2014-12-19 10:57上传
2014-12-19 10:58:10 泰德教育 (钢琴学习)

好几年没听到这首歌了,现在才知道是Yoko Ono的声音。

2014-12-19 10:58:28 泰德教育 (钢琴学习)
Yoko Ono《Let Me Count The Ways》歌词:

Let me count the ways how I love you
It’s like that gentle wind you feel at dawn
It’s like that first sun that hits the dew
It’s like that cloud with a gold lining

Telling us softly that it’ll be a good day
A good day for us
Thank you, thank you, thank you

Let me count the ways how I miss you
It’s like that oak tree in my childhood garden
It’s like that first summer I spent in Egypt
It’s like that warm evening you read to me

Both knowing deeply that it’s a good time
A good time for us
Thank you, thank you, thank you

Let me count the ways how I see you
It’s like that lake in the mountain you heard about
It’s like that autumn sky that stays so blue
It’s like that air around me that holds me gently

Whispering strongly that you’re always there
Always for me
Thank you, thank you, thank you

Milk and Honey是约翰列侬和小野洋子在1984年发行的专辑,这是列侬死后发行的第一张唱片,录制于他生命最后一个月,在Double Fantasy发行之后。

专辑中发行了Nobody Told Me、I’m Stepping Out和Borrowed Time三首单曲。
Nobody Told Me在1980年录制了一个短的版本,但并没有被完成。1983年作为单曲被发行。
这首歌是约翰列侬最后一首UK Top 10,到达了#6。(虽然列侬的名作Imagine在1999年的英国榜到了#3,但已经是旧作了)这首歌同时也是也是列侬最后一首 Billboard Hot 100前十作品,最后达到了#5,此时,列侬去世后已经有3首top5的作品了!这在已故歌手中并不多见!
BorrowedTime发行后表现低迷,没能进入美国榜单,在英国单曲榜仅为#32 。
I’m Stepping Out在 U.S. Billboard Hot 100排名#55,在英国榜单上仅为#88。

2016-02-08 14:33:09 泰德教育 (钢琴学习)
作者链接 http://mengqianxun.net/archives/325
