嘴上吃紧 但管他妈的
Tough on the teeth, but what the hell!
觉得你贫穷? 觉得你自♥由♥?
Think you’re poor? Think you’re free?
跟我来 跟我来
Follow me! Follow me!
低头看 若你还有慈悲就拿出来
Look down and show some mercy if you can!
低头看 低头看 看看你的同胞
Look down, look down upon your fellow man!
你以为这是哪儿? 敢来我的地盘
What you think yer at? Hanging round me pitch
瞧你像个雏儿 好好学点规矩
If you’re new around here, girl You’ve got a lot to learn
哟 你这疯老巫婆
Listen, you old bat Crazy bloody witch
Least I give my customers some pleasure in return
你还带什么 只带着瘟疫
I know what you give You give them all the pox
到处传播毒素 送人进棺材
You spread around your poison till they end up in a box
别理那老虔婆 快走 玛德琳
Leave the poor old cow Move it, Madeleine
She used to be no better till the clap got to her brain
几时是个头? 几时能活命?
When’s it gonna end? When we gonna live?
有人要爆发 不然就灭亡
-Something’s gotta happen now -MAN: Or something’s gonna give
快到了 快到了 快到了 快到了
It’ll come, it’ll come, it’ll come It’ll come, it’ll come, it’ll come
这里的主人何在 谁管着这出大戏?
Where are the leaders of the land? Where are the swells who run this show?
只有拉马克将军一人 还为这些草民说话
Only one man, and that’s Lamarque speaks for these people here below
喂饱我们的孩子 拉我们一把
See our children fed! Help us in our shame!
以耶稣的名义 给口饭吃
Something for a crust of bread in holy Jesus’ name!
以天主神圣的名 以他之名 以他之名
In the Lord’s holy name In his name, in his name, in his name
拉马克病危 命在旦夕 据说活不过这星期
Lamarque is ill and fading fast Won’t last a week out, so they say
看这遍地怒火 最终审判日还有多久?
With all the anger in the land How long before the judgement day?
Before we cut the fat ones down to size?
Before the barricades arise?
当心 是老德纳第 这一家子可真有志气
Watch out for old Thenardier! All of his family’s on the make
当年在路边开小酒店 谁不骂他一声猪猡
Once ran a hash-house down the way
Bit of a swine and no mistake
他组了个匪帮 各种混混
He’s got a gang The bleeding layabout
Even his daughter does her share
那是老♥江♥湖爱潘妮 别看年纪小 什么都吓不倒
That’s Eponine, she knows her way about Only a kid, but hard to scare!
谁在乎? 管它去
Do we care? Not a cuss!
我们万岁 我们万岁
Long live us! Long live us!
低头看 若你还有慈悲就拿出来
Look down and show some mercy if you can!
低头看 低头看 看看你的同胞
Look down, look down upon your fellow man!
老小子来了 开工吧 当心警♥察♥
Here’s the old boy! Stay on the job and watch out for the law!
别来这里 可是 爱潘妮
-Stay out of this! -But, Eponine…
会惹祸上身的 你别管 没你事
You’ll be in trouble here! It’s not your concern, you’ll be in the clear
这男人是谁? 放开我
-Who is that man? -Leave me alone!
他在这做什么 嘿 爱潘妮
Why is he here? Hey, Eponine!
我没看见您 原谅我
I didn’t see you there, forgive me
行行好 先生 这边来
Please, monsieur, come this way
Here’s a child what ain’t eaten today
Save a life Spare a sou!
行善积德 上帝会报偿您的
God rewards all the good that you do
且慢 我认得那张脸
Wait a bit! Know that face!
风水轮流转 世界真奇妙
Ain’t the world a remarkable place?
我这种人 过目不忘
Men like me don’t forget
You’re the bastard who borrowed Cosette!
干什么? 你疯了吗?
What is this? Are you mad?
不 先生 你搞错了
No, monsieur, you don’t know what you do!
你认得我 你认得我 跟你一样是骗子
You know me, you know me! I’m a con, just like you
警♥察♥来了 躲起来 快跑
It’s the police! Disappear! Run for it!
It’s Javert!
广场上又一场骚乱 又一阵恶臭扑鼻
Another brawl in the square! Another stink in the air!
有没有目击者? 让他向沙威答话
Was there a witness to this? Well, let him speak to Javert!
先生 街巷不安宁 这些害虫等着瞧
Monsieur, the streets are not safe But let these vermin beware
We’ll see that justice is done!
Look upon this fine collection crawled from underneath a stone
蛇虫鼠蚁 向人敲骨吸髓
This swarm of worms and maggots could have picked you to the bone!
我认得那个人 我知道他的帮派 营生
I know this man over here I know his name and his trade
只要你作证 先生 我就将他绳之以法
And on your witness, monsieur I’ll see him suitably paid
可这位先生去哪了 他为何要逃跑?
But where’s the gentleman gone? And why on earth did he run?
You will have a job to catch him!
He’s the one you should arrest!
No more bourgeois when you scratch him
than that brand upon his chest!
莫不是某个逃犯 又浮出了水面?
Could it be he’s some old jailbird that the tide now washes in?
一听我名字便逃走 皮肤上烫着烙印
Heard my name and started running Had the brand upon his skin
And the girl who stood beside him
When I turned they both had gone
他莫不是我追捕的人 他莫不是冉阿让?
Could he be the man I’ve hunted? Could it be he’s Jean Valjean?
In the absence of a victim
亲爱的警官 我先撤啦?
Dear Inspector, may I go?
等你抓到他 别忘记
And remember when you’ve nicked him
It was me wot told you so!
Let the old man keep on running
I will run him off his feet!
各人都好自为之 散了吧 这些垃圾
Everyone about your business Clear this garbage off the street!
在那儿 茫茫黑夜中
There, out in the darkness
A fugitive running
Fallen from God
Fallen from grace
上帝 请为我见证
God, be my witness!
哪怕穷尽一生 我也要让他无处遁形
I never shall yield till we come face to face
Till we come face to face
He knows his way in the dark
我跟随天主 堂堂正正
Mine is the way of the Lord
Those who follow the path of the righteous
shall have their reward
如果他们坠落 如路西弗堕入地狱
And if they fall, as Lucifer fell
烈焰蚀心 利剑折磨
The flame! The sword!
Stars in your multitudes!
Scarce to be counted
Filling the darkness
With order and light
You are the sentinels
Silent and sure
守望着黑夜 守望着黑夜
Keeping watch in the night Keeping watch in the night
You know your place in the sky
你目标坚定 心无旁骛
You hold your course and your aim!
四季变换 你随之轮转
And each in your season returns and returns
And is always the same
如果你坠落 如路西弗堕入地狱
And if you fall, as Lucifer fell
You fall in flames!
天理昭彰 书载言传
And so it must be For so it is written
On the doorway to Paradise
That those who falter and those who fall
Must pay the price!
主啊 让我找到他
Lord, let me find him
that I may see him safe behind bars!
我会不眠不休 直到那天为止
I will never rest till then!
This I swear!
This I swear by the stars!
(SINGING) That inspector thinks he’s something
But it’s me who runs this town!
我这剧院好戏连台 从不落幕
And my theatre never closes and the curtain’s never down!
信伽弗洛什 别害怕 我就在这里恭候大驾
Trust Gavroche! Have no fear! You can always find me here!
圣米歇尔广场 缪尚咖啡馆
安灼拉 圣母院的会议在秘密筹备
(SINGING) Enjolras! At Notre Dame the sections are prepared!
At Rue du Bac they’re straining at the leash!
学生 工人 所有人 蓄势待发 群情激奋
Students, workers, everyone! There’s a river on the run!
革命的浪潮排山倒海 巴黎同我们一起站了起来
Like the flowing of the tide Paris coming to our side!
The time is near
时不我待 它奋张着每一根血脉
So near it’s stirring the blood in their veins
And yet beware!
Don’t let the wine go to your brains
For the army we fight is a dangerous foe
With the men and the arms that we never can match
