♪ To my fellow average peers ♪
♪ 普普通通的伙伴们 ♪
♪ I can finally relate ♪
♪ 不那么出色 -不那么出色 ♪
♪ It’s not bad at all to be ♪
♪ 也不要紧 -也不要紧 ♪
♪ Not that great ♪
♪ If you’re The Supreme Then I’m Diana Ross… ♪
♪ Drop it down low and take it back high ♪
♪ No, I don’t need introduction ♪
♪ Follow my simple instruction Wind to the left, sway to the right… ♪
♪ Yo… ♪
♪ Wind to the left, sway to the right… ♪
♪ Sway to the right… ♪
♪ No, I don’t need introduction… ♪
♪ True feeling… ♪
♪ True feeling… ♪
♪ And I still remember that night In September ♪
♪ 别哭 ♪
♪ Don’t cry ♪
♪ 弱者才哭 ♪
♪ Crying’s for weaklings ♪
♪ 别哭 ♪
♪ Don’t cry ♪
♪ 显得又懒又蠢 ♪
♪ It’s lazy and dumb ♪
♪ 擦干眼泪 ♪
♪ Dry those tears ♪
♪ 哭就不漂亮了 ♪
♪ They make you look ugly ♪
♪ 忍♥一忍♥ ♪
♪ Suck it up ♪
♪ 不要屈服 ♪
♪ You mustn’t succumb ♪
♪ 人人都有 ♪
♪ Everyone’s stuck ♪
♪ 自己的烦心事 ♪
♪ With something they’re stuck with ♪
♪ 人人都受困于自己厌烦的东西 ♪
♪ Everyone’s trapped In something they hate ♪
♪ 哭哭啼啼 ♪
♪ What does it solve ♪
♪ 能解决什么问题? ♪
♪ To blubber and… ♪
♪ 不如坚强一点 ♪
♪ Why not be strong? ♪
♪ 好好掌握你的命运 ♪
♪ Make the best of your fate ♪
♪ 别哭 ♪
♪ Don’t cry ♪
♪ 真恼人 ♪
♪ It’s really annoying ♪
♪ 别哭 哭起来 ♪
♪ Turn off the faucet ♪
♪ 很难看 ♪
♪ It looks bad on you ♪
♪ 我知道很难 ♪
♪ I know it’s hard ♪
♪ 我知道你心烦意乱 ♪
♪ I know you’re troubled ♪
♪ 但我们都有烦恼 ♪
♪ But we’ve all got problems ♪
♪ 所以没什么 ♪
♪ So boo-freaking… ♪
♪ 大不了 ♪
♪ Hoo… ♪
♪ 没啥大不了 ♪
♪ Boo-freaking-hoo ♪
♪ 开心? ♪
♪ Happy? ♪
♪ 你希望我开心? ♪
♪ You want me to be happy? ♪
♪ 奈特老师如何? ♪
♪ What about Mrs. Knight? ♪
♪ 对孩子们很好 但身上有怪味 ♪
♪ Nice to the kids Didn’t smell quite right ♪
♪ 还记得蒙克老师吗? ♪
♪ Remember Mr. Monk? ♪
♪ 他超爱喝酒 还死不承认 ♪
♪ He was a closet drunk ♪
♪ 这位老师可能比你还年长 ♪
♪ This may have been before your time ♪
♪ 洛琪老师? ♪
♪ Miss Losch? ♪
♪ 她是我的老师 ♪
♪ She was mine ♪
♪ 很开心 ♪
♪ Happy ♪
♪ 她让你 ♪
♪ She made you… ♪
♪ 开心 ♪
♪ Happy ♪
♪ 开心吗? ♪
♪ Happy? ♪
♪ 你可以感受到爱 这不是终点 ♪
♪ You can feel love It’s not the end ♪
♪ 你可以找回曾经的笑容 ♪
♪ That smile you had can come back again ♪
♪ 别那么紧张 向前辈学习 ♪
♪ Just pull that stick out your tush And take a cue ♪
♪ 在你之前的那些老师 ♪
♪ From teachers that preceded you ♪
♪ 你并不孤单 ♪
♪ You’re not alone ♪
♪ 尽心呵护学生 ♪
♪ Make a home for them ♪
♪ 悦纳自己的重要角色 ♪
♪ And embrace your important role ♪
♪ 塑造人才 -塑造人才 ♪
♪ In shaping them ♪
♪ 全面成长 -全面成长 ♪
♪ Body and soul ♪
♪ 你就会 -我就会 ♪
♪ And you’ll be ♪ ♪ And I’ll be ♪
♪ 开心 -开心 ♪
♪ Happy ♪
♪ 我十岁时 ♪
♪ When I was ten ♪
♪ 无忧无虑 ♪
♪ I didn’t have a single care ♪
♪ 皮肤光滑无体毛 ♪
♪ And not a single body hair ♪
♪ 生活很美好 ♪
♪ And life was fine ♪
♪ 我九岁时 ♪
♪ When I was nine ♪
♪ 还会给圣诞老人留牛奶 ♪
♪ We still left milk for Santa Claus ♪
♪ 妈妈没有步入更年期 ♪
♪ My mom was not in menopause ♪
♪ 生活很美好 ♪
♪ And life was great ♪
♪ 我八岁时 ♪
♪ When I was eight ♪
♪ 还穿得下一♥码♥的鞋 ♪
♪ I still could wear a size one shoe ♪
♪ 我以为巨无霸对身体有好处 ♪
♪ I thought Big Macs were good for you ♪
♪ 是的 生活宛如天堂 ♪
♪ Yes, life was heaven ♪
♪ 我七岁时 ♪
♪ When I was seven ♪
♪ 我学会了说脏话 但我以为 ♪
♪ I knew some dirty words But thought ♪
♪ 宝宝是从妈妈的屁♥股♥里生出来 ♪
♪ That babies came out of Mom’s butt ♪
♪ 像小鸡一样 ♪
♪ Like baby chicks ♪
♪ 我六岁时 ♪
♪ When I was six ♪
♪ 我的家人会吵架 但我很冷静 ♪
♪ My folks would fight But I was chill ♪
♪ 爷爷和我的沙鼠都还活着 ♪
♪ My grandpa and my gerbils Were still alive ♪
♪ 我五岁时 ♪
♪ When I was five ♪
♪ 我不在乎人会死 ♪
♪ I didn’t care that people die ♪
♪ 理发都能让我哭得稀里哗啦 ♪
♪ A haircut used to make me cry way more ♪
♪ 我四岁时 ♪
♪ When I was four ♪
♪ 我不需要手♥机♥ ♪
♪ I didn’t need to have a phone ♪
♪ 他们还没发明无人机来跟踪我 ♪
♪ They hadn’t yet invented drones To follow me ♪
♪ 我三岁时 ♪
♪ When I was three ♪
♪ 我两岁时 听到别人说拉臭臭 ♪
♪ I’d laugh for days when I was two ♪
♪ 我会笑上好几天 ♪
♪ When someone said the word doo-doo ♪
♪ 我一岁时不需要守规矩 ♪
♪ There were no rules when I was one ♪
♪ 除了不要摔倒 ♪
♪ Except, don’t fall ♪
♪ 我们玩得很开心 ♪
♪ We just had fun ♪
♪ 但一切都过去了 ♪
♪ But that was then ♪
♪ 我十岁时 ♪
♪ When I was ten ♪
♪ Now watch me nae nae Okay ♪
♪ Now watch me whip… ♪
♪ Watch me, watch me Ooh, watch me, watch me, ooh… ♪
♪ 开心 ♪
♪ Happy ♪
♪ 小学最后一年 ♪
♪ Last year of elementary school ♪
♪ 我不想继续当小毛孩 ♪
♪ I’m, like, so over being a kid ♪
♪ 要照镜子 看看有没有胡茬 ♪
♪ Gonna look in the mirror for stubble ♪
♪ 要喝橙汁汽水 ♪
♪ Gonna drink orange juice With the bubbles ♪
♪ 我会说我不需要你 ♪
♪ I’ll say I don’t need you ♪
♪ 我会稳步前行 ♪
♪ I’ll be keeping it steady ♪
♪ 我已经开始想你 ♪
♪ I miss you already ♪
♪ 小学最后一年 即将挥别孩童时代 ♪
♪ Last year of elementary school Last year of bein’ a kid ♪
♪ 不再是高年级学生 ♪
♪ Being on top ♪
♪ 我要出去痛快挥棒 ♪
♪ I’m gonna go out swingin’ ♪
♪ 玩具士兵、迪品多滋 小包装巧克力棒 ♪
♪ Toy soldiers Dippin’ Dots, fun-size bars ♪
♪ 溜滑梯、放响屁、豪吃星形炸鸡块 ♪
♪ Slip ‘N slides Fart noises, chicken stars ♪
♪ 直到他们叫我停下 ♪
♪ Until they tell me to stop ♪
♪ 小学最后一年 校园里个子最大的孩子 ♪
♪ Last year of elementary school Biggest kid on campus, I got it made ♪
♪ 坐下 小子! 你们这些笨蛋都要听我的 ♪
♪ Sit down, son! I own all you dorks ♪
♪ 我好开心 三年级时留级了 ♪
♪ I’m so stoked I was held back in third grade ♪
♪ 好吧 那我们就不邀请卡拉 ♪
♪ Okay, okay So we will not invite Cara ♪
♪ 我的天 我讨厌她 ♪
♪ Oh my God, I hate her ♪
♪ 萨布丽娜有点酷 我们不跟四年级学生玩 ♪
♪ Sabrina’s kind of cool ♪ ♪ We do not do fourth-graders ♪
♪ 那我们列个朋友名单?对 名单上不准有怪咖 ♪
♪ We make a list of friends? ♪ ♪ Yes, with no weirdos on it ♪
♪ 小学最后一年 ♪
♪ Last year of elementary school ♪
♪ 别人会跟我说话的一年 ♪
♪ This is the year people talk to me ♪
♪ 别人会问:“你好吗?” ♪
♪ The year someone says, “How are you?” ♪
♪ 我已经上学三年了 ♪
♪ It’s been three years Since I joined the school ♪
♪ 该走了 我会说我该走了 ♪
♪ I’m due I’d say I’m due ♪
♪ 我们也觉得你该走了 ♪
♪ We think you’re due too ♪
♪ 再睡五分钟 ♪
♪ Five more minutes ♪
♪ 好 再睡五分钟 ♪
♪ Okay, five more minutes ♪
♪ 我一心盼着回去 今天是开学日 ♪
♪ I just can’t wait to go back It’s the first school day ♪
♪ 爸爸妈妈会送我入学 ♪
♪ And both Mom and Dad are gonna take me there ♪
♪ 在家不许这样 律师如是说 ♪
♪ That’s not allowed in the house Is what the lawyers say ♪
♪ 但在前门的台阶上 他给我一个大大的拥抱 ♪
♪ But he gives me a big hug Right on the front stairs ♪
♪ 再睡五分钟 ♪
♪ Five more minutes ♪
♪ 柯尔 今年你得自己起床 ♪
♪ Cole, you have to get up On your own this year ♪
♪ 再睡五分钟 好 再睡五分钟 ♪
♪ Five more minutes ♪ ♪ Okay, five more minutes ♪
♪ 他们说我的坚果过敏症状减轻了 ♪
♪ Lessening They say my nut allergies are lessening ♪
♪ 等免疫增强剂起作用 我就可以吃宫保鸡丁了 ♪