Yeah, yeah, and the client sign-off on the gates.
我说的就是这个 大门的出入许可
That’s what I mean, the gate sign-off.
多纳尔 施工许可应该已经批复了
Donal, the construction sign-off should already be filed.
是的是的 已经
Yes, it is, it is. It’s already…
已经批复了 没事 我就是这意思
It’s already filed, it’s okay. That’s what I meant.
Okay, right.
Well, you have the phone numbers of the plants, don’t you?
-有 -给他们打电♥话♥ 多纳尔
– Yeah. – Call them now, Donal.
Call every one of those bastards,
get them to repeat the order.
必须是C6 否则我们就拒收
C6 on the nose or we send those trucks back.
说真的 如果明天下雨
Seriously, those fuckers will fuck you up
with the water in the gullies if it rains tomorrow.
明天不会下雨的 是个晴天
Well, it’s not gonna rain tomorrow. It’s gonna be dry.
I’ve got a direct line to God up in heaven, you know.
多纳尔 关于混凝土千万别指望运气
Donal, you don’t trust God when it comes to concrete.
给工厂打电♥话♥ 多纳尔
You call the plants, Donal,
-每家都要打 -好的 我打
– every one of them. – I will, okay.
And get them to fax the order back so you can check it.
好的 我会的 马上就去办
I will. I’ll do that. I’ll do that now.
Did you speak to Gareth?
谈了 他说会联♥系♥芝加哥那边
Yes, I did, actually. He’s calling Chicago.
I’m guessing Chicago’s going to fire me
and he’ll put some fucking kid on it, so…
-别 别 千万别 -别接他电♥话♥
– Oh, no, no, no. – Don’t take his calls.
Just don’t take his calls.
Don’t listen to anybody else.
Well, I can’t not take his calls.
Don’t take his calls.
Don’t listen to anybody else until the morning.
这事只有你和我负责 懂吗
This is me and you, okay?
So, I’m not gonna answer his calls?
对 明早之前只有我们俩 明白吗
No. Just me and you till the morning, okay?
-好吧 -好的
– Okay. – Cool.
倒霉催的 我答应
Fucking hell, okay.
你好 我是贝珊
Hello. This is Bethan.
I’m afraid I can’t get to the phone.
-你给我打电♥话♥啦 -你还好吗
– Did you call? – Are you okay?
还好 有人把窗户关了
Uh, yeah. Someone closed the windows.
Did you talk to anyone about the pain?
-没 没人来过 -那一切都还好吧
– No, no one’s been in. – But is everything all right?
不好 疼得要死
No. It hurts like nothing ever.
好吧 我已经在M6高速上了
Okay, well, I’m on the M6.
Uh, an hour and a quarter if the traffic stays okay.
You must speak to someone about the pain.
Um… Just then I felt like I hate you.
我们根本不了解对方 贝珊
Well, we don’t know each other, Bethan.
That’s the simple truth.
-这事刚好发生了而已 -这事
– This thing just happened. – Thing?
So we can’t really love each other or hate each other, can we?
这事发生了 仅此而已
This thing just happened and that’s it.
And it will go up and down,
I suppose, but at least I’m coming, okay?
你 你会不会因为这事恨我
Do you… Do you hate me for going through with it?
我都不了解你 所以
I don’t know you, so…
我怎么恨你啊 明白吗
I don’t hate you, do I? I mean…
我根本不了解你 所以
I don’t know you, so…
Look, do what they tell you to do.
I have a lot of calls to make.
路况很好 别担心
The traffic is fine so it’ll be okay.
-你快点来 -好 但高速有限速
– Please be quick. – Yes, but there’s a speed limit.
-你好 加雷斯 -听我说
– Hello, Gareth. – Yeah, look.
如我所料 芝加哥那边大发雷霆
Chicago is having a predictable meltdown.
是吗 好吧
Is it? Okay.
我跟他们说了 说你十年来勤恳工作
Yeah, I gave them, uh… I gave them the whole 10-year thing
说你为帕克工作十年 从没出过差错
about your 10 years working for Park without a foot wrong.
是九年 我跟你共事九年了
Nine years. Um, I’ve been with you nine years.
-什么 -是九年啊
– What? – Nine years.
我能说的都说了 伊凡
Yeah, the whole thing, Ivan.
He said he goes on emotion.
He said the stuff about the biggest pour in Europe.
除了核电和军用设施外 我知道
Outside the nuclear and military, I know, I know.
我实话告诉你吧 伊凡
Well, I’ll tell you what, Ivan…
你被开除了 就是这样
You’re fired, is what it is.
They said they had no choice.
我说 我说了你这十年的勤恳
I said… Um, I told them about the 10 years.
-九年 -但他们说公♥司♥别无选择
– Nine years. – But they said they had no choice.
Yeah. Nine, ten, whatever.
没事的 没事
So it’s okay. It’s okay.
我从来没在电♥话♥里开除过谁 伊凡
I never do this on the phone, Ivan.
没事的 我理解
It’s okay. It’s okay.
I will still make sure the pour is all right.
不 伊凡 这事没的商量了
No, Ivan, it’s… It’s not a matter for negotiation.
They’ve decided you’re fired,
正式地 即刻生效
completely, as of right this second.
我知道 我听见了 我不怪他们
I know, I heard you, and I don’t blame them, okay?
我不是为了保住自己的工作 我只想
But I’m not trying to keep my job. I just…
I just want the pour to go okay tomorrow.
-伊凡 -听我说 你听我说
– Ivan… – Listen to me. You listen to me.
I want the pour to go okay, not because of the money.
是为了我自己 为了大楼
I want it to go right for myself and for the building.
好吗 为了那些混凝土
Alright? And for the concrete.
我不会让它灌到错的地方去 听懂了吗
I won’t let it be pumped into the wrong place. Do you understand?
今晚和明天 我会全程负责此事
Tonight and tomorrow, I will stay on this and stay on this
and make sure the concrete gets poured right.
伊凡 我跟他们说了你十年的功劳
Ivan, listen, I told them about the 10 years.
-去你♥妈♥的♥十年吧 -他们不听
– Fuck your 10 years. – They weren’t having any of it.
听着 加雷斯 听我说
Listen to me, Gareth… Listen, Gareth.
The concrete will come
并且我会安排好大小事务 行吗
and I will take care of it, okay?
我知道我已经被开了 但我还会负责的
I know I don’t have a job anymore, but I will do this anyway
as a favor to the building and to the concrete.
伊凡 你听起来像变了个人
Ivan, you sound different.
I am the same.
Why didn’t you just say you were sick?
因为我没病啊 而且我会确保灌注顺利
Because I’m not sick, and I’ll make sure the pour is okay.
我知道 但我已经把项目交给
Yeah, but I’ve already handed it over
to another construction director.
伊凡 他会从你那儿接
Ivan, he’s gonna pick it up from…
这不是真的 我不信
That didn’t happen. I’m not believing it.
卡特里娜 我希望我们可以
Katrina, I want to move to
a practical next step.
我在卧室 四周漆黑一片
I’m here in the dark in our bedroom and…
天啊 一切都不一样了
Oh, God, nothing looks the same.
我不 我不知道该怎么说
I can’t… I can’t speak very well. I…
I have felt scraped-out for months.
She phoned and said that she was having a baby
and keeping it
because it was her last chance to be happy.
And then tonight she phoned
说羊水破了 比预产期早了两个月
and said the waters broke and it’s two months early.
我 我本打算在生下来之前告诉你的
I was… I was going to tell you before,
but the waters broke early,
so I have to do this now in the car.
每晚我都 我都挣扎着想告诉你
Every night I was… I was going to tell you.
天啊 我没法
God, I can’t…
I can’t really breathe.
卡特里娜 你知道我父亲的事吧
Katrina, listen. You know what happened with my dad, right?
