
[adjective] (of punishment or a person in authority) permissive, merciful, or tolerant
[形容词] (指惩罚或当权者)纵容的、仁慈的或宽容的


Lenient 是一个与熟词 strict 含义相反的单词。该词源自拉丁语 lenis (温和的、温柔的、平静的),17世纪中期经法语 lenient 进入英语,原用来表示“放松的、舒缓的”,不过这个含义现已不再流行。

转而到了1787年后, lenient 开始发展出现在的主要含义指“宽容的、宽大的、宽松的、仁慈的”,多指法官、统治者、当权者或其惩罚、处理、评分、态度等在纪律或严谨上放松,不如预期的那样严格、严厉或有力,比如:

  • 该法官对这个恶魔过于宽容。
    The judge was far too lenient with the fiend.
  • 这位出色的老师批改作业打分松,对犯规学生处理也宽。
    The eminent teacher was lenient both in his marking of homework and also in his treatment of offenders.


I would ask you, dearest, to be very generous with him always, and very lenient on his faults when he is not by.

出自英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)创作的长篇历史小说《双城记》(A Tale of Two Cities)。


  • Saudi Arabia had been lobbying Mr Biden to make sure that any deal America struck with Iran was not too lenient.
  • At the same time, Mr. Biden and his team have been under intense fire from Republicans, who accuse the administration of being too lenient at the border.


1. 法律用法: 在法律领域,”lenient”指的是对犯罪分子或违法行为显示宽容和宽大的行为或态度。当法官或执法机构在判决或处罚时采取宽容的立场,减轻了对犯罪者的惩罚,我们可以说是对其”lenient”。

2. 行政用法: 在行政领域,”lenient”可以描述政府或官员在执行规则、法规或政策时表现出的宽容和宽大。这意味着对某些规定的解释或执行灵活,不过分严厉地实施。

3. 伦理和道德用法: 在伦理和道德的语境中,”lenient”表示宽容和宽大的品质。它指的是个人或组织在处理错误、过失或争议时展示出的宽容、不加严厉惩罚的态度。

4. 教育用法: 在教育领域,”lenient”可以描述对学生或学术标准采取宽容的立场。当老师或教育机构对学生的错误或违规行为采取宽容的态度,并给予较轻的惩罚或处罚时,我们可以说他们是”lenient”。

5. 家庭和育儿用法: 在家庭和育儿中,”lenient”可以表示父母或监护人对孩子的行为宽容和宽大。这意味着他们可能不过分严格地制定规则、惩罚或限制,允许孩子有更多的自由度和容错空间。

6. 对待罪行用法: “lenient”可以描述对轻微或不严重罪行的处理方式。当对某些违法行为给予较轻的刑罚或较低的处罚时,我们可以说对这些罪行是”lenient”处理的。



  1. be lenient with someone – 对某人宽容
  2. show lenient treatment – 展示宽容的态度
  3. have a lenient attitude – 持宽容的态度
  4. take a lenient approach – 采取宽容的方法
  5. grant lenient punishment – 给予宽大的惩罚
  6. receive a lenient sentence – 获得宽大的判决
  7. be lenient in judgment – 在判断上宽容
  8. show lenient behavior – 展示宽容的行为
  9. adopt a lenient policy – 采取宽容的政策
  10. offer lenient terms – 提供宽松的条件
  11. give lenient warnings – 发出宽容的警告
  12. exercise lenient control – 行使宽松的控制
  13. extend lenient deadlines – 延长宽容的截止日期
  14. practice lenient forgiveness – 实行宽恕
  15. adopt a lenient stance – 采取宽容的立场
  16. employ lenient measures – 采用宽容的措施
  17. demonstrate lenient understanding – 展示宽容的理解
  18. have a lenient view – 持宽容的观点
  19. offer lenient terms and conditions – 提供宽松的条款和条件
  20. receive lenient treatment – 获得宽容的对待
  21. be lenient in enforcing rules – 在执行规定上宽容
  22. show lenient consideration – 表现出宽容的考虑
  23. take a lenient stand – 采取宽容的立场
  24. make lenient exceptions – 作出宽容的例外
  25. demonstrate lenient flexibility – 展示宽容的灵活性
  26. have lenient expectations – 对期望宽容
  27. provide lenient support – 提供宽容的支持
  28. display lenient behavior – 展示宽容的行为
  29. give lenient allowances – 给予宽容的许可
  30. practice lenient supervision – 实行宽容的监督
  31. adopt lenient measures for non-compliance – 采取对不合规宽容的措施
  32. receive lenient treatment for mistakes – 因错误获得宽容的对待
  33. be lenient with deadlines – 对截止日期宽容
  34. show lenient leniency – 展示宽容的慷慨
  35. have lenient expectations for performance – 对绩效宽容的期望
  36. offer lenient terms for repayment – 提供宽松的偿还条件
  37. receive lenient consequences – 获得宽容的后果
  38. be lenient in dealing with errors – 在处理错误时宽容
  39. show lenient understanding for personal circumstances – 对个人情况宽容的理解
  40. take a lenient approach to discipline – 采取宽容的纪律方式
  41. demonstrate lenient policies – 展示宽容的政策
  42. have lenient rules and regulations – 拥有宽松的规章制度
  43. provide lenient guidance – 提供宽容的指导
  44. display lenient behavior towards mistakes – 对错误表现出宽容的行为
  45. give lenient instructions – 给出宽容的指示
  46. practice lenient acceptance – 实行宽容的接受
  47. adopt lenient measures for non-payment – 采取对未付款宽容的措施
  48. receive lenient treatment for non-compliance – 因不合规获得宽容的对待
  49. be lenient in evaluating performance – 在评估绩效时宽容
  50. show lenient consideration for extenuating circumstances – 对减轻情况表现出宽容的考虑



lenient (LEEN ee unt) If you’re lenient, you have a mild and tolerant outlook and forgo harsh punishment of someone even in a situation where you might have a moral right to such. “Indulgent” might be a rough synonym.

  • “My parents were too harsh with me, so now I’m too lenient with my kids. They’ll probably grow up and be too harsh with their kids,” sighed Mr. McGoogle. “Is there any way to get it completely right?”
  • Judge DiLucia was given to quirky judicial decisions. For example, he once exercised extreme leniency to a defendant who happened to have the same birthday.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
宽大(LEEN ee unt)如果你很宽大,你就会有一个温和和宽容的态度,即使在你可能有道德权利的情况下,也会放弃对某人的严厉惩罚。“放纵”可能是一个粗略的同义词。

  • “我的父母对我太苛刻了,所以现在我对孩子太宽容了。他们长大后可能会对孩子太苛刻,”McGoogle先生叹了口气。“有什么方法可以让它完全正确吗?”
  • DiLucia法官被赋予了古怪的司法裁决。例如,他曾对一名恰好生日相同的被告采取极端宽大处理



merciful: showing or exercising mercy

clement: (of a person or a person’s actions) merciful

indulgent: having or indicating a tendency to be overly generous to or lenient with someone

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
