♪ Cause I need freedom too! ♪
♪ 我挣脱束缚 绝不让自♥由♥跌入深渊♪
♪ I break chains all by myself Won’t let my freedom rot in hell ♪
♪ 嘿 ♪
♪ Hey! ♪
♪ 我勇往直前 因强者永不言弃 ♪
♪ I’ma keep running Cause a winner don’t quit on themselves ♪
♪ 你想得到什么 ♪
♪ What you want from me? ♪
♪ 你在寻找真理吗 上帝你听到我的呼唤了吗 ♪
♪ Is it truth you seek? Oh father can you hear me? ♪
♪ 你想得到什么 ♪
♪ What you want from me? ♪
♪ 你在寻找真理吗 上帝你听到我的呼唤了吗 ♪
♪ Is it truth you seek? Oh father can you hear me? ♪
♪ 听听我的诉说 ♪
♪ Hear me out ♪
Take one pint of water,…
add a half pound of sugar,…
the juice of eight lemons…
…the zest of half lemon.
将果汁倒入一个坛子 再倒入另一个 反复几次
Pour the water from one jug, then into the other, several times.
Strain through a clean napkin.
祖母 炼金师
Grandmother, the alchemist.
You spun gold out of this hard life.
Conjured beauty from the things left behind.
Found healing where it did not live.
Discovered the antidote in your own kitchen.
Broke the curse with your own two hands.
You passed these instructions down to your daughter.
Who then passed it down to her daughter.
I’ve had my ups and downs,…
但我总能找到来自内心深处的力量 支撑我前行
but I always find the inner strength to pull myself up.
生活予以我酸楚 而我报之以甘甜
I was served lemons, but I made lemonade.
我的祖母曾说 真理永存
My grandma said, nothing real can be threatened.
True love brought salvation back into me.
With every tear came redemption.
And my torturer became my remedy.
So we’re gonna heal,…
…we’re gonna start again.
You’ve brought the orchestra.
花样游泳运动员 你就像是一个魔术师
Synchronized swimmers, you are the magician.
Pull me back together again the way you cut me in half.
Make the woman in doubt …disappear.
Pull the sorrow from between my legs like silk,…
…knot after knot after knot.
The audience applauds…
…but we can’t hear them.
曲目:All night
♪ 在谎言中寻找真理 ♪
♪ Found the truth beneath your lies ♪
♪ And true love never has to hide ♪
♪ I’ll trade your broken wings for mine ♪
我见过你的伤疤 吻过你的罪行
♪ I’ve seen your scars and kissed your crime ♪
这么多人 他们只想触摸你
♪ So many people that I know, they’re just tryna touch ya ♪
亲吻你 靠近你
♪ Kiss up and rub up and
和你温存 亲吻你 靠近你
feel up Kiss up and rub up and feel up on you ♪
给你一些时间 证明我还能再相信你
♪ Give you some time to prove that I can trust you again ♪
我要亲吻你 接近你
♪ I’m gonna kiss up and rub up
和你温存 亲吻你 抚摸你
and feel up Kiss up and rub up and feel up on you ♪
♪ All night long ♪
♪ Sweet love all night long ♪
♪ Sweet love all night long ♪
♪ Sweet love all night long ♪
我只想和你一起 别无他人 我记得
♪ All I wanna, ain’t no other We together, I remember ♪
♪ Sweet love all night long ♪
♪ Our love was stronger than your pride ♪
赶走了你的黑暗 我是你的光
♪ Beyond your darkness, I’m your light ♪
如果你陷进去 你能看到我的灵魂
♪ If you get deep, you touch my mind ♪
洗礼你的眼泪 擦干眼睛
♪ Baptize your tears and dry your eyes ♪
我认识的这么多人 他们只想靠近你
♪ So many people that I know, they’re just tryna touch ya ♪
亲吻你 抚摸你
♪ Kiss up and rub up and
和你温存 亲吻你 抚摸你
feel up Kiss up and rub up and feel up on you ♪
给你一些时间 让你证明我还能相信你
♪ Give you some time to prove that I can trust you again ♪
我想亲吻你 抚摸你
♪ I’m gonna kiss up and rub up
和你温存 亲你 抚摸你
and feel up Kiss up and rub up and feel up on you ♪
♪ All night long ♪
♪ Sweet love all night long ♪
♪ Sweet love all night long ♪
♪ Sweet love all night long ♪
我只想和你一起 别无他人 我记得
♪ All I wanna, ain’t no other We together, I remember ♪
♪ Sweet love all night long ♪
我包里有老干妈 嗨起来
♪ I got a hot sauce in my bag, swag ♪
What happened at the New Orleans?
应观众要求 我回来了
Bitch, I’m back by popular demand
♪ Y’all haters corny with that Illuminati mess ♪
♪ Paparazzi, catch my fly, and my cocky fresh ♪
♪ I’m so reckless when I rock my Givenchy dress ♪
我就是霸气 我戴着酷酷的项链玩摇滚
♪ I’m so possessive so I rock his Roc necklaces ♪
我爸爸来自阿♥拉♥巴马 妈妈来自路易斯安那
♪ My daddy Alabama, momma Louisiana ♪
黑人和克里奥尔人结合 生出来的德州宝贝
♪ You mix that negro with that Creole make a Texas bama ♪
我喜欢我的血统 婴儿般的头发 非洲人的发型
♪ I like my baby heir with baby hair and afros ♪
我喜欢我的黑人鼻子 和杰克逊五兄弟一样
♪ I like my negro nose with Jackson Five nostrils ♪
♪ Earned all this money but they never take the country out me ♪
我包里有老干妈 嗨起来
♪ I got a hot sauce in my bag, swag ♪
噢耶 宝贝 噢耶 对 我喜欢这样
Oh yeah, baby, oh yeah I, ohhhhh, oh, yes, I like that
我来这不是和你这个荡♥妇♥闹着玩的 哈哈
I did not come to play with you hoes, haha
我是来这杀你的 碧池
I came to slay, bitch.
我喜欢玉米面包和芥蓝 碧池
I like cornbreads and collard greens, bitch
噢是的 你最好相信我
Oh, yes, you besta believe it
♪ Y’all haters corny with that Illuminati mess ♪
♪ Paparazzi, catch my fly, and my cocky fresh ♪
♪ I’m so reckless when I rock my Givenchy dress ♪
我就是霸气 我戴着酷酷的项链玩摇滚
♪ I’m so possessive so I rock his Roc necklaces ♪
我爸爸来自阿♥拉♥巴马 妈妈来自路易斯安那
♪ My daddy Alabama, momma Louisiana ♪
黑人和克里奥尔人结合 生出来的德州宝贝
♪ You mix that negro with that Creole make a Texas bama ♪
我喜欢我的血统 婴儿般的头发 非洲人的发型
♪ I like my baby heir with baby hair and afros ♪
我喜欢我的黑人鼻子 和杰克逊五兄弟一样的鼻孔
♪ I like my negro nose with Jackson Five nostrils ♪
♪ Earned all this money but they never take the country out me ♪
我包里有老干妈 嗨起来
♪ I got a hot sauce in my bag, swag ♪
我看见它 我想要它 我表演绝活 我专心苦学
♪ I see it, I want it, I stunt, yellow-bone it ♪
我梦见它 我努力工作 我刻苦经营 直到拥有它
♪ I dream it, I work hard, I grind ’til I own it ♪
我拼命工作 亮相你的狗眼 白人佬
♪ I twirl on them haters, albino alligators ♪
埃尔·卡米诺敞篷车 酣畅淋漓 为所欲为的我
♪ El Camino with the seat low, sippin’ Cuervo with no chaser ♪
我偶尔休息 但从未松懈
♪ Sometimes I go off , I go hard ♪
为了梦想 跻身耀眼之星
♪ Get what’s mine , I’m a star ♪
我兴风作浪 大开杀戒
♪ Cause I slay , I slay , I slay , I slay ♪
♪ All day , I slay , I slay , I slay ♪
我们兴风作浪 大开杀戒
♪ We gon’ slay , gon’ slay , we slay , I slay ♪
♪ I slay , okay , I slay , okay, okay, okay, okay ♪
好吧 女士们 排好队 兴风作浪 大开杀戒
♪ Okay, okay, ladies, now let’s get in formation, cause I slay ♪
好吧 女士们 排好队 兴风作浪 大开杀戒
♪ Okay, ladies, now let’s get in formation, cause I slay ♪
给我看看 你们的搔首弄姿 因为我就是拽
♪ Prove to me you got some coordination, cause I slay ♪
♪ Slay trick, or you get eliminated ♪
当他满足了我 我
♪ When he fuck me good I
就带他吃山珍海味 因为我就是这么拽
take his ass to Red Lobster, cause I slay ♪
当他满足了我 我
♪ When he fuck me good I
带他吃山珍海味 因为我就是这么拽
take his ass to Red Lobster, cause I slay ♪
如果他能让我爽 我就
♪ If he hit it right, I might
开着飞机 带他飞跃天际 因为我就是这么拽
take him on a flight on my chopper, cause I slay ♪
把他丢到商场 让他刷爆我的卡
♪ Drop him off at the mall, let him buy some J’s,
let him shop up, cause I slay ♪
♪ I might get your song
的歌♥登上电台 因为我就是这么拽
played on the radio station, cause I slay ♪
♪ You just might be a black
比尔盖茨 因为我就是这么拽
Bill Gates in the making, cause I slay ♪
♪ I just might be a black Bill Gates in the making ♪
我看见它 我想要它 我表演绝活 我专心苦学
♪ I see it, I want it, I stunt, yellow-bone it ♪
我梦见它 我努力工作 我刻苦经营 直到拥有它
