Or do I have to pick? -Well, if no one else will…
我不希望宠物们感觉被嫌弃 人人都想融入
I don’t want them to feel not wanted. Everybody wants to fit in
不该因外貌、种族或前额大小 而遭人评头论足
and shouldn’t be judged on looks, species, foreheads.
I have to go indoor skydiving tomorrow,
但我爸会在家 所以如果可以…
but my father’ll be home, so if it’s okay to–
挑一只! -好 蜥蜴!
Pick one! -Okay, the lizard!
听着 到野外后 那些动物会追杀你
Listen, when you’re out there in the wild and those animals come after you,
记得要变色 与周围环境融为一体!
remember to change your colors and blend in!
变色龙才会那样 我不是变色龙 那你死定了
That’s chameleons. I’m not a chameleon. -Oh, well, then you’re a dead man.
明天去玩室内跳伞 我们很期待 但得做好准备
Tomorrow’s indoor skydiving. We have to get ready.
跟跳伞差不多 只是不会受伤
It’s exactly like skydiving, except you can’t get hurt.
好吧 周末有得忙了
Okay, we have a busy weekend.
Do I have to wear a dress to Grandma’s? It’ll be pants weather on Sunday.
洁妲说“呕吐” 我说那是骂人的话 她说不是 是吗?
Jayda said the word “puke”. She said it wasn’t a curse word. Is it?
我不想把它留在这里 没人希望它靠近餐桌
I feel bad leaving him. Nobody wants him near the dinner table.
它有水喝就行了 我很快就回来!
He’s good with his water. Back soon!
凯拉!别一副怕它的样子 很过分!
Kayla, don’t look scared of him. That’s being mean.
It’s on.
新来的卡比尔 不错 但他话不多
He’s nice, the new kid Kabir, but he doesn’t talk a lot,
起码不怎么跟我说 他可能很腼腆 既然…
at least not with me. Maybe he’s shy since…
然后我烫到舌头 不是完全烫伤
Then I burned my tongue. It didn’t, like, burn off completely,
不然我就没法告诉你 我怎么吃马苏里拉奶酪条了
or I couldn’t tell you how I ate my mozzarella sticks.
嘿 里奥纳多 你错过了一部精彩的电影 明天我带你下楼去吃早餐
Hey, Leonardo. You missed a great movie. Tomorrow I’ll take you down for breakfast.
希望店里还有全味贝果 搞不懂我们为何会买♥♥芝麻贝果
I hope they have everything bagels left. I don’t know why we get sesame bagels.
妈妈让我尝 我说 “为什么要去掉罂粟籽
Mom asked me to try one, I was like, “Why would you take off the poppy seeds
and the salt…”
慢着 你去哪儿了?
Wait, where are you?
This is a nightmare! I’ll be the kid who killed the lizard,
no matter what I do in my life.
无论是演戏、当医生… 我永远当不了医生
Whether I do drama, be a doctor– I’ll never be a doctor now.
我可以去车管所工作 希望是奎兹诺斯快餐店旁边那里
I could work at the DMV. Hopefully, the one next to Quiznos.
I don’t wanna go far from my parents.
Mother of Godzilla!
What was that?
Well? Who said that?
墙壁?墙壁不会说话 墙壁为什么会说话?
The wall? Walls don’t talk. Why would a wall say anything?
为什么指着墙壁? 人们常说:“要是墙壁能说话该多好”
Why point to it? They say, “If these walls could talk,”
because they can’t talk–
The trophy!
You said something! You just spoke! Mom!
不! -你说话了!
No! -You talked!
You’re talking!
我要告诉妈妈 不然别人会以为我疯了
I’m telling Mom, or people will think I’m crazy.
我就得去上坦帕那所 专收问题小孩的学校!
I’ll have to go to that school in Tampa for kids with issues! I–
But please, people can’t know!
你的手怎么湿湿的? -天生就是湿的
Why are your hands wet? -They’re naturally moist.
Please, I’m begging you to keep quiet.
If people know I talk,
they’ll send me to a scientist or something.
但我得把这事儿跟人分享 求求你
But I have to tell someone. -Please.
You’re the only one who can hear me.
Oh. Then why are you whispering?
因为你说话很小声 听起来很好玩
Because you were, and it sounded fun.
Do all lizards talk?
我不知道 我没见过所有蜥蜴 但我们从来不跟人类说话
I don’t know. I never met them all, but we never talk to humans.
那你为何跟我说话? -我没有…
Why are you talking to me? -Well, I didn’t…
因为我想跟你说 我觉得你很好
Because I want to. I think you’re nice.
Really? Thanks.
我都不知道大家是否觉得我很好 学校里的人很难懂
I don’t know if people think I’m nice. It’s so hard to read people at school.
大家出于好心说你好 还是在扮酷?
People say you’re nice to be nice,
如果他们说你很好 你会觉得他们很酷…
and if they say you’re nice, you’ll think they’re cool–
I get it.
You say “I get it” a lot.
那是因为我懂很多事 就这样 “我懂” 我经验丰富
That’s ’cause I understand things. That’s all. “I get it.” I’ve been around.
好 我以为还有别的原因 -比如什么?
Okay. I thought it was something else. -Like what?
That you want me to stop talking. -Oh. Wow.
Really? Like, “Wow, that’s crazy”?
不 我没想到你这么有自知之明
No, more like, “Wow, I didn’t think you were that self-aware.”
我看得出来 大家都太友善了 不说我话太多
I can tell. People are too nice to say I talk too much,
但我从他们的表情中看得出来 我话太多了
but I can tell from their faces that I’m talking too much.
老人会做出这副表情 宝宝就是瞌睡的样子
Like, old people make this face. And babies kind of look sleepy.
公交车司机是这种表情 “别说了” 但我停不下来 我…
And the bus driver’s face is like, “Stop.” But I can’t stop and I…
不好意思 我在听 请继续
Sorry, I’m listening. Please, go ahead.
我见过不少爱说话的小孩 他们好像…
I’ve seen a lot of kids who talk a lot. They seem–
对 这很正常 很多小孩…
Right. This is normal. A bunch of kids–
I said, “I get it!”
我知道我又说“我懂”了 抱歉
I know I said “I get it” again. I’m sorry.
只是最后一句根本不押韵 只是重复而已
It’s just that last one wasn’t even a rhyme, it was a repeat.
They don’t really like–
Okay, but then how am I gonna–
Ask a question?
哇 我不在乎其他孩子…
Wow. It’s not like I don’t care about the other kids–
我知道 听着你擅长谈论自己 这样很棒
I know. It’s great you’re good at talking about yourself.
分享的时候 感觉会很好
When people share stuff, they feel better.
So if you get other kids talking about themselves,
他们会喜欢和你在一起 比现在更喜欢你
they’ll like being with you. More than they do already, I mean.
Five-second rule.
刚刚真的很棒 谢谢你
Well, that was really nice. Thank you.
不客气 荣幸之至
Oh, yeah. Glad to do it.
嘿 记住 绝不能告诉其他人
Hey, remember, you can’t tell anyone, ever.
Or we won’t be able to talk again.
所以我是你的特别秘密好友? 我在提问哦
Okay. So I’m your special, secret friend? That was a question.
对 当然是 问得好
Uh, yeah. Sure. And good question.
谢谢 里奥纳多 -叫我“里奥” 少一点“忍♥者神龟”风
Thanks, Leonardo. -Call me Leo. Less Ninja Turtley.
小夏!你得上♥床♥睡觉了 亲爱的
Summer. You need to get to bed, sweetie.
妈妈 91的平方根是多少?
Mom, what’s the square root of 91?
What? Please just get to bed.
I don’t mean just any question.
好吧 对 懂了
Okay. Right. Got it.
Find your new seats.
就回来了? 一个周末就看遍全世界了?
Oh, back already? You saw the whole world in one weekend?
哇 大沼泽地怎么样? 埃菲尔铁塔有多高?
Wow. Hey, how were the Everglades? How high was the Eiffel Tower?
What was the Pope like? -Could you not do that on my pillow?
你们可以把电脑收起来了 我们不用靠这种玩具来上课
Put those computers away. We will not be studying our curriculum on toys.
俄♥罗♥斯♥裁判 超级龟毛
Russian judge.
慢点 别跑
Slow down. No running.
No eating the books!
Oh, Coach Kimura.
抱歉 我帮你清理一下
Oh, I apologize. Let me… Let me clean that for you.
There we go.
太不公平了 她要累死我们
This is so unfair. Ugh! She’ll work us till we have no energy.
Then we’ll only get into schools with drug problems.
赢得户外教学的事就算了吧 这简直是噩梦
Forget about winning the trip. This is a nightmare.
It’s worse than when I lost my phone.
Worse than when my dad wore bike shorts.
比我在飞机上迷路还糟 就很离谱 但很恐怖
Worse than when I got lost on a plane, which is hard to do, but really scary.
跟恐怖片似的 虽然爸妈不让我看恐怖片
Like a horror movie, though my parents won’t let me watch them,
除非《玩具总动员3》里 焚化炉那段也算 不过…
unless you count the furnace in Toy Story 3, but that–
我们该怎么办 洁妲?
Oh. What should we do about it, Jayda?
我会把这事告诉我爸妈 我爸很厉害的
I’m totally telling my parents about it. My dad has a lot of pull,
because he gives the teachers free zit cream,
but you should tell yours too.
Why are you talking to Summer?
我现在喜欢她了 -我知道 我也是
I like her now. -Uh, I know. I do too.
那是怎么回事? -怎么?她喜欢我 她觉得我很好玩
What was that all about? -She likes me. She thought I was fun.
你好玩?你做了什么? 转头超过一次?
You fun? What’d you do, turn your head more than once?
Oh, what a showman.
Get all your mean jokes in now,
因为下次跟小孩回家后 我就不回来了
’cause the next kid who takes me home is the last kid.
是啊 “没种远走高飞”先生