So, we are gonna build a sign, a massive sign along the beach.
所以我们要建造一个标志物 一个在沙滩上巨大的标志物
So, that way, if a plane flies over or a satellite takes pictures from up there
那样的话 如果有飞机飞过这里 或者卫星拍照的时候
we wanna make damn sure that they know we’re here,
我们必须有十足的把握 别人知道我们在这该死的岛上
that they know about us.
Maybe we should speak to Jack about this first.
do we have to run everything by Jack?
I mean, he’s not the president. He’s… He’s a doctor.
我的意思是他并不是我们的总统 他-他只是个医生
You’re a dentist.
Could I speak to you for just a second?
Come here.
Honey, it is just a sign. I don’t see what the harm is.
亲爱的 这支是个标志物 我看不出有什么不妥
The harm is you are telling these people about airplanes and satellites
coming out of nowhere to save the day.
I’m just trying to do something. I want to get back to our life.
不知从哪里冒出来的卫星 我想回到属于我的生活中去
Well, the only thing you are doing is giving these people false hope.
好样的 唯一不妥的就是 你正在给这里的人们一个错误的希望
Excuse me.
I have a sign to build.
All right, I want to get this going right away.
就这样吧 我希望马上就能开工
We’ve waited long enough.
It’s just amazing, isn’t it?
这简直太棒了 不是吗
sure, it’s beautiful.
当然 它太漂亮了
You’re not impressed yeah.
感觉你有点心不在焉 是的
So, what does God have to do to get your attention?
那么 上帝要怎么做才能吸引你的注意呢
Bernard? What are you doing?
Bernard 你在想什么
I’d been a bachelor for 56 years.
And then I met you and we just fell into this rhythm,
like we had known each other forever.
I had always dreamed of finding somebody like you,
but I’d given up hope that I ever would.
Bernard… I know, I know. It’s crazy.
Bernard 我知道 我知道 这太疯狂了
I mean, we just met five months ago.
But five months is long enough
because I knew after five minutes.
因为我知道哪怕只有五分钟 我也会这么想
I love you.
Will you marry me?
Bernard, I’m dying.
Bernard 我快要死了
I’m sick, and I’m dying.
我病的很重 快要死了
Would you excuse us for a minute, please?
I’ve been in remission for the last couple of years,
but now it’s back, and this time it’s not going away.
但是现在 它不仅回来了反而又加重了
My doctor says I have about a year…
我的医生告诉我 我只有一年时间
maybe a little longer.
You haven’t answered my question.
Are you sure?
Oh, I’m sure.
Well, you bunk with a guy for 48 days, now he doesn’t call or write.
怎么 你和我一起待了48天 现在你却不和我讲话
Hello, Bernard.
你好 Bernard
What have you boys got going up here Just working.
你们两个在干什么 工作
I got a team of folks throwing together a big sign down along the beach.
这样 听好了 我组织了一群人 要在海滩上建一个巨大的标志物
Hopefully it’ll get us spotted by a plane or satellite.
We could use all the bodies we can get to help put it together.
Sorry, I’m busy.
对不起 我很忙
Charlie Regrets, Bernard,
Charlie 对不起 Bernard
I’ve only got two hands, you know? Good luck, though.
我只有两只手 但还是祝你好运
Could I at least grab some of these logs?
好的 至少能给我几根大木头吗
We could sure use… We’re using them.
我们要用 我们正在用它们
For what, exactly A church.
到底用来干嘛 一座教堂
A church Yes.
一座教堂 是的
Everybody on this island is building something.
I’m trying to get us saved.
People are saved in different ways, Bernard.
bernard 每个人都有各自的方法
I think I liked you better when you just hit people with your stick.
我想我还是更喜欢 那个用木棒打自己同伴的你
I like you just the way you are.
I need to talk to him.
The gun’s with Jack. The door stays closed.
枪给jack了 门不能开
But if you wanna talk to him, talk to him.
但是如果你坚持要 就去说吧
Henry, can you hear me?
Henry 你能听见我说话吗
It’s John, Henry.
是我John Henry.
Henry, did you enter the numbers?
Henry 你输入过那些数字吗
Did you push the button or not?
Henry! I need to know! I want you to answer me!
Henry! 我要知道 我要你回答我
Answer me!
Answer me, you hear me?
What happened to everybody?
Where’s Craig? Where’s Frogurt?
嗯 craig在哪儿 frogurt去哪儿了
OK, all right, moving on. We’re gonna put this sign across this entire beach.
好吧 好吧 咱们继续 我们要把标志物弄满整个沙滩
Which means the letters have to be really big, about 40 feet.
也就是说字母必须足够大 40英尺左右
These black rocks will get maximum contrast with the sand.
Dude, we’re gonna need a lot more rocks.
伙计 我们好像要更多的石头
Yes, Hurley, we are gonna need a lot more rocks.
是的 hurley我们的确要更多的石头
There’s a lava field about half a mile inland that’s loaded with them.
We’ll haul them out in two-man teams.
我们要把它们搬过来 我们要分成两人一组
So, you guys double up,
and I am gonna start sketching out the letters in the sand. Let’s do this.
我在沙滩上做字母的图形 我们开工吧
Hey, I can sketch the letters.
嗨 我可以做字母的图形
Everybody’s got a job, Hurley. I do my job, you do yours.
每一个人都有工作 hurley. 我做我的 你做你的
What? What did he say?
什么 他在说什么
I think he’s not so crazy about the whole carry-the-rocks-a-half-mile thing.
我想他对整个关于从半英里外的地方 运石头过来并不感到疯狂
OK. Look, this is gonna take time,
好吧 嗯 这需要时间
but if this is the thing that gets us off this place, isn’t that worth it?
但是只有这样才能让我们离开这个地方 这不值得吗
Rome wasn’t built in a day, you know.
你知道的 罗马也不是一天建成的
No, you don’t know. OK, all right, let’s get started. Come on.
啊 不 你不知道…好了我们开始吧 加油干
We’re lost.
You saying we’re lost doesn’t make us lost.
甜心 这可不是你说迷路就迷路哦
I know exactly where we are.
Me, too.
Driving around in circles in the middle of the outback.
That’s why I wanted to be on a beach for our honeymoon.
Thank goodness, civilization.
谢天谢地 文明世界
Bernard, let’s get directions.
Bernard 我们去明确一下方向
Oh, I don’t need directions.
哦 我不需要方向
I told you, honey, we’re not lost.
我告诉过你 亲爱的 我们没有迷路
Bernard, what’s going on?
Bernard 怎么了
I brought you out here because I want you to see this man.
我带你来这里 是因为我要你来见一个人
His name is Isaac of Uluru, and he’s helped hundreds of people.
他叫 isaac of uluru 他已经帮助了成百上千的人
Now, I know how it looks but, believe me, he is completely legit.
现在 我知道这看上去怎样 但是请相信我 他完全信得过
Bernard, you brought me to a faith healer?
Bernard 你带我来做信仰治疗
He’s the real deal, Rose.
他真的可以帮上忙 rose
Once I started telling people about your situation,
I got three calls recommending him.
My “situation”?
This is why you wanted to come to Australia?
To bring me to some kind of a kook? No, he’s not.
带我来看一个怪人 不 他不是怪人
I made a $10,000 donation just to get you in to see him.
Rose 我捐了 $10,000 只是为了带你来见他
Normally… I didn’t ask for this!
基本看来 我不需要
This is…
I have made my peace with what’s happening to me.
I haven’t.
I can’t just do nothing, Rose.
rose 我不能什么也不做
That’s not me. That’s not who I am.
这不是我 这不是真实的我
I have to try.
Will you try, Rose?
rose 你愿意尝试吗
For me.
It’s gonna be great. A really big sign.
好的 这很棒 这真是个巨大的标志物
That’s great.
If you have time to fix your hut, you have time to move some rocks.
如果你有时间来修你的房♥子 你就有时间来搬那些石头
Come on, we could really use your help.
What? You got union trouble down at the sand factory, Norma Rae?
你在联合他们建沙场遇到了麻烦 对吗
