们能做得很有成效
Well, fruitful we can do.
我很高兴你能来 谢谢你 太快了
l’m so glad you came. Thank you. lt’s so soon.
不 对我来说走出家门是件好事
No, it’s good for me to get out of the house.
And l’m so happy that you’re expecting.
老实说 别以为我嫉妒你
Don’t think l’m envious, honestly.
在你知道之前 这就是你 – 嗯
This is gonna be you before you know it. – Hmm.
我知道 我们已经在尝试了 所以
l know. We’re already trying, so…
哇 那太快了 那很棒
Wow, that’s so quick. That’s great.
How long have your father and Jack known each other?
哦 上个月我们一起吃过晚饭
Oh, we all had dinner together last month
just before the divorce came through.
但他们很快就和好了 他们已经在开私人玩笑了
But they got along right away. They have private jokes already.
嗯 嗯 他们离穿着彼此的衣服还有一天 只是为了好玩
Hmm, well, they’re a day away from wearing each other’s clothes just for fun.
好吧 我们最终都会嫁给我们的父亲 不是吗
Well, we all end up marrying our fathers, don’t we?
是的 我只操穿短裤和黑袜子的男人
Yes, l only fuck men in shorts and black socks
who make me join Little League.
lt’s weird.
Jack and my dad couldn’t be more different.
Jack’s so principled.
你见过那个孩子了吗 – 周六
Have you met the kid yet? – Saturday.
但从杰克的故事中 我感觉他有点难伺候
But from Jack’s stories, l get the feeling he’s a little high-maintenance.
无论什么 如果你想解决这个问题 你要取悦的就是这个人
Whatever. That’s the one you want to please if you want this to work out.
罗伊·毕夫 罗伊·毕夫
Roy G. Biv. Roy G. Biv.
红色 橙色 黄色 绿色
Red, orange, yellow, green.
嗨 伙计们 – 嗨
Hi, guys. – Hi.
威尔 这是艾米莉亚
Will, this is Emilia.
Pleased to meet you.
Pleased to meet you too.
这是给你的 我在隔壁的自然历史博物馆买♥♥的
This is for you. l got it at the Museum of Natural History next door.
That’s why l was late.
Your dad told me it’s your favorite place.
There’s no evidence that theropods were orange.
另外 我八岁了
Plus, l’m eight.
嗯 我想这不太现实吧
Well, l guess it’s not very realistic, huh?
But there’s also a book in there about Central Park,
自从我和你差不多大的时候 那是我最喜欢的地方
which is my favorite place since l was about your age.
不管怎样 谢谢你
Anyway, thank you.
你知道 十点半有个节目 我们该走了
You know, there’s a show at 1 0:30. We should go.
You may kiss the bride.
哦 很好 威廉在楼上 – 好吧
Oh, good. William is upstairs. – Okay.
不 不 不 苏尔医生让你在这里等着
No, no, no. Dr. Soule says to wait here.
l guess l’m a security risk.
You’re late.
不 我没有迟到 是你父亲的晚了
No, l am not late. Your father’s late.
他失望了 因为他希望见到他的父亲
He disappoints, because he was hoping to see his father.
我也是 我也很失望
Me too. l disappoint too.
好了 威廉
Okay, William.
See you Monday.
再见 艾米莉娅小姐
Good-bye, Miss Emilia.
When is my father coming home?
八点之前 大概三个小时 好吗
By 8:00. That’s, like, three hours, okay?
糟透了 -别说 糟透了
That sucks. – Don’t say ”sucks.”
Your mom’s gonna think you heard it from me.
l did hear it from you.
威廉 为什么我们总是要吵架
William, why do we have to fight all the time?
我只是 让我们玩得开心点 好吗
l just… let’s have a nice time, okay?
How about we get ice cream sundaes for supper,
热软糖 我想吃一个和你脑袋一样大的
hot fudge? l want to eat one the size of your head.
l’m lactose-intolerant.
l could get very ill from eating ice cream.
好 我们看看冰箱里有什么
Okay. We’ll just see whatever is in the fridge.
中国菜 泰国菜 又老又冷 但不管怎样
Chinese, Thai, old and cold, but whatever.
彩虹冰冻果子露 那不是牛奶 或者冰糕 柠檬 酸橙 椰子和桃子
Rainbow sherbet… that’s no dairy… or sorbet: lemon, lime, coconut, and peach.
Everything else has dairy.
哦 我想我要冰糕 柠檬
Oh, l guess l’ll have sorbet. Lemon.
不 他要一份热巧克力和一份香蕉
No, he’ll have a hot chocolate and a banana split.
You want strawberry sauce or chocolate?
我不能吃那个 我有乳糖不耐症
l can’t have that. l’m lactose-intolerant.
不 你有这种粉末 对吧 不是吗
No, you have that powder here, right, don’t you,
that takes care of lactose-intolerance?

是的 威廉 他们这里有这种粉末
Yeah, William, they have this powder here,
and you sprinkle it all over your ice cream.
你甚至没有尝过 但是你可以用这种方法吃你想吃的任何东西
And you don’t even taste it, but you can have whatever you want that way.
My mother is unconvinced that kind of lactase works.
威廉 拜托 这是科学 请给他一份草莓酱
William, please, it’s science. He’ll have the strawberry sauce, please.
不 巧克力
No, chocolate.
我的冰淇淋口味是巧克力 巧克力片
And my ice cream flavors are chocolate, chocolate chip,
and cookie dough.
它正在融化 你最好快点
lt’s melting. You better hurry.
You want it?
l think l’ll have this next time,
我的香蕉末端有点黑 你想要吗
’cause my banana was a little brown at the end. You want it?
哦 我很好 谢谢你
Oh, l’m good. Thank you.
艾米莉娅 那个宝宝多大了
Emilia, how old is that baby?
对不起 你的宝宝是两三个月大吗
Excuse me, is your baby two, three months?
哦 七个星期大 十二月二十六日出生
Oh, seven weeks. December 26th.
七个星期大 十二月二十六日出生
Seven weeks, December 26th.
Did you know that lsabel was never really a person?
She was never really a person.
在犹太教法律中 婴儿至少要出生八天才算人
ln Jewish law, it says that a baby is not a person until it’s at least eight days old.
And lsabel was only three days old when she died.
So that means she was never really a person.
Where did you hear that?
My mother.
l told her l was a little sad about lsabel,
但并不像 我很久以前认识她一样悲伤
but not as sad as if l’ve known her for a long time,
就像她有时间成为 我真正的小妹妹一样
like she had time to be my real little sister.
然后我妈妈告诉我 在犹太律法中
So then my mom told me how, in the Jewish law,
she was never really a person.
所以现在我不必因为没有那么悲伤 而难过
So now l don’t have to feel so bad about not feeling so sad.
嗯 伊莎贝尔是个活生生的人 是一个和你一样的人
Well, lsabel was a real person. She was every bit as much of a person as you are.
My mom said she was surprised they even let us have a funeral.
We’re going.
来吧 我们走
Come on. Let’s go.
嘿 你忘了付钱
Hey, you forgot to pay!
很有趣 不是吗
That was fun, wasn’t it?
很高兴能够分享一些东西 比如 你知道 秘密和东西 很有趣
lt’s good to share things together, like, you know, secrets and’s fun.
l’m not supposed to have secrets from my mom.
这不是秘密 只是私人的
lt’s not a secret. lt’s just private.
There’s a difference.
我们可以一起拥有私人物的东西 每个人都这样做 就像明天
We can have private things together. Everyone does. Like tomorrow.
明天别在你♥爸♥爸面前吃冰淇淋 好吗
Tomorrow don’t go having ice cream in front of your dad, okay?
不是说我姐姐会有 她可能只吃大豆制品
Not that my sister will have any. She probably only has the soy stuff.
l don’t want to go to that stupid party.
lt’s your cousin’s birthday.
不 她是你侄女 不是我表妹
No, she’s your niece, not my cousin.
诺诺会在那里 你喜欢诺诺
Nono will be there. You like Nono.
你叫他爷爷 他不是 所以
You call him your grandpa, and he isn’t, so…
但有时候只有你和我 我们还能吃到冰淇淋 对吧
But sometimes when it’s just you and me, we can still get ice cream, right?
Only if it’s just between the two of us.
成交 – 成交
Deal? – Deal.
派对结束后 艾米莉娅和我能去公园吗
After the party, can Emilia and l go to the park?
也许去我们昨天去的地方 艾米莉娅
Maybe go where we went yesterday, Emilia?
嗯 好吧 威廉 也许吧 但是冷静点 傻瓜
Well, um, okay, William. Maybe. But be cool, fool.
呃 完全是 伙计
Uh, totally, dude.
