-We’ll fly there. -We can’t afford it.
就这么着了 除非你有更好的主意
Well, that’s what we’re gonna do unless you have a better idea.
给 甜心
Here. This is dessert.
我赢了 我赢了
I won! I won!I won! I won! I won!
I won! I won! I won!
阳光小美女 阳光小美女
Miss Sunshine! Little Miss Sunshine!Little Miss Sunshine!
好啦 我来开大车
All right.I ‘ll drive the bus.
理查 说了弗兰克不能一个人呆着的
Richard, I was told explicitly not to leave Frank by himself.
-不是有意冒犯 弗兰克 -没事
-No offense, Frank. -None taken.
什么呀 不是有德维恩吗 他们俩可以互相照顾
You got Dwayne here.They can look after each other.
不行的 理查 这也要求太高了 万一出事
No, Richard! That’s asking too much.If something happened-
那我们就去不成了 除非带上德维恩和弗兰克一起
We can’t go, then, unless Dwayne and Frank go with us.
-妈 我的泳衣呢 -对
-Mom, where’s my bathing suit? -Right.
-I foundit!
去比赛喽 去喽去喽
I’m going! I’m going!I’m going!
德维恩 拜托了 看在你妹妹面上
Oh, Dwayne, come on, please.Think of your sister.
好啦 德维恩 你会玩得挺开心的
Come on, Dwayne.It’ll be a lot offun.
You can go to the beach and-
“This is unfair.
“All I ask is…
that you leave me alone.”
德维恩 飞行学校
Dwayne, flight school.
I will give you permission for flight school.
我赢了我赢了 这趟也会赢
I won! I won! I won! I won!I’m gonna win this one too!
“行 但我不会
“But I’m not going…
to have any fun.”
嗯 大家都同意这一点 德维恩
Yeah, we’re all with you on that one, Dwayne.
爷爷 爷爷也去加州吗
Grandpa! Grandpa!Is Grandpa coming to California?
-我们都去 宝贝 -嗨 先等等
-We’re all coming, honey. -Hey, uh, hold on.
奥丽芙 你过来一下
Olive, come over here for a second.
来 坐下
Come here.Sit down for a second.
Look, there’s no sense in entering a contest…
if you don’t think you’re gonna win.
So do you think you can win Little Miss Sunshine?
Are you gonna win?

We’re going to California.
晚安 德维恩
Good night, Dwayne.
有你看着我 我不会啦
Not on your watch.I wouldn’t do that to you.
-谢谢 德维恩
Thank you, Dwayne.
你能这么说 实在是很不错
Coming from you, that means a lot.
Good night.
天了 累死我了 我真♥他♥妈♥累死了
Jesus, I’m tired.I’m so fucking tired.
Do you know how tired I am?
就算有女孩来求我♥干♥她 我都干不了
If some girl came up to me,begged me to fuck her, I couldn’t do it.
-爸 说话注意点好吧 -我就有这么累
-Dad? Watch the language, huh? -That’s how tired I am.
She’s listening to music.
奥丽芙 如果你转过身来 我给你一百万
Olive, I’ll give you a million dollars if you turn around.
-瞧见没有 -行
-See? -All right.
-那还有我们呢 -噢 还有你么呢
-But the rest of us. -Oh, the rest of you.
Can I give you some advice?
那 反正听我讲啦
Well, I’m gonna give it to you anyway.
-我可不想你犯我犯过的错误 -咱们可真是迫不及待想听啊
-I don’t want you making the same mistakes I made. -Can’t wait to hear this.
德维恩 你是叫这名字吧 德维恩
Dwayne-That’s your name,right? Dwayne?
This is the voice of experience talking.
你听见没 多干几个女人 德维恩
Are you listening?Fuck a lot of women, Dwayne.
-喂 爸 -别只干一个 多多地干
-Hey! Dad! -Not just one woman. A lot of women.
-说够了吧 -你搞上了没
-That’s enough, all right? -Are you gettin’ any?
-爸 -跟我说没事 德维恩 搞上了没
-Dad! -You can tell me, Dwayne. Are you gettin’ any?
-拜托 -没有 天哪 你多大了都 十五了
-Come on, please. -No? Jesus. You’re what, 15?
-天啊 -爸
-My God, man! -Dad!
你要抓紧多搞小姑娘 那可是好货色
You should be gettin’that young stuff.That young stuffis the best in the world.
-爸 够了 别说了 -能不能别打断我的话
-Dad, that’s enough! Stop it! -Will you kindly not interrupt!
你是少年郎 他们是小姑娘 都未成年 绝配
See, right now you’re jailbait. They’re jailbait. It’s perfect.
等你上了十八岁 再找未成年的 就得坐三五年牢
I mean, you hit 18-Man, you’re talking about three to five.
Hey, I will pull this truck over right now!
你停车啊 我照样说话 靠 我爱说啥说啥
So pull the truck over!Fuck you! I can say what I want.
-我屁♥股♥上还留着当年的纳粹子弹呢 -啊唷 纳粹子弹
-I still got Nazi bullets in my ass! -Ah, the Nazi bullets!
-You’re as bad as those fuckers at Sunset Manor.
-夕阳红出什么事了 -弗兰克 别鼓励他
-What happened at Sunset Manor? -Frank, don’t encourage him.
出了什么事 我跟你讲 我付了钱 他们拿了钱
I’ll tell you what happened.I paid my money. They took my money.
I should be able to do what the fuck I want!
-他开始吸海♥洛♥因♥ -开始吸海♥洛♥因♥
-He started snorting heroin. -You started snorting heroin?
-我老了 -那会搞死你的
-I’m old! -Well, that stuffll kill you.
你以为我傻啊 你可别开始吸那玩艺
What am I, an idiot?And don’t you start taking that shit.
年轻人 搞那玩艺就是疯了
When you’re young,you’re crazy to do that stuff.
-你呢 -我老了 老了不搞那才叫疯呢
-What about you? -I’m old. When you’re old,you’re crazy not to do it.
我们也曾经插手干预 相信我吧 完全没戏 他还不如三岁小孩呢
We’ve tried. Believe me. The intervention was a fiasco. He’s worse than a two-year-old.
Can we please talk about something else?
-我猜你不喜欢夕阳红 -弗兰克
I take ityou didn’t like it at Sunset Manor. -Frank.
你开玩笑吧 那地方简直是天堂
Are you kidding me?It was a fuckin’ paradise.
有泳池 有高尔夫
They got a pool.They got golf.
现在我只好和开心果先生一起住 睡在他妈的沙发上
Now I’m stuck with Mr. Happy here, sleepin’ on a fuckin’ sofa.
我知道你是搞基的 但说起来你也该明白
Look, I know you’re a homo andall,but maybe you can appreciate this.
那种地方 男女比例是一比四
You go to one of those places,there’s four women for every guy.
-你能想像吗 -你肯定很忙碌了
-Can you imagine what that’s like? -You must’ve been very busy.
哇 我的老二简直是二度烫伤了 不开玩笑
Whoa! I had second-degree burns on my johnson. I kid you not.
-真的 -别提了
-Really? -Forget about it.
What are you guys talking about?

多干女人 小子 没道理骗你啊
Fuck a lot ofwomen, kid.I have no reason to lie to you.
别只干一个 多多地干
Not one woman.A lot ofwomen.
你听见没有 听进去没有
You heard what I said?Did it go in anywhere?
我们都明白了 爸
Yeah, I think we get the point, Dad.
别拿他妈的记事簿 我不爱看你♥他♥妈♥的记事簿
Don’t show me the pad.I don’t want to see the fuckin’ pad.
妈 我们可以花多少钱
Mom, how much can we spend?
四美元吧 不到四美元的都成
I would say four dollars.Anything under four dollars.
嗨 好点菜了吗
Hi. You ready?
我要五号♥套餐加咖啡 谢谢
Yeah, I’m gonna have the,uh, number five with coffee, please.

All right.
七号♥ 煎蛋要单面的 加柚子汁
A number seven, over easy,and a grapefruit juice.
-柚子汁 好 -我要一个水果盘
-Grapefruit. Okay. -I would like a fruit plate.
-有没有甘菊茶 -有
-And do you have chamomile? -Yes.
-加蜜 -我要一份木工牛排 咖啡
-With honey, please. -I would like the lumberjack and coffee.
-外加一份熏肉 -外加熏肉
-And extra bacon. -Extra.
-爸 你不该 -理查 别提这事
-Now, Dad, you should probably–Richard, don’t start.
-他会整死自己的 -他自己的生活自己决定
-He’s gonna kill himself. -Well, it’s his life.
-谢谢 雪儿 -花♥园♥沙拉
-Thank you, Sheryl. -Garden salad?
And you.
-抱歉 抱歉 -慢慢来
-I-I’m sorry. I, um-Sorry. -Take your time.
不用道歉 奥丽芙 这是软弱的表现
Don’t apologize, Olive.It’s a sign of weakness.
嗯 哪 我要 好了 我知道了
Um, well, I want-Okay, okay.I know what I want. I know.
我要这个格子蛋饼 还有
Okay, can I get the waffles and, uh-
我不知道 àlamodey是什么意思
I don’t-What does “alamodey” mean?
-意思是加冰淇淋 -那就àlamodey吧
-Oh, that means it comes with ice cream. -Okay, “alamodey” then.
-奥丽芙 早饭耶 -你说了不到四美元都行的
-Olive, forbreakfast? -You said four dollars.
行 你说得对 谢谢
Okay. You’re right. Thank you.
好 就来
Okay. Be right back.
事实上 奥丽芙 法语里的àlamode
Actually, Olive, “à la mode” in French…
translates literally as “in the fashion.”
à la mode.
mode是从拉丁语modus一词而来的 意指”应当或合适的方式”
“Mode” is derived from Latin modus,meaning “due orproper measure.”
-弗兰克 闭嘴 -理查
-Frank, shut up. -Richard!
奥丽芙 我跟你说说冰淇淋是怎么回事吧
Olive, can I tell you a little something about ice cream?
-好 -冰淇淋是用奶油做的
-Yeah. -Well, ice cream is made from cream…
