My dear, we all must stay alive!
漂亮女人 黑夜里等你来
Lovely ladies waiting in the dark
等着公园里捞一票 做笔大买♥♥卖♥♥
Ready for a thick one or a quick one in the park
要快要慢全由你 宝贝儿
Long time, short time, anytime, my dear!
多花一点 让你享用一年
Cost a little extra if you want to take all year
Quick and cheap is underneath the pier!
好美的头发 好漂亮一头卷发
What pretty hair! What pretty locks you’ve got there
亲爱的 你真走运 这一点就值一生丁
What luck you’ve got It’s worth a centime, my dear!
我全买♥♥下 不要碰我 走开
-I’ll take the lot! -Don’t touch me! Leave me alone!
开个价 我给你整整十法郎
Let’s make a price I’ll give you all of 10 francs
好好想想 得挣钱还债
-Just think of that! -It pays a debt
好好想想 该怎么办? 得挣钱还债
-Just think of that -What can I do? It pays a debt
Ten francs may save my poor Cosette
老天爷 那小东西是谁?
Gimme the dirt Who’s that bit over there?
A bit of skirt She’s the one sold her hair
为养孩子 她已经倾家荡产
She’s got a kid Sends her all that she can
怎么不早说 世上又不缺男人
I might’ve known there is always some man
漂亮女人 快来加入我们
Lovely lady, come along and join us!
Lovely lady!
来吧 亲爱的 还犹豫什么?
Come on, dearie, why all the fuss?
You’re no grander than the rest of us
Life has dropped you at the bottom of the heap
跟姐♥妹♥们♥来吧 躺着就能赚钱
Join your sisters Make money in your sleep!
对啦 亲爱的 给他们点颜色看看
WHORE 1 : That’s right, dearie Let ‘im have the lot
对啦 亲爱的
WHORE 2: That’s right, dearie
Show ‘im what you’ve got
也有老 也有少 来了就照单全收
Old men, young men, take ’em as they come!
随你是什么渣滓 阿猫阿狗
Harbor rats and alley cats and every kind of scum!
也有穷 也有富 大人先生更不少
Poor men, rich men, leaders of the land
裤子一脱 都那么神气十足
See them with their trousers off They’re never quite as grand!
只要掏钱 一切好商量
All it takes is money in your hand!
漂亮女人 逍遥快活
Lovely ladies going for a song
前门送旧 后门迎新 恩客数不清
Got a lot of callers but they never stay for long
来吧 船长 穿着鞋也行
Come on, Captain, you can wear your shoes
Don’t it make a change to have a girl who can’t refuse?
挣钱容易 只要往床上一躺
Easy money Lying on a bed
Just as well they never see the hate that’s in your head!
他们难道不知道 他们在和
Don’t they know they’re making love
to one already dead?
Here’s something new
I think I’ll give it a try
Come closer, you!
I like to see what I buy
The usual price
for just one slice of your pie
我不想理你 不要 先生 放我走
I don’t want you! No! No, monsieur, let me go!
吊胃口吗? 我可不加钱了
Is this a trick? I won’t pay more!
不 不是的
No, not at all
你真有种 你这小贱♥人♥
You’ve got some nerve, you ugly slut!
You’ve got some gall!
卖♥♥皮肉 卖♥♥杂货 都是一个卖♥♥
It’s the same with a tart as it is with a grocer
The customer sees what he gets in advance
It’s not for the whore to say yes sir or no sir
It’s not for the harlot to pick or to choose
Or to lead me a dance
再不住手我杀了你 混♥蛋♥
I’ll kill you, you bastard, try any of that!
即使低贱如妓♥女♥ 也轮不到过街老鼠欺负
Even a whore who has gone to the bad won’t be had by a rat!
老天爷 你得付出代价 老鼠急了也会咬到你飚血
By Christ, you’ll pay for what you’ve done! This rat will make you bleed, you’ll see!
我发誓 要给你点苦头吃
I guarantee, I’ll make you suffer!
For this disturbance of the peace
你侵犯我人身 侵犯我财产
For this insult to life and property!
求您别举报我 先生 您要我怎样都行
I beg you, don’t report me, sir I’ll do whatever you may want
Make your excuse to the police!
马上告诉我怎么回事 何时何地 有谁看见?
Tell me quickly what’s the story Who saw what, and why, and where?
让他从头说来 让他向沙威交待
Let him give a full description Let him answer to Javert!
在这妓♥女♥和毒蛇的巢穴 让目击者来说
In this nest of whores and vipers Let one speak who saw it all
Who laid hands on this good man here?
What’s the substance of this brawl?
沙威 你能信吗? 我只是从公园走过
Javert, would you believe it? I was crossing from the park
这妓♥女♥就袭击了我 你看她抓伤的印子
When this prostitute attacked me You can see she left her mark!
她要付出代价的 只需您说清案情
She will answer for her actions When you make a full report
您大可放心 先生 一定让她上法庭
You may rest assured, monsieur That she will answer to the court
There’s a child who sorely needs me
行行好 先生 她才这么点高
Please, monsieur, she’s but that high
主啊 不能开开眼么? 我去坐牢她就死路一条
Holy God, is there no mercy? If I go to jail she’ll die!
这种借口我天天听 听了足有二十年
I have heard such protestations every day for 20 years
Let’s have no more explanations
Save your breath and save your tears
勤奋工作 老实谋生 这才是上帝赞赏的正道
Honest work, just reward That’s the way to please the Lord
容我说一句 沙威 我相信这女人的话
A moment of your time, Javert I do believe this woman’s tale
But, Monsieur Mayor
你已尽了职责 放了她吧 她需要医生而非牢房♥
You’ve done your duty, let her be She needs a doctor not a jail
可是市长先生 这可能么?
-But, Monsieur Mayor -Can this be?
她会落到何地 这无亲无故的孩子?
Where will she end This child without a friend?
I’ve seen your face before
Show me some way to help you
How have you come to grief
In such a place as this
先生 您别嘲笑我了吧
Monsieur, don’t mock me now, I pray
It’s hard enough I’ve lost my pride
You let your foreman send me away
对 你就在那里 无动于衷
Yes, you were there and turned aside
I never did no wrong
Is it true, what I’ve done…
My daughter’s close to dying
… to an innocent soul?
-如果天上真有天主 -如果我早知道…
-If there’s a God above… -Had I only known then
…he’d let me die instead
以主之名 这件事由我来担当
In his name my task has just begun
I will see it done
But, Monsieur Mayor!
Take her to the hospital
But, Monsieur Mayor!
I will see it done!
Can this be true?
I don’t believe what I see!
您这么大年纪 还如此强壮
A man your age To be as strong as you are!
A memory stirs
You make me think of a man
from years ago
A man who broke his parole
He disappeared
请原谅 先生 我冒犯了
Forgive me, sir! I would not dare
不要紧 想到什么就说
Say what you must Don’t leave it there
I have only known one other who can do what you have done
他犯了罪 曾被绳之以法 这十年他都在逃亡
He’s a convict from the chain gang He’s been 10 years on the run
可他不能永远逃脱 我们找到了他的巢穴
But he couldn’t run forever We have found his hideaway
他刚被重新逮捕 今天就要上法庭了
And he’s just been re-arrested And he comes to court today
当然 如今他矢口否认 罪犯都是这样
Well, of course, he now denies it You’d expect that of a con
但他不能永远逍遥法外 哪怕他是冉阿让
But he couldn’t run forever No, not even Jean Valjean!
You say this man denies it all
对此莫名其妙 毫无悔改之意
And gives no sign of understanding or repentance
You say this man is going to trial
And that he’s sure to be returned to serve his sentence
这么说 你真能肯定
Come to that, can you be sure
that I am not your man?
I have known the thief for ages
Tracked him down through thick and thin
最可靠的是 我认得他身上的烙印
And to make the matter certain There’s the brand upon his skin
他会招认 他会坦白
He will bend He will break
