Let’s go.
I apologize for the things I said.
我心烦意乱 并不是真想那么说的
I was upset.I didn’t really mean them.
没关系 来吧 我们走
It’s okay. Come on. Let’s go.
好吧 各位 找找出口 好吗
All right. Everybody,look for the exit, okay?
啊 这里 这里有个岔道 转进去
Okay, here! Here’s the turn off.Turn in here.
Does anybody see the Redondo Suites?
-宾馆就在那边 -在那里 就在那里 奥丽芙
-There’s the hotel! -There it is! There it is, Olive.
我们就到了 就到了 好吧
We’re gonna make it.We’re gonna make it. All right.
How-How the hell do you get over there?
-雪儿 -不 不 不 不
-Sheryl? -No, no, no, no!
-你错过了 -回头 回头
-You’re passing it! -Turn around, turn around.
-你开过头了 -你得掉头
-You drove past it! -You’ve gotta turn around!
-宾馆在后面 -我不能掉头
-It’s back there! -I can’t turn around.
-有谁看到回头路吗 这是单行道 -啊
-Anybody see a way back? It’s a one-way street! -Oh!
理查 右边有停车场
-Rich! You’ve got parking lots on the right!
-这里 这里 -系好你的安全带 宝贝
-Here, here! -Put your seat belt on, baby!
-你在干什么 -我没法减速 我做不到
-What are you doing? -I can’t slow down! I can’t!
-几点了 弗兰克 -啊 2:59
-What time is it, Frank? -Oh, 2:59.
-爸爸 -从这里直走 我们会赶到的
-Dad! -Straight shot from here. We’re gonna make it.
-啊 是个死胡同 -我不会回头的
-Oh, it’s a dead end! -I’m not goin’ back!
-你必须回头 -那是单行道
-You have to go back! -That is a one-way road!
That’ll take us all the way back to the freeway!
-You’re the one who told me to go left back there!
I’m not turnin’ back.
-理查 -就在那里
-Richard! -It’s right there.
你做什么 你不能这样做
What-What are you doing?You can’t do this!
-上帝 理查 -好的 宾馆到了
-God, Richard! -Okay, here’s the hotel.
啊 停车
Okay, stop!
-出口在哪里 -就在这里
-Where’s the entrance? -Right here!
你刚刚错过了 又错过了
You passed it!You’re passing it!
Hold on!
好吧 再来一次 会有点颠啊
Here we go. One more time.Little bump.
你好 我们是来报名的
Hello?Hi. We’d like to register.
-对不起 报名结束了 -呃 不是吧 参赛选手就在这里
-Sorry, we’re closed. -Uh, no. We have the entrant right here.
-我们只是想来登记一下 -报名在3点就结束了
-We just wanna check in. -Registration ended at 3:00.
-现在是3点啊 -不
-It’s 3:00 now. -No.
别这样 宽容点 我们只迟到了四分钟 我们是从阿尔布开克一路开车过来的
Come on. Have a heart. We’re four minutes late.We just drove all the way from Albuquerque.
-你该3点前到的 -等等 等等
-Then you should’ve been here by 3:00. -Wait, wait.
一定有办法解决这问题的 拜托
There must be some way we can work this out. Please.
别人都在3点前到了 那样对他们不公平
Everybody else was here before 3:00. I’d be giving unfair advantage.
不 我们不是来这里讨小便宜的 我们只想让她能参加比赛
No, we’re not looking for an advantage.We just want her to compete.
不要对我大喊大叫 先生 并不是我让你们迟到的
Don’t yell at me, sir.I didn’t make you late.
我们已经定下了表演的计划表 我们已经关掉了电脑
We’ve settled on the schedule for the show.We’ve turned off the computers.
-表演阵容已经决定 我要去做头发了 -好吧
-Our lineup is final. I have a hair check to do. -Okay-
很遗憾 你们迟到了 但我也无能为力
I’m sorry that you’re late,but I can’t help you.
You don’t know what we’ve been through.
呃 简金斯小姐 我可以把她加进系统中去
Um, MissJenkins?I-I can put ’em in the system.
-啊 柯比 你不必这么做的 -不 没关系 只要五分钟就行
-Oh, Kirby, you don’t have to. -No, it’s okay. Takes five minutes.
那你看着办吧 失陪了
Well, it’s your time.Excuse me.
谢谢你 柯比 非常感谢
Thank you, Kirby.Thank you very much.
真的 你不知道这意味着什么
Really, you don’t know what this means.
明年我可不给他们干活了 他们都是疯子
I am not working for these people next year. These people are crazy.
嗯 那么 你叫什么名字
Okay, so, what’s your name?
-奥丽芙 -很好听啊
-Olive. -That’s a nice name.
-妈妈 看 -她姓什么
-Mom, Mom! Look! -What’s her last name?
-是加利福尼亚小姐 真的是她 -你想跟她打个招呼吗
-It’s Miss California. It’s really her! -You want to go say hi?
-嘿 你叫什么 -奥丽芙
-Hi! What’s your name? -Olive.
-你有什么才艺 奥丽芙 -我喜欢跳舞
-What’s your talent, Olive? -I like dancing.
对于我来说 跳舞太难了 我是个歌♥手
Dancing was too hard for me.I’m a singer.
You must be a good dancer.
是的 我跳得很棒
I am. I’m really good.
唔 谢谢你能来这里 奥丽芙 祝你好运
Well, thanks for stopping by,Olive. Best of luck.
嗯 加利福尼亚小姐
Hmm. Miss California?
-你吃冰淇淋吗 -我很爱吃冰淇淋
-Do you eat ice cream? -I love ice cream.
My favorite flavor is Chocolate Cherry Garcia…
虽然严格地讲 我想那是冻酸奶 不是冰淇淋
although, technically,I think that’s a frozen yogurt.
-好吗 -嗯 谢谢你 再见
-Okay? -Okay. Thanks. Bye.
-妈妈 她吃冰淇淋的 -我听到了
-Mom, she eats ice cream. -I heard.
这个包里有你们的入场券 还有你们的的号♥码
Your packet has tickets in it,and there’s your badge number.
-好的 -还有什么事吗
-Okay. -Is there anything else?
呃 是啊 这附近有殡仪馆吗
Uh, yeah. Is there a funeral home around here?
-你好 -你好
-Hi. -Hi.
好吧 奥丽芙 我们来穿上泳装
Okay, Olive,let’s get your swimsuit on.
You wanna go change behind the curtain?
这是最后的修饰了 大伙儿 最后的修饰润色
This is the last touch-up, everybody.Final touch-ups. Last touch-up.
令人惊奇 美国头号♥普鲁斯特学者的畅销书
-好吧 等等 -我不会等你的
-Okay! Wait! -I won’t wait for you!
Let’s get outta here.
嘿 嘿 奥丽芙·胡佛
Hey! Hey, Olive Hoover.
-嗯 -嘿 我需要你的伴奏乐
-Mm-hmm? -Hey, I need your music.
-啊 伴奏乐 好的 -耶
-Oh, music, right. -Yeah.
Here you go.
-这个 你选的 -不 我爷爷选的
-This? Did you choose this? -No, my grandpa did.
-你爷爷 -嗯
-Your grandpa? -Mm-hmm.
-哪一首 -第十二首
-Which track? -Twelve.
我们开了五六个小时 还以为他在打盹
We were drivin’ five, six hours.Thought he was napping.
当我们发现的时候 已经
By the time we figured it out, it’s-
-你知道的 -太晚了
-You know. -Too late.
So where’s the body?

Personal effects.
-谢谢 -你多保重
-Thank you. -You take care.
先生们 女士们 欢迎参加第24届
Ladies and gentlemen,welcome to the 24th annual…
Little Miss Sunshine Pageant!
现在 请再次跟我一起 鼓掌欢迎
Now, please, put your hands together once again and help me welcome to the stage…
our 12 beautiful contestants!

啊 让我们为可爱的小佳丽热烈鼓掌
Oh, let’s have a big round of applause for our lovely contestants!
今晚结束是 其中的一位女孩
At the end of the evening,one of these girls…
will be crowned Little Miss Sunshine!
奥丽芙 亲爱的 你在里面还好吗
Olive, honey,are you okay in there?
嗯 我很好
Yeah, I’m fine.

-You got a kid in the show?
Your first time?
是 是啊
Yeah, yeah.
It’s so beautiful!
有时候 我希望我能一觉睡到18岁
Sometimes I just wish I could go to sleep till I was 18…
躲过那没用的高中 还有其他一切 通通躲过
and skip all this crap-high school and everything-just skip it.
You know Marcel Proust?
-你教书就是讲的那个人吗 -是啊
-He’s the guy you teach. -Yeah.
法国作家 彻头彻脑的失败者
French writer.Total loser.
Never had a real job.
得不到回报的单相思 同性恋
Unrequited love affairs. Gay.
花了二十年来写一本书 几乎没有人读
Spent 20 years writing a book almost no one reads.
But he’s also probably the greatest writer since Shakespeare.
不管地样 呃 他到了生命的最后时刻
Anyway, he, uh-he gets down to the end of his life…
他回首往事 审视从前所有痛苦的时光
and he looks back and decides that all those years he suffered-
觉得痛苦的日子才是他生命中最好的日子 因为那些日子塑造了他
Those were the best years of his life,’cause they made him who he was.
那些开心的年头呢 你知道啦 彻底浪费了 什么都没学到
All the years he was happy? You know,total waste. Didn’t learn a thing.
所以 如果你一觉睡到18岁的话
So, if you sleep until you’re 18…
啊 想想你该错过多少痛苦啊
