which comes from cow’s milk…
and cream has a lot of fat in it.
-理查 -干嘛
-Richard. -What?
-她迟早会明白的 不记得了吗 -什么 明白什么
-She’s gonna find out anyway, remember? -What? Find out what?
你吃冰淇淋的时候 冰淇淋里的脂肪就会变成你身体里的脂肪
Well, when you eat ice cream, the fat in the ice cream becomes fat in your body.
-理查 我向天发誓 -真的
-Richard, I swear to God–It’s true.
-怎么了 出什么事了 -没事 宝贝没事
-What? What’s wrong? -Nothing, honey. Nothing’s wrong.
你如果吃很多冰淇淋 可能就会发胖
So if you eat a lot of ice cream,you might become fat.
如果不吃呢 你就会一直好好的 瘦瘦的 甜心
And if you don’t, you’re gonna stay nice and skinny, sweetie.
-妈妈 -奥丽芙 理查是个傻冒
-Mom–Olive, Richard is an idiot.
I like a woman with meat on her bones.
我不明白 为什么大家都不高兴了
I don’t-Why’s everyone so upset?
没有不高兴 宝贝 我只是
No, no one’s upset, honey. I-
I just want you to understand…
瘦也行 胖也行 你喜欢怎样就好
it’s okay to be skinny, and it’s okay to be fat, if that’s what you want to be.
Whateveryou want, it’s okay.
好啦 奥丽芙 那我来问你
Okay, but, Olive,let me ask you this.
Those women in Miss America-
Are they skinny,or are they fat?
嗯 我猜她们挺瘦的
Well, they’re skinny, I guess.
嗯 我猜她们可不多吃冰淇淋吧
Yeah. I guess they don’t eat a lot ofice cream.
好了 咖啡来了
Okay. Coffee. Coffee.
-柚子汁 -谢谢
-Grapefruit. -Thank you.
甘菊茶 你的冰淇淋
Chamom i le. And here’s your ice cream.
àlamodey对吧 一会儿就给你拿蛋饼来
“Alamodey,” right? I’ll be back with your waffles in a second.
Does anyone want my ice cream?
嗯 我想吃德维恩 弗兰克
Yeah, I’d like a little.Dwayne? Frank?
-奥丽芙不吃冰淇淋唉 -我吃一点你介意吗
-Olive’s not gonna have her ice cream. -Do you mind if I have a little?
-来啊 挖了吃 -看起来真不错
-Yeah, let’s dig in. -That looks really good.
that doesn’t want to enjoy their ice cream so early in the morning.
-哇 真不错 -你真的不想吃吗 奥丽芙
-Boy, that looks good. -You sure you don’t wanna have some, Olive?
Those waffles are gonna be awful lonely in there.
-唔 唔 -看着
-Mmm! Mmm! -Watch this.
等等 别都吃光了
Wait! Stop!Don’t eat it all.
-行吧 奥丽芙 -理查
-All right, Olive–Richard!
斯坦 我是理查 又是我啦 那 我知道你很忙
Stan, it’s Richard. Again.Listen, I know you’re busy…
但我们急着想知道 你在斯科特斯德有什么音讯
but we’re just dying to hear what sort of numbers you came up with in Scottsdale.
-给我回个电♥话♥ 拜托 -打通了吗
-So, uh, give me a call, please. -Hey, did you get him?
How long till we get there?
-很远 宝贝 -我知道 但到底多远
-A long time, honey. -I know. But how long?
我们今天还得开六百英里 明天还有两百
Well, we gotta do 600 miles of driving today and 200 tomorrow.
-有得开呢 我们走 -我来开一会
-That’s a lot of driving. Let’s go. -I’ll drive for a while.
-没事 我没问题 -没 我也得学着点了
-No, no. I got it. -No. I gotta learn how to do this.
再说 你不就会开吗 能有多难呢
You’re doing it.How hard can it be?
-用力推 -我在用力啦
-Push the stick down hard. -I’m pushing hard.
Now push the clutch in all the way to the floor.
It’s on the floor.The floor.
Sticking on there.
-Push down hard.
Well, you’ve got a problem.
手柄啊 烂了
Your clutch is, uh, shot.
Can we get a new one?
这种老爷车 得特别订购新的
These oldbuses,you-you have to order the part.
How long does it take?
Well, it’s the weekend…
so… maybe… Thursday.
Is there a, uh,dealership around here?
Well, uh, they’re probably gonna be closed.
周末嘛 你明白的
It’s, uh-It’s the weekend, you know.
嗯 我们明白
Yes, we’re aware of that.
我跟你说 你知道这种老爷车啊
I’ll tell you what.You know these-these old buses?
从三档换到四档 不用手柄也成
You don’t need the clutch to change from-from the third to the fourth.
You only really need the clutch to go from number one to number two.
But as long asyou keep parking on a hill…
让它往下滑 等速度上到十五 二十码的
and you let it go, and it goes 15, 20 miles per hour…
你就开始挂上档 然后就从三档到四档
you start her in third,and you go from third to fourth.
没坡怎么办 没坡
What if you’re not on a hill? There’s no hill.
没坡怎么搞 那
What if there’s no hill?What do you-
唔 也有法子
Yeah, it’s-
奥丽芙 爸 你们先上车
Olive, Dad, I want you in the car first.
-知道了知道了 -行 出发了
-I know. We know. -All right, here we go!
大家推啊 行了
Everybody push!All right.
走了 推啊推
Here we go! Push! Push!
好了 好了
I just want everyone here to know…
that I am the preeminent Proust scholar in the United States.
-Here we go!
-来了宝贝 -挂上档了
-Go on, honey.-I’m putting it in gear!
-快跑 宝贝 -快点
-Go, honey! -Come on!
来 奥丽芙 快跑
Come on, Olive!Run! Run! Come on!
-加油 -雪儿 放手了
-Come on! -Sheryl, let’s go!
-弗兰克 放手了 -我来了
-Frank, let’s go! -I’m coming.
-要跟丢了 慢点 -慢不下来
-You’re losing them. Slow down! -I can’t slow down!
-加油加油 加油 你这蠢货 -慢不下来 我慢不下来
-Come on! Come on! Come on, you dumb bastard! -I can’t. I can’t slow down.
-慢不下来 -快来
-I can’t slow down! -Let’s go!
Help him. Come on!
快快 进来
Come on. Come on. Get in.
No one gets left behind.
-关门 -一个也不能少
-Close the door! -No one gets left behind!
好样的 伙计 好样的
Outstanding, soldier!Outstanding!
-好玩吧 -嗯
-Was that fun? -Yeah.
So finally I’m just sitting there…
想着 这不是斯坦·格罗斯曼吗 不管了
and I decide, you know,”This is Stan Grossman. What the hell?”
And I start pitching him the nine steps.
然后差不多 两分钟之后吧 他打断了我 说道
Andabout-I don’t know-two minutes in, he stops me, he says…
“I can sell this.”
唔 有意思
Mm-hmm. Interesting.
嗯 这人懂这一套
Yeah, and this is the guy who knows how to do it.
开始是出书 然后是巡回展览 公♥司♥营销 DVD 录像带
You start with a book, and then you do a media tour, corporate events, DVD, VHS series.
看你怎么逐步搞定了 这都是有科学的
I mean, there’s a whole fascinating science into how you roll these things out.
-哇 -他这会儿在斯科特斯德
-Wow.-Yeah, so he’s in Scottsdale right now, you know…
放点风声啦 宣传一下啦
building the buzz and kind of getting the whole hype thing going.
He’s doing what the pros call a ticking clock auction.
哟 真行啊
Oh, how about that!
你在讽刺我啊 我感觉得到 弗兰克
Yeah, and I can detect that note of sarcasm there, Frank.
什么讽刺 我可没 我可没听出来
What sarcasm? I didn’t-I didn’t hear it.
But I want you to know something.
I feel sorry for you.
真的 好哇
You do? Good.
对 因为讽刺是失败者的庇护所
Yeah, I do. Because sarcasm is the refuge oflosers.
-真的吗 -对
-It is? Really? -Yep.
讽刺是失败者把成功者 降格到他们自己的地位的手段
Sarcasm is losers trying to bring winners down to their level…
and that’s step four in the program.
哇 理查 我可真是大开眼界了 原来我这么失败啊
Wow, Richard, you’ve really opened my eyes to what a loser I am.
-为这些金玉良言 我该付你多少钱 -算我请客
-How much do I owe you for those pearls of wisdom? -That one’s on the house.
-行啦 够了 -请客
-Okay, you guys, that’s enough. -It’s on the house.
-免费 -不要钱
-That was for free? -No charge. No charge.
-好啦 -他先来了
-Stop it! -He started it.
-你真ue195 -安静了 电♥话♥来了
-You are so bad. -Quiet. This is it. This is that call.

斯坦·格罗斯曼 我是理查·胡佛
Stan Grossman?Richard Hoover.
我知道 我们呃 在高速上 手♥机♥信♥号♥♥不好
No, I know. We were, uh, on the highway,and I lost you on my cell.
不提了 怎样啊
Forget about it.How’d we do?
宝贝 我去洗手间 你要不要去
Honey, I’m gonna use the ladies’ room.You need to go?
不了 我去那边练习一下表演
No. I’m gonna go practice my routine over there.
行 别走远了
