♪ My daddy warned me about men♪
like you He said baby girl he’s playing you ♪
♪ He’s playing you ♪
镇上祸事连连 像他一样的渣男出现
♪ Cause when trouble comes in town And men like me come around ♪
喔 我爸爸说开枪吧 喔 我爸爸说开枪吧
♪ Oh, my daddy said shoot Oh, my daddy said shoot ♪
镇上祸事连连 像他一样的渣男出现
♪ Cause when trouble comes to town And men like me come around ♪
喔 我爸爸说开枪吧 喔 我爸爸说开枪吧
♪ Oh, my daddy said shoot Oh, my daddy said shoot ♪
他给我洗♥脑♥ 直至我忘记他们的名字 和模样
He bathes me…until I forget their names…and faces.
他回家后 我要求他直视我的眼睛
I ask him to look me in the eye when I come…home.
Why do you deny yourself heaven?
Why do you consider yourself undeserving?
Why are you afraid of love?
You think it’s not possible for someone like you.
但你是我一生的挚爱 一生的挚爱
But you are the love of my life…love of my life…
一生的挚爱 一生的挚爱
the love of my life…the love of my life.
曲目:Love drought
十有八♥九♥ 我猜你在说谎
♪ Ten times out of nine, I know you’re lying ♪
♪ But nine times outta ten, I know you’re trying ♪
♪ So I’m trying to be fair ♪
你陪着我吧 关心我吧
♪ And you’re trying to be there and to care ♪
♪ And you’re caught up in your permanent emotions ♪
♪ All the loving I’ve been giving goes unnoticed ♪
它就萦绕在你周边 睁眼看看
♪ It’s just floating in the air, lookie there ♪
明知你是我的命 你却要置我于死地
♪ Are you aware you’re my lifeline, are you tryna kill me ♪
如果我失去常性 你可还会在乎我
♪ If I wasn’t me, would you still feel me? ♪
比如我心情低落 冷若冰霜
♪ Like on my worst day? Or am I not thirsty, enough? ♪
♪ I don’t care about the lights or the beams ♪
♪ Spend my life in the dark for the sake of you and me ♪
不论穷困潦倒 还是饥寒交迫
♪ The only way to go is up, skin thick, too tough ♪
你 你 你我合力便可移山
♪ Cause you, you, you, you and me could move a mountain ♪
你 你 你我通力可转危为安
♪ You, you, you, you and me could calm a war down ♪
你 你 你我齐心便能呼风唤雨
♪ You, you, you, you and me could make it rain now ♪
你 你 你我携手拯救搁浅的爱
♪ You, you, you, you and me could stop this love drought ♪
Baptize me…
…now that reconciliation is possible.
若能痊愈 就让伤口充满荣耀
If we’re gonna heal, let it be glorious.
One thousand girls raise their arms.
Do you remember being born?
Are you thankful?
为你痛裂的骨盆 自母亲丝绒般的深处
Are the hips that cracked, the deep velvet of your mother…
…and her mother…
…and her mother?
There is a curse that will be broken.
♪ We built sandcastles that washed away ♪
♪ I made you cry when I walked away ♪
喔 喔 喔 即使我承诺过 但我不会留下 亲爱的
♪ Oh,oh-oh, and although I promised that I couldn’t stay, baby ♪
承诺并非要兑现 喔 亲爱的
♪ Every promise don’t work out that way, oh, babe ♪
♪ Every promise don’t work out that way ♪
上次相遇时 桌上碗碟都粉碎了
♪ Dishes smashed on my counter from our last encounter ♪
♪ Pictures snatched out the frame ♪
我恨不得抓破你的脸 擦去你的名字
♪ Bitch, I scratched out your name and your face ♪
为何还不能将你抹去 亲爱的
♪ What is it about you that I can’t erase, baby? ♪
承诺并非要兑现 喔 亲爱的
♪ When every promise don’t work out that way, no no, babe ♪
♪ When every promise don’t work out that way ♪
♪ And your heart is broken cause I walked away ♪
让我看看你的伤口 我就不会离开
♪ Show me your scars and I won’t walk away ♪
我知道我承诺过 但我不会留下
♪ And I know I promised that I couldn’t stay, baby ♪
但承诺并非要兑现 喔
♪ Every promise don’t work out that way, no no no no no ♪
♪ Every promise don’t work out that way ♪
某些东西正在流失 我从未见过这景象
Something is missing. I’ve never seen this in my life.
如此多的年轻女人 她们抢走了我们的男人
So many young women… They take our men, huh?
– 还说 男人在你们身上无法获得欢愉 – 胡说
– Say, “All them men make them feel better than you.”/- What?
So how are we supposed to lead our children to the future?
我们该怎么做 该如何给她们树立榜样
What do we do? How do we lead them?
爱 L-O-V-E 爱
Love. L-O-V-E, love.
哈利路亚 感谢你 我们的主
Mmm, mmmm, mmm. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus.
我爱我的主 抱歉 伙计
I just love the Lord, oh yeah. I’m… I’m sorry, brother.
我爱我的主 我只能这样
I love the Lord, that’s all I got.
When your back is against the wall
进退两难的时候 你能指望谁 喂
and your wall against your back, who you call? Hey!
你能指望谁 你只能指望他
Who you call? Who you call? You gotta call him.
你只能指望你的主 依靠他
You gotta call Jesus. You gotta call him.
依靠你的主 因为你别无寄托
You gotta call him, cause you ain’t got another hope!
You are terrifying…
and strange…
…and beautiful.
♪ 向前进 ♪
♪ Forward ♪
♪ 如履薄冰的脚步 ♪
♪ Best foot first just in case ♪
♪ 当事已如此 ♪
♪ When we made our way ’til now ♪
♪ 唯有聆听 唯有抗争 ♪
♪ It’s time to listen, it’s time to fight ♪
♪ 向前进 ♪
♪ Forward ♪
♪ 此刻我们要打开紧锁的大门 ♪
♪ now we’re going to hold doors open for a while ♪
♪ 此刻我们要敞开心扉 ♪
♪ now we can be open for a while ♪
♪ 向前进 ♪
♪ Forward ♪
♪ 我爱你超越一切 请不要对我阿谀奉承 ♪
♪ I love you more than this job, please don’t work for me ♪
♪ 向前进 ♪
♪ Forward ♪
♪ 回到我身旁你最爱的位置 和我相拥入睡 ♪
♪ Go back to your sleep in your favorite spot just next to me ♪
♪ 向前进 ♪
♪ Forward ♪
♪ 向前进 ♪
♪ Forward ♪
The nail technician pushes my cuticles back…
…turns my hand over,
stretches the skin on my palm and says:
我看见了你的女儿 和你女儿的女儿
“I see your daughters, and their daughters.”
That night in a dream the
first girl emerges from a slit in my stomach.
The scar heals into a smile.
The man I love pulls the stitches out with his fingernails.
We leave black sutures curling on the side of the bath.
当第二个女孩从我的喉间探出头时 我醒了
I wake as the second girl crawls headfirst up my throat.
A flower blossoming out of the hole in my face.
♪ 雷霆奔鸣 暴雨欲倾 我将重生 ♪
♪ Tryna rain, tryna rain on the thunder Tell the storm I’m new ♪
♪ 向前跨步 坚定步伐 ♪
♪ I’ma walk, I’ma march
♪ 翻身做主 重获自♥由♥♪
on the regular Painting white flags blue ♪
♪ 上帝请宽恕我 愚昧曾迷失了我的双眼 ♪
♪ Lord forgive me, I’ve been running Running blind in truth ♪
♪ 我化作雨水 ♪
♪ I’ma rain, I’ma rain
♪ 在这苦涩的爱情中涅槃重生 ♪
on this bitter love Tell the sweet I’m new ♪
♪ 告别眼泪 离去吧 消失吧 ♪
♪ I’m telling these tears, “Go and fall away, fall away” ♪
♪ 愿最后一滴热泪化作熊熊火焰 ♪
♪ May the last one burn into flames ♪
♪ 我要自♥由♥ 自♥由♥ 我身陷囹圄 ♪
♪ Freedom! Freedom! I can’t move ♪
♪ 自♥由♥ 让我自♥由♥ ♪
♪ Freedom, cut me loose! ♪
♪ 自♥由♥ 自♥由♥ 你在何方♪
♪ Freedom! Freedom! Where are you? ♪
♪ 我也向往自♥由♥ ♪
♪ Cause I need freedom too! ♪
♪ 我挣脱束缚 绝不让自♥由♥跌入深渊 ♪
♪ I break chains all by myself Won’t let my freedom rot in hell ♪
♪ 嘿 ♪
♪ Hey! ♪
♪ 我勇往无前 因为强者永不言弃 ♪
♪ I’ma keep running Cause a winner don’t quit on themselves ♪
♪ 我涉水朝前♪
♪ I’ma wade, I’ma wave
♪ 穿过潮汐 越过海浪 ♪
through the waters Tell the tide, “Don’t move” ♪
♪ 我掀起暴♥乱♥ 跨过边界 势不可挡 ♪
♪ I’ma riot, I’ma riot through your borders Call me bulletproof ♪
♪ 上帝请宽恕我 愚昧曾迷失了我的双眼 ♪
♪ Lord forgive me, I’ve been runnin’ Runnin’ blind in truth ♪
♪ 我涉水穿越潮汐 抽身于你那搁浅的爱♪
♪ I’ma wade, I’ma wave through your shallow love ♪
♪ 向它宣布我已重生 ♪
♪ Tell the deep I’m new ♪
♪ 告别眼泪 离去吧 消失吧♪
♪ I’m telling these tears, “Go and fall away, fall away” ♪
♪ 愿最后一滴热泪化作熊熊火焰 ♪
♪ May the last one burn into flames ♪
♪ 自♥由♥ 自♥由♥ 我身陷囹圄♪
♪ Freedom! Freedom! I can’t move ♪
♪ 自♥由♥ 挣脱束缚 ♪
♪ Freedom, cut me loose! ♪
♪ 自♥由♥ 自♥由♥ 你在何方 ♪
♪ Freedom! Freedom! Where are you? ♪
♪ 我也向往自♥由♥ ♪
