理查 我不行
Richard, I can’t do it!
-我抱住了 抱住他了 -快点
-I got him. I got him. -Come on.
快来 快点
Come on!Hurry up!
滑下去了 小心
Okay, he’s slipping.Okay.
Hold on.
我抓住了 我抓住了 我抓住了 我抓住了
I got it. I got it.I got it. I got it.
Be careful.
-冷静 冷静 -快点
-Be cool. Be cool. -Hurry up.
看着点 奥丽芙
Keep watch, Olive.
看着路 看着路
Watch the curb.Watch the curb.
注意他的头 注意
Watch his head!Watch it!
Swing him around this way.
-奥丽芙 进来 -出发了
-Olive, get in. -Here we go.
好的 我们走
Okay, let’s go.
雪儿 我们走 弗兰克
Sheryl. Let’s go, Frank.
Did I mention that I am the preeminent Proust scholar in the U.S.?
启动了 启动了
Here we go! Here we go!
Are you okay?
-爸爸 -嗯 亲爱的
Dad? -Yeah, honey?
What’s gonna happen to Grandpa?
Uncle Frank?

Doyou think there’s a heaven?
很难说啊 奥丽芙 没人知道确切的答案
That’s hard to say, Olive.I-I don’t think anyone knows for sure.
我知道 但是你是怎么认为的呢
I know, but what do you think?
呃 唔
Um, well-
I think there is one.
-我也会进天堂吗 -会的
-You think I’ll get in? -Yes.
-保证 -嗯
-Promise? -Yes.
哇 嘿 狗♥娘♥养♥的
-Whoa! Hey! Son of a bitch!
-怎么了 -他突然超车
-What happened? -He-He cut me off.
-卡住了 -好的 别管它了
-It’s stuck. -Okay,just leave it.
It’s stuck or something.
-试着从下面拉拉看 -不 不 别管了
-Maybe-Try pulling it from under here. -No, no.Just leave it.
-等到了那里再修吧 -好的 行
-Fix it when we get there. -Okay, fine.
Oh,Jesus! God!
被拦下了 我要开到路边去
I’m being pulled over.Here we go.
好的 大家都假装正常 好吗
Okay. Everybody just pretend to be normal, okay?
Like-Like everything’s normal here.
How you folks doin’?
嗯 我们都很好 只是
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, we’re fine.Just
-喇叭出了点问题 -对不起 什么
-Little trouble with the horn? -Sorry. What?
-喇叭出了点问题 -是啊
-Havin’ a little trouble with your horn? -Yeah.
小麻烦 对不起 呃 对不起
Little trouble. Sorry.Uh, sorry.
Could you step outside the vehicle?
-请站这边来 -不 不
-Step this way, please. -No, no.
-什么 -不要
-What? -Don’t-
“Don’t” what?
-车厢里有什么东西吗 先生 -没什么 我
-Do you have something in your trunk, sir? -It’s nothing. I-
-不要 不要打开 -你的表现让我不得不搜一下你的车厢
-Don’t-Don’t open it.-You’ve just given me probable cause to search your trunk.
-只是 我 我只是 -把你的手放在车上 快 快
-Just-I-I just–Put your hands on the vehicle now! Now!
-不许动 -好的
-Don’t move. -Okay.
-没啥不合法的东西 -先生 我建议你最好闭上你的嘴
-It’s not illegal! -Sir, I would advise you to keep your mouth shut!
啊 我的天 他在做什么
Oh, my God.What is he doing?
-没啥不合法的 -该ue09d
-It’s not illegal. -Goddamn.
先生 你能到这边来吗
Sir, could you come back here?
我喜欢这东西 我太爱它了
I love this stuff. I love it.
上帝保佑你 上帝保佑你
God bless ya.God bless ya.
不用担心 我不会逮捕你的
Don’t worry.I’m not gonna bust ya.
啊 谢谢你
-Oh, thank you
How you doin’?
-可爱 可爱的家庭 太好了 -谢谢你
-Cute-Cute family. That’s nice. -Thank you.
-这些算是调剂吧 半遮半掩的 -这是
-This on the side. A little of this, a little of that. -It’s-
-啊 伙计 -火♥辣♥ 真火♥辣♥
-Oh, man. -Sweet-Sweetness.
这真火♥辣♥ 耶
That is sweet. Yeah.
-够浪 -这是我的最爱之一
-Dirty. -And this one is one of my favorites.
啊 真棒 耶
Ahh, good, yeah.
That’s a little different choice.
-还给你吧 -好的
-Gonna leave that with ya. -All right.
-祝你一切顺利 -嗯
-You have a good day there. -Yeah.
What happened?
-I’ll tell you when I regain consciousness.
弗兰克 德维恩 出去推车
Frank, Dwayne, get out and push.
好的 离雷东多海滩还有四十六英里
-Okay, there it is-Redondo Beach, 46.
现在是2:15 我们可能会迟点到达
It’s 2:1 5.Might be a few minutes late.
他们说了三点整 讲的很明白 我们不能惹那些人的 相信我
They said 3:00 sharp. They were very explicit.We can’t cross these people. Trust me.
-妈妈 德维恩的视力有1 5耶 -我猜也是
-Mom, Dwayne has 20/20 vision. -I bet he does.
好吧 现在我要测试你有没有色盲
-Okay, now I’m gonna check to see if you’re color blind.
What’s the letter in the circle?
不 不 不 圆圈里面
No, no, no.Inside the circle.
就在这里 看见了
Right there. See?
是”A”你看不见 就在这里
It’s an “A.” Can’t you see it?Right there.
It’s bright green.
Oh, man.
德维恩 我想你可能是色盲
Dwayne, I think you might be color blind.
如果你是色盲的话 就不能开飞机了
You can’t fly jets if you’re color blind.
我们有了一点小小的 好的 后面发生了紧急情况
We’ve got a little bit of-Okay, got an emergency back here.
-我想我们该停车 -怎么了
-I think we need to pull over. -What is it?
-什么紧急情况 -停车
-What’s the emergency? -Pull over.
没关系的 伙计 德维恩 德维恩 没关系的 你要挺住
It’s all right, man. Dwayne, Dwayne!It’s all right. Hold on.
-给我停车 -嗯 好吧
-Just pull over the car! -Okay! All right!
-你能让他停车吗 拜托 -理查 停车
-Could you get him to pull over, please? -Richard, pull over!
-理查 停车 -没关系 我们停下来了
-Richard, pull over the car! -It’s all right. We’re pulling over.
-我在停车 别乱来 -没关系的
-I’m pulling over. Stop it. -It’s all right.
-德维恩 不 不 德维恩 坐下来 -上帝 什么了不起的大事
-Dwayne! No, no. Dwayne. Sit down. -God, this better be good.
-停车 -我在停车 好吧
-Pull over. -I’m pulling over. All right.
-停车 一切都会好起来的 德维恩 -好了 不要开车门
-Stop the car. It’s gonna be okay, Dwayne. -All right. Don’t open the door.
德维恩 啊 上帝
Dwayne? Oh, God!
-发生什么了 -他是色盲 不能当飞行员
-What happened? -He’s color blind. He can’t fly.
啊 上帝 啊 不
Oh,Jesus. Oh, no.
呃 让他独自待会儿吧
Uh,just-just give him a second.
德维恩 亲爱的 对不起
Dwayne, honey, I’m sorry.
-德维恩 别这样 我们该走了 -我不走了
-Dwayne, come on. We have to go. -I’m not going.
-德维恩 -我说了我不走
-Dwayne–I said I’m not.
好吗 我不管 我不会上那车了
Okay? I don’t care.I’m not getting on that bus again.
德维恩 不管好坏 我们始终是你家人
Dwayne, for better or worse, we’re your family.
不 你们不是我家人 明白 我不想跟你们是一家人
No, you’re not my family!Okay? I don’t wanna be your family!
我他妈恨你们这些人 我恨你们
I hate you fucking people!I hate you!
离婚 破产 自杀
Divorce, bankrupt, suicide!
你们是他妈的失败者 你们是失败者
You fucking losers!You’re losers!
不 拜托 让我呆在这里 妈妈
No. Please just leave me here, Mom.
明白 拜托 拜托 拜托
Okay?Please, please, please.
Please just leave me here.
I don’t know what to do.
唔 就要迟到了
Well, it’s gettin’late.
也许 谁愿意留在这里陪他
Maybe-Can somebody stay here with him?
-我留下 -啊 那可不行
-I’ll stay. -Oh, that is not happening.
好吧 唔
All right. Well…

I’m just worried about the time.
奥丽芙 你 呃
Olive, you, uh-
you wanna try talking to him?
理查 不用 没什么好说的 在这里等着就行了
Richard, no! There is nothing to say.We just have to wait.
