
listless (LIST less) This adjective, which comes from Middle English where “list” could refer to interest or desire, works as pretty much as a synonym for apathetic. Unlike that word, however, listless can refer to a physical as well as an emotional state.

  • After her best friend Sheila moved hundreds of miles away, Lola felt lonely and listless for a time without the daily pleasure of her company.
  • A bad case of flu left Allan both looking and feeling listless even after the doctor allowed him to return to school.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
listless(LIST less)这个形容词来自中古英语,“LIST”可以指兴趣或欲望,几乎是冷漠的同义词。然而,与这个词不同的是,无精打采既可以指身体状态,也可以指情绪状态。

  • 在她最好的朋友希拉搬离数百英里后,洛拉感到孤独和无精打采,有一段时间没有了陪伴的日常乐趣
  • 一场严重的流感让艾伦看起来和感觉都无精打采,即使在医生允许他回到学校之后

