(洁妲的派对 请勿外传!)
(生日快乐 洁妲!皮肤医生赞助)
(皮肤医生 皮肤病学)
(那里 他们的 和他们是)
(蜥蜴对乌龟 乌龟有壳又很笨)
(大沼泽地国家公园 美国内政部)
(寻找我的:手♥机♥ 伊莱)
(蜥蜴在哪里 记过婆?)
(魔法乐园 3.2公里)
(谨以此片缅怀我们的好友兼同事 詹姆斯·科德罗)
老天 我们要整死代课老师!
拜托 我们可以告诉代课老师
柯尔 我们可以互换名字
太棒了 柯尔
比如那部 一个小孩见到一台预言机
还有在钢琴上跳舞 我忘记片名了 真奇怪
片名很短 海报上…
不是你的错 是我的问题
不是你的错 是我的问题
嘿 无人机 我是乌龟
不是这个意思 不过…
嗯 好吧 无所谓了 过来一趟
♪ 小学最后一年 即将挥别孩童时代 ♪
♪ Last year of elementary school Last year of bein’ a kid ♪
♪ 不再是高年级学生 ♪
♪ Being on top ♪
♪ 我要出去痛快挥棒 ♪
♪ I’m gonna go out swingin’ ♪
♪ 玩具士兵、迪品多滋 小包装巧克力棒 ♪
♪ Toy soldiers Dippin’ Dots, fun-size bars ♪
♪ 溜滑梯、放响屁、豪吃星形炸鸡块 ♪
♪ Slip ‘N slides Fart noises, chicken stars ♪
♪ 直到他们叫我停下 ♪
♪ Until they tell me to stop ♪
♪ 小学最后一年 校园里个子最大的孩子 ♪
♪ Last year of elementary school Biggest kid on campus ♪
♪ 我成功了 ♪
♪ I got it made ♪
♪ 坐下 小子! 你们这些笨蛋都要听我的 ♪
♪ Sit down, son! I own all you dorks ♪
♪ 我好开心 三年级时留级了 ♪
♪ I’m so stoked I was held back in third grade ♪
♪ 好吧 那我们就不邀请卡拉 ♪
♪ Okay, okay So we will not invite Cara ♪
♪ 我的天 我讨厌她 ♪
♪ Oh my God, I hate her ♪
♪ 萨布丽娜有点酷 ♪
♪ Sabrina’s kind of cool ♪
♪ 我们不跟四年级学生玩 ♪
♪ We do not do 4th graders ♪
♪ 那我们列个朋友名单?对 名单上不准有怪咖 ♪
♪ So we make a list of friends? ♪ ♪ Yes, with no weirdos on it ♪
♪ 再睡五分钟 ♪
♪ Five more minutes ♪
♪ 柯尔 今年你得自己起床 ♪
♪ Cole, this year You have to get up on your own ♪
♪ 再睡五分钟 ♪
♪ Five more minutes ♪
♪ -好 再睡五分钟 ♪
♪ Okay, five more minutes ♪
♪ 减轻了 ♪
♪ Lessening ♪
♪ 他们说我的坚果过敏症状减轻了 ♪
♪ They say my nut allergies Are lessening ♪
♪ 等免疫增强剂起作用 我就可以吃宫保鸡丁了 ♪
♪ Once the immune boosters kick in I can try the kung pao chicken ♪
♪ 欢迎五年级学生 直接从这道门进去 ♪
♪ Welcome, 5th graders Go right through this door ♪
♪ 因为今年你们的教室在二楼 ♪
♪ ‘Cause this year, your homerooms Are on the second floor ♪
♪ 请不要踩到幼儿园的小朋友 ♪
♪ Please don’t step on The kindergartners ♪
♪ 死亡将至 ♪
♪ When a man has to face ♪
♪ 不得不面对 ♪
♪ That he’s about to die ♪
♪ 从未做过的各种事 浮现在脑中 ♪
♪ He thinks of all the things He’d never done ♪
♪ 我从未吃过蜗牛 ♪
♪ I never ate a snail ♪
♪ 从未捉过苍蝇 ♪
♪ Never got to hunt a fly ♪
♪ 总是有人捉来喂给我吃 ♪
♪ Just had them fed to me by everyone ♪
♪ 从未直接从海里吃过海藻 ♪
♪ Never ate algae straight from the sea ♪
♪ 除了生菜 什么都没吃过 生菜还总是沾到杰尼龟的尿 ♪
♪ Never got nothin’ but lettuce Always lands in Squirtle’s pee ♪
♪ 我从未偷过鸟蛋 ♪
♪ I never stole a bird’s eggs ♪
♪ 从未追过松鼠 ♪
♪ Never chased a squirrel ♪
♪ 从来没机会跟女生 ♪
♪ Never got to show my slick moves ♪
♪ 跳过求偶舞 ♪
♪ To a girl ♪
♪ 树木生长 ♪
♪ There’s a time for trees ♪
♪ 叶落有时 ♪
♪ To lose their leaves ♪
♪ 新叶长出亦有时 ♪
♪ And a time those leaves return ♪
♪ 我总是心直口快 ♪
♪ I always just come out And say whatever’s on my mind ♪
♪ 别人貌似没意见 但他们或许只是不想说出来 ♪
♪ People look okay with it But maybe they’re resigned ♪
♪ 但我忍♥不住说更多 别人微笑着 一副爱听的样子 ♪
♪ I can’t help saying more They smile like they’re enjoying ♪
♪ 我说话惹人烦 我却不知道 ♪
♪ You’ve no idea How stressful it is to not know ♪
♪ 你不知道这样压力有多大 ♪
♪ When my talking gets annoying ♪
♪ 所以我继续说个不停 感觉一切还好 ♪
♪ I just continue talking And it feels like things are fine ♪
♪ 看到那副表情 我终于释怀 那可能是告诉我 ♪
♪ Then I relax until I see that look I take it as a sign ♪
♪ 我说个不停让人生气 还是我太吵太烦人 ♪
♪ They’re mad I’m still talking Or I’m loud or a bore ♪
♪ 我担心失去他们 心中害怕 于是开始说更多 ♪
♪ So I worry that I’ve lost them I’m scared, so I start talking even more ♪
♪ 我好像缺乏判断力 ♪
♪ I feel like I lack the ability to tell ♪
♪ 不给别人说话的机会 ♪
♪ When I’m not giving someone A chance to speak ♪
♪ 正因如此 我觉得害怕 ♪
♪ And because of that, I get scared ♪
♪ 然后相信我真的没给人说话的机会 ♪
♪ Then believe that I am Not giving anyone else a chance to speak ♪
♪ 你好像很乐于分享 ♪
♪ So, like You’re comfortable in sharing ♪
♪ 因为父母让你闲扯 ♪
♪ ‘Cause your parents let you prattle ♪
♪ 但你不用难为情 像是打了败战 ♪
♪ But you shouldn’t feel self-conscious Like you’re in a losing battle ♪
♪ 要不试试提问吧 ♪
♪ Maybe try to ask a question ♪
♪ 像眨眼一样累 ♪
♪ It’s exhausting Like a blink ♪
♪ 可人气最高的孩子 ♪
♪ But the kids who are most popular ♪
♪ 希望知道其他孩子的看法 ♪
♪ Are the kids who want to know What other kids think ♪
♪ 当你整天在我头上盘旋 ♪
♪ When you hover over me all day ♪
♪ 我有安全感 但也感到我的社交生活越来越糟 ♪
♪ I feel safe, but also feel My social life melting away ♪
♪ 你关心我 我不怪你 ♪
♪ I’m not saying That your caring is a crime ♪
♪ 我只想偶尔自己擦屁屁 ♪
♪ I’d just like to wipe my own butt From time to time ♪
♪ 你也可以交交新朋友 ♪
♪ And I think that you could Make new friends ♪
♪ 比如搞平面设计的三维打印机 ♪
♪ Like the 3-D printer in graphic arts ♪
♪ 或赛锐康按♥摩♥椅 或黄色美膳雅料理机 ♪
♪ Or the Theragun massager Or the yellow Cuisinart ♪
♪ 我并不是不喜欢你 无人机先生 ♪
♪ I’m not saying I don’t like you, Mr. Drone ♪
♪ 我只是有个小小希望 小得不能再小 ♪
♪ I just want to have the smallest hope Just visible in a microscope ♪
♪ 不管怎么着 ♪
♪ Of somehow ♪
♪ 不要孤零零地死去 ♪
♪ Not dying alone ♪
♪ 额外的时间 其他同学急得冒汗 ♪
♪ Extra time The other kids are sweatin’ ♪
♪ 答案全部忘光光 我家孩子不一样 ♪
♪ All the answers they’re forgettin’ All except for mine ♪
♪ 因为我家孩子有额外的时间 ♪
♪ ‘Cause my kid’s got extra time… ♪
♪ 超爱额外的时间 ♪
♪ Lovin’ that extra time ♪
♪ 跟皮肤医生一起混 堪称真正的贵宾 ♪
♪ When you roll with Dr. Skin You’re a true VIP ♪
♪ 凡事皆可破例 ♪
♪ ‘Cause rules do not apply to me ♪
♪ 给我额外的时间 ♪
♪ Gimme that extra time…
♪ 因为我特别 你只能跟我说话? ♪
♪ -You only talk to me ’cause I’m special?
♪ 没那么出色 ♪
♪ Not that great ♪
♪ 我知道你们很骄傲 但你家有点吵 ♪
♪ I know you guys are proud But your house is kinda loud ♪
♪ 你♥爸♥爸混得一般般 ♪
♪ And your dad’s a middleweight ♪
♪ 你一家人没那么出色 ♪
♪ Your family’s not that great ♪
♪ 传♥单♥上都印着他 -你家住在麦尔兹堡 ♪
♪ He’s the face on these flyers ♪ ♪ You live in Fort Myers ♪
♪ 我家台面都是石英石 他靠除疣赚钱 ♪
♪ Our countertops are quartz ♪ ♪ He gets paid to burn off warts ♪
♪ 妈妈像小甜甜布兰妮 ♪
♪ Mom’s like Britney Spears ♪
♪ 如果你说的是醉话 我不是有意贬低你 ♪
♪ If you’ve had six or seven beers I don’t mean to denigrate ♪
♪ 我们没那么… ♪
♪ We’re not that… ♪
♪ 如果退一步看 ♪
♪ If you can take a step back ♪
♪ 看清♥真♥正的自己 ♪
♪ See yourself for what you are ♪
♪ 你会发现自己更加闪亮 ♪
♪ You’ll find that You’re an even brighter star ♪
♪ 所以我没那么出色 ♪
♪ So then, I’m not that great ♪
♪ 但我如释重负 ♪
♪ But I can feel that weight ♪
♪ 像是卸下了沉重的枷锁 ♪
♪ Coming off like heavy gear ♪
♪ 11年来 压在心头 ♪
♪ After 11 stressful years ♪
♪ 我终于能理解 ♪