-相信这个人可不明智 -我能搞定他
-Trusting this man is not a good idea. -I can handle him.
时间变异管理局已经裁剪过这家伙很多次了 他们各不相同
The TVA has pruned a lotta these guys, and no two are alike.
You’re all Variants!
时间守护者并没有创造你们 他们把你们从时间线上绑♥架♥了
The Time-Keepers didn’t create you. They kidnapped you from the timeline.
The nexus event you caused,
不管是什么关系 会让这个地方崩溃
whatever that connection is, can bring this whole place down.
好吧 你想知道真♥相♥吗
Fine. You want the truth?
I’m trying to protect you.
Friendship like ours is uncommon.
你知道让我选 我想去哪里吗
You know where I’d go if I could go anywhere?
Wherever it is I’m really from.
对 在时间变异管理局之前我生活的地方
Yeah, wherever I had a life before the TVA came along.
Prune him.
The Time-Keepers took your lives from you.
You’re Variants.
We’re the same.
Mindless androids.
Then who created the TVA?
希尔维 我有话要对你说
Sylvie, I have to tell you something.
You’re gonna tell me everything.
这是什么地方 我们在哪 你们是谁
What is this place? Where are we? Who are you?
这里是虚空 那是艾利奥斯 而我们是它的午餐 赶紧吧
This is The Void. That’s Alioth. And we’re his lunch. Come on!
Give me your TemPad.
-时间变异管理局背后是谁在操控 -我也不知道
-Who’s really behind the TVA? -I’m as in the dark as you are.
可悲的洛斯蕾尔法官 你所认定的现实都被颠覆了
Poor Judge Renslayer. Your whole reality’s been destroyed.
跟我说说 知道真♥相♥的感觉如何
Tell me, how does it feel to be on the other side of it?
也就这样了 是不是
This is it, isn’t it?
这就是你在窃取我人生后 带我来的地方
This is where you dragged me after you stole my life.
-也会是你人生被夺走最合适的地方 -要是我说洛基还没死呢
-A fitting place, then, to take yours. -And what if I said Loki wasn’t dead?
Not yet, anyway.
-你在说谎 -也许吧
-I’d say you were lying. -Maybe.
-也许咱们想要的东西是一样的 -他怎么可能还活着
-Or maybe we want the same thing. -How is he still alive?
以及我们能通过救他来接近 时间变异管理局背后的主使吗
And how will saving him get us closer to who’s really behind the TVA?
It’s complicated.
-告诉你这些我心甘情愿 -为什么
-I’m telling you this willingly. -Why?
Because I wanna know who’s at the top of this.
I want to know who lied to me.
When we prune a branched reality,
it’s impossible to destroy all of its matter.
所以我们把它移♥动♥到时间线上的某个地方 让它停止发展
So we move it to a place on the timeline where it won’t continue growing.
基本上来说 时间线分支并没有重置
Basically, the branched timeline isn’t reset.
-而是被转移了 -转移去了哪里
-It’s transferred. -To where?
A void at the end of time.
在那里 所有的存在互相碰撞
Where every instance of existence collides at the same point
and simply stops.
I don’t know.
规则里面说 时间的尽头仍然在书写中
The dogma states that the end of time is still being written,
that the Time-Keepers are transforming it into utopia.
说得好听 真是唬人啊
That’s nice. Super believable.
Whatever the real reason…
nothing ever comes back from there.
如果你相信我 我能帮你
I can help you if you trust me.
我建议咱们歇一下 我有无数个问题想问
I suggest we take a breather, so I can ask several thousand questions.
-不想死就赶紧走 -好吧 但是你的计划是什么
-Gotta keep moving so we don’t die. -Okay, but what’s your plan?
-别死 -好吧 还有呢
-Don’t die. -Okay, but beyond that?
-别死 -这算不上计划
-Don’t die. -That’s not a plan.
这只是求生欲 作为洛基 就应该永远有计划…
It’s a general demand of living. If you’re Lokis, you should always have…
有没有谁能给我解释一下 到底是怎么回事
Will someone please explain to me what the hell is going on?
过去的几天里 我一直非常非常地努力
Look, it’s been a very, very, very trying past few days.
或许是几个月 我都不知道 自从纽约事件后到底过了多久
Months? I don’t even know how long it’s been since New York.
我只知道我被裁剪了 醒来就在这里了
All I know is, I got pruned and I woke up here,
还有一群跟我身份一样的时间犯围着我 以及一只短吻鳄
and now I’m surrounded by Variants of myself, plus an alligator,
which sadly I didn’t find all that strange.
现在我们既不知道在逃避什么鬼 也不知道该往什么鬼地方逃
And now we’re running from God knows what to God knows where.
When I need to be trying to find a way back to the TVA.
别叫唤了 你会引来艾里奥斯的
Stop wailing or you will signal Alioth.
You mean the monster in the sky?
Thank you.
This is the place where the TVA dumps its rubbish,
everything they prune.
And Alioth,
he ensures none of it ever returns.
它是个有生命的风暴 吞噬物质和能量
It’s a living tempest that consumes matter and energy.
他们把所有分支现实扔到这 然后被立刻吞噬…
They send entire branched realities here that are devoured instant–
我们就像在鲨鱼缸里 艾里奥斯就是鲨鱼
We’re in a shark tank. Alioth is the shark.
Oh, there’s no such thing as an alligator tank.
而且这就是个比喻而已 他跟我们其他人一样 太敏感了
Besides, it’s a better metaphor. He’s overly sensitive like the rest of us.
Hang on,
-那玩意也是洛基 -是啊
-that thing’s a Loki too? -Oh, yes.
好吧 没什么不能接受的 为什么有这么多个你们
Okay, fine. Willing to accept that. Why are there so many of you?
因为洛基总能活下来 这可是咱们的强项
Because Lokis survive. That’s just what we do.
-太棒了 那咱们怎么逃出去 -我们逃不出去
-Great. So how do we escape? -We don’t.
我们都是被时间变异管理局逮捕 然后裁剪掉的 和你一样
All of us were arrested by the TVA and pruned, just like you.
而且我们都在制定各种无谓的计划 也和你一样
And just like you, we all stood around making bad plans that went nowhere.
But we could use a TemPad.
逃跑的救命稻草 没错
Oh, the one thing that could get us out of here, yes.
应该到处都有吧 是不是
They’re all over the place, right, guys?
好吧 那如果制♥造♥出一个关连事件呢
Fine. What about causing a nexus event?
The TVA doesn’t care what happens here.
-总能做点什么吧 -有
-Surely there’s something to do. -There is.
活下去 这是唯一的办法 从过去到现在都一样
Survive. That’s all there is. All there ever was.
话说完了 咱们走吧
We’re done talking. Let’s go.
Just do what you want.
好吧 等等 等等
Okay, wait, wait, wait.
你为什么戴着角 你对那个小孩言听计从
Why do you wear the horns? You let a child command you.
You’ll do well to respect the boy.
-这是他的王国 -对
– This is his kingdom. – Right.
你的关连事件是什么 国王陛下
What was your nexus event, Your Majesty?
I killed Thor.
话说回来 你为什么这么急着 回时间变异管理局
So, why did you want to return to the TVA so badly, anyway?
You leave your glorious purpose there?
Something like that.
时间小姐 我需要远程接入
Miss Minutes, I need you to remote access
a series of restricted files from the archives.
天啊 关于什么的
Ooh, doggy! On what?
时间的起始 时间变异管理局的建立
The beginning of time. The founding of the TVA.
-马上 -等等
– Right away. – Wait.
-看看时间的尽头怎么样 -那就是虚空而已
-What about the end of time? -It’s just a void.
如果虚空不是尽头呢 如果还有虚空以外的东西呢
What if The Void isn’t the end? What if there’s something beyond it?
我就是躲在末日的阴影下 才逃离了时间变异管理局的视线
Hiding in the shadow of apocalypses obscured me from the TVA
因为我在那里不能创造分支 对不对
because I couldn’t create a diverging branch there, right?
所以如果这些都仍然在书写中 发生的任何事都会是一条新的时间线
So if all of this is still being written, whatever happens is just a new timeline.
It would be impossible to start a nexus event there.
-你可能完全无法被发现 -就是这样
-You could be completely undetectable. -That’s it.
-那是他们唯一能去的地方 -那我们怎么穿越虚空呢
-That’s the only place they could be. -So how do we get past The Void?
It’s impossible.
时间控制器无法定位 没有目的地
There’s nothing for the TemPad to lock onto, no destination.
Then we go through it.
-这是自杀 -那我觉得留着你也没什么用了
-That’s suicide. -Then I guess my need for you has passed.
等等 试试虚空飞船怎么样
Wait. What about The Void spacecraft?
对 那个原型机
Yes, the prototype.
太好了 我来找文件
Great. I’ll get the file.
It’s a spaceship designed to withstand the temporal void.
It could take us to the end of time.
-找到洛基 -找到幕后的主使
-Find Loki. -Find the man behind the curtain.
-然后杀了他 -齐心协力
-And kill him. -Together.
时间小姐 这艘时间飞船的文件在哪里
Miss Minutes, where are the files on this timecraft?
正在搜索 亲爱的
