You do. Their uncle paid you to get them out of China.
If Benny’s scared of him, he’s got to be a Chinese Triad.
不值得为他死 瑞格 不值得
He ain’t worth dying for, Riggs. He ain’t worth it.
我是男孩 希望它变成公主
…it would turn into a princess since I was a boy…
Will you honor, love, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera…
莉安怀孕罗 你要当外公了
Rianne’s pregnant. You’re going to be a grandfather.
That shark damages my boat, I take it out on you, Leo.
我知道 大概有人乱造谣
I know he’s not. It’s probably some jerk he put away.
别逼我 不要逼我说
You’re pushing me. I really don’t want you to go there.
You know how Roger is about his daughter dating cops?
大家注意 都过了一年
All right, everybody. It’s been a year almost already.
Yell things like, “Riggs, Murtaugh, I’m the captain.”
I just thought, you know, I’m out of shape or something.
Benny said something about buying back his forefathers.
我最近不常来 维琪对不起
I haven’t been here enough lately, Vicki. I’m sorry.
说的再多 你也不会懂的啦
I don’t know how to explain that. Is that bullshit?
叫他们投票给执政党 让我…
Ask them to vote the incumbent party, help me…
Shows the rest what’ll happen if they run or don’t pay.
他不会游泳 我得救这家伙
I’m pulling, he doesn’t swim. I saved this big guy.
Think you can stay out of trouble? Something simple?
-华盛顿、杰佛逊? -罗斯福?
– Washington, Jefferson, those guys? – Roosevelt?
钞票没脸 将军没面子
There you go. Money losing face. General losing face.
Yeah, he’s good. How’d he do that thing with the gun?
我很爱它 随身带着它
I really loved him and I took him everywhere with me.
They’ll get in the country and be able to stay forever.
People get killed left, right and center in this town!
别去问 他问题够多了
Don’t tell him I said that. With all his problems…
这算买♥♥♥一♥送♥一♥ 恕不退货?
You mean it’s a package deal? Take it or leave it?
You want your badges? Let me see those sergeant badges.
或是你老妈 或是曼德拉
Or your mother, maybe. Or how about Nelson Mandela?
I’m perfecting my tailing technique now that I’m a PI.
Sell any heroin? Buy any cops? Kill anyone lately?
Chicken and sweet and sour pork, barbecue spareribs…
被勒死 眼珠还被鸽子吃掉
Strangled. And get this: Pigeons ate his eyeballs.
Why don’t you go see your own dentist and be quiet?!
Pick up your wife, my daughter. Make sure she’s safe.
I was knocked down over here! I couldn’t even get up!
不会啦 我们偷溜过去
He won’t. We’ll creep up on him so he won’t notice.
你干嘛不旱说 罗杰?
Why didn’t you just say that to begin with, Roger?!
拿去吧 不用钱 你湿透了
You should take this, it’s free. You’re all wet.
谢了 我以为至少到洛矶山脉
Thanks. I thought I’d at least rate the Rockies.
莉安嫁给一个警♥察♥ 并怀了孕
Rianne’s married to one, the father of her baby.
She’s in the kitchen. On her third breakfast by now.
两位队长闹够了吧 快滚出去
Enough with the “Captain” shit! Get out of here!
他们就是要整你 恶整你
They fuck you, they fuck you with the cell phones!
我回家换衬衫 介意吗?
What do you care if I go home and change my shirt?
那里 就是那王八蛋
There it is! There’s the son of a bitch right there!
People have the right to do what makes them happy.
No witnesses. We could probably get away with it.
I just hate to see bad things happen to good folk.
-他们躲在救生艇上 -是吗?
– They were hiding in the lifeboat. -They were?
I’m a policeman who asked you about your green card.
they cut you off. You make a call, they cut you off.
Never lost my Sports Illustrated swimsuit phone.
I don’t know what fucking Afghanistan look like.
That’s what Uncle Benny meant by buying them back.
What took me so long?! What the hell do you think?!
让我说给你听 好吗?
Just give me a second. Let me tell you this, okay?
-神父、牧师 都行 -去哪儿找?
– Get a priest, minister, anything. – Where?
快点 她得进产房♥了
Faster, faster! She’s heading for the home stretch.
Why, does that violate your family values system?
我们没谈过 挺糟糕的
We haven’t discussed it. That’s pretty messed up.
They fell in love. She got pregnant. They got hitched.
等一下 别去 拜托
– I love Chinese food. – Hold it! Please! Please!
Say, we get a raise and nobody told me about it?
Now that you’re captains, come up in the chopper.
很难查 不过放心
It’ll be a rough one to crack, but we’ll nail them.
-我要检查你的… -把枪放下
– License! Registration! – Put the gun down!
我知道你是警♥察♥ 我是闹着玩
Besides, I knew you were a cop! I was kidding!
Then he doesn’t understand words like “scumbag”…
This can’t be the first time you had tequila, Hong.
抱歉 没事吧?
– No problem. Sorry, man. – It happens periodically.
I’ve been wondering, where’s the money coming from?
把小平带走 别让他看到尸体
Grab Ping. I don’t want him to see the bodies.
A lot of deals go down with the Chinese military.
This is what Benny meant by buying the Four Fathers.
我得谈谈萝娜 我和萝娜
I need to talk to you about Lorna. Me and Lorna.
He was my best friend, the only thing I ever loved.
She needs to hear the words before the baby comes.
萝娜 你愿嫁给马丁…
Lorna, will you take Martin to be your husband?
27 people. Nobody thought of bringing a camera?
Will him not to turn. Power of positive thinking.
射不到啦 我是在射大黑鲨
I’m not shooting your boat, I’m shooting Jaws.
警探没看到 我把他推开
Sergeant Murtaugh didn’t see it, so I push him.
我得救他 就把他推下水
He’s big, I knock him over. We’re in the water.
-毛毯来了 -我太激动了
– Here’s blankets. – Sorry, I’m losing my head.
I know. I got a little carried away with puppies.
很好 我也劝他要收黑钱
I actually tried to persuade him to take money.
Get it off your chest. You’ll feel better. Tell me.
Can you believe how they talk to their father?
…while you two still run around on the streets.
-谢谢你 队长 -谢谢你 队长
– Thank you, Captain.- Thank you, Captain.
你应该敬礼 我们是队长
You’re supposed to turn around. We’re captains.
别扣我帽子 你太敏感了
Don’t turn everything around! You’re so touchy.
-他们不必报♥警♥ -为什么?
– And bad guys can’t call the cops. – Why not?
Finally, Mao left home to continue his schooling.
收下吧 他是个好人
I want you to have it. It belonged to a good man.
别闹了 你们就爱胡扯
You guys are always kidding. Whatever. I get it.
A coffee stain’s not something that would bother me.
看清楚 等一下
Coast is clear. Talk to the hand, okay? One second.
他们在做怪钞 油墨都没干
They were making funny money. Ink’s still wet.
I want a complete set of forensics on all three.
I was on my way to the toilet and she grabbed me.
Listen, I am getting married or there is no baby.
This is no goddamn aspect of a transition phase!
别想那么多 要有信心
Don’t be a Don’t-Bee. Be a Do-Bee. Be positive.
可恶 我引开他 你躲起来
Shit! I’ll draw his fire! You run for cover!
There’s something I’m not supposed to tell you too.
-射哪? -燃料筒的活门
– Shoot what? – The valve on that napalm tank!
I won’t let it die so you can have its teeth!
Los Angeles Police Department! We heard gunfire!
We’re on the boat, I see this barrel coming down.
This is how he wanted to come to America, right?
All of a sudden, this big fucking shark comes…
Nothing comes between a pregnant lady and a meal.
This is my chance to do something and do it right.
This is the most painful experience of my life.
很抱歉 我只想要你的建议
I’m sorry about all that. I want your advice.
Turns out they only knew the shooter by sight.
班尼陈 没有 他是坏蛋吗?
Benny Chan. No. What kind of bad man is he?
警员 我正和警探们聊天
Officer, I’m just talking with the detectives.
不但很过瘾 也能作心理治疗
Not only is it satisfying, it’s therapeutic.
你快当爸爸了 别跳
You’re going to be a father! Don’t jump, damn it!
He got it when he retired from the force. Here.
大案子 我没骗你
It is a big case, Mr. Big Shot, for all you know.
-听得懂吗? -一点也不懂
– Mean anything to you? – No, nothing at all.
Hong’s uncle was an artist. Maybe an engraver.
趴下 让他们自相残杀
Keep your head down! Let them shoot each other!
没有 我没跟爱邦妮上♥床♥
No, I’m not boinking Ebony Clark, Riggs. Shit!
我爱她 我不想骗你 真的
…and I love her. I won’t lie to you. I do.