around me and pull me in, pull me in, pull me in.”
他不时含着她的蓓蕾 她轻声低吟道
Sometimes when he’d have her nipple in his mouth, she’d whisper,
“Oh my God.”
那也仅是 礼尚往来
That, too, is a form of worship.
Her hips grind pestle and mortar,
每次他退出她的身体 肉桂丁香四散
cinnamon and cloves, whenever he pulls out.
Dear moon,
we blame you for floods…
for the flush of blood…
for men…
who are also wolves.
We blame you for the night,
for the dark,
for the ghosts.
曲目:Six inch
♪ 脚踩六英寸恨天高 她旁若无人地走进夜店 ♪
♪ Six inch heels, she walked in the club like nobody’s business ♪
♪ 秒杀众人 而我有幸见证 ♪
♪ Goddamn, she murdered everybody and I was her witness ♪
♪ 她所到之处 敛尽钱财 ♪
♪ She’s stacking money, money everywhere she goes ♪
♪ 你懂的 赚尽墨西哥比索 ♪
♪ You know, pesos out of Mexico ♪
♪ 不计其数♪
♪ De uno, commas, commas, commas… ♪
Every fear…
Every nightmare…
anyone has ever had.
♪ 她所到之处 敛尽钱财 ♪
♪ She’s stacking money, money everywhere she goes ♪
♪你懂的 赚尽墨西哥比索 ♪
♪ You know, pesos out of Mexico ♪
♪ 分毫不剩 ♪
♪ De uno, commas and them decimals ♪
♪ 她不会放弃 她为此而生 ♪
♪ She don’t gotta give it up, cause she professional ♪
♪ 她所到之处 敛尽钱财 ♪
♪ She stack her money, money everywhere she goes ♪
♪ 她的山崎威士忌直接从日本运来 ♪
♪ Her Yamazaki straight from Tokyo ♪
♪ 她赚尽钱财 分毫不剩 ♪
♪ She got them commas and them decimals ♪
♪ 她不会放弃 她为此而生 ♪
♪ She don’t gotta give it up cause she professionals ♪
♪ 脚踩六英寸恨天高 她旁若无人地走进夜店 ♪
♪ Six inch heels, she walked in the club like nobody’s business ♪
♪ 秒杀众人 而我有幸见证 ♪
♪ Goddamn, she murdered everybody and I was her witness ♪
♪ 她为钱而生 她为钱而生 ♪
♪ She works for the money, she work for the money ♪
♪ 自始至终 都是如此 ♪
♪ From the start to the finish ♪
♪ 她值每分每厘 她值每分每厘 ♪
♪ And she worth every dollar, she worth every dollar ♪
♪ 她的价值每分每秒展现 ♪
♪ And she worth every minute ♪
♪ 她的眼神如星空浩瀚 一直以来 她都在为权力而战 ♪
♪ Stars in her eyes She fights for the power, keeping time ♪
♪ 夜以继日地努力 ♪
♪ She grinds day and night ♪
♪ 周一到周五她在努力 周五到周日也毫不停歇 ♪
♪ She grinds from Monday to Friday Works from Friday to Sunday ♪
♪ 她绝不服输 ♪
♪ Oh, she gon’ slang ♪
♪ 她那般聪慧以至于摒弃物欲♪
♪ She too smart to crave
♪她日夜激励自己 ♪
material things She pushing herself day and night ♪
♪ 周一到周五她在努力 周五到周日也毫不停歇 ♪
♪ She grinds from Monday to Friday Works from Friday to Sunday ♪
♪ 她的眼神如星空浩瀚
♪ Oh, stars in her eyes She
♪她努力奋战 汗水淋湿那些无眠的夜晚 ♪
fights and she sweats those sleepless nights ♪
♪ 可她毫不在意 她喜欢奋力追求 ♪
♪ But she don’t mind, she loves the grind ♪
♪ 周一到周五她在努力 周五到周日也毫不停歇 ♪
♪ She grinds from Monday to Friday Works from Friday to Sunday ♪
♪ 是的 是的 她绝不服输 ♪
♪ Yeah, yeah, she gon’ slang ♪
♪ 那般聪慧以至于摒弃物欲 ♪
♪ Too smart to crave material things ♪
♪ 撰写她的论文 累计她的财富 ♪
♪ Stacking her paper Stacking her cake up ♪
♪ 周一到周五她在努力 周五到周日也毫不停歇 ♪
♪ She grinds from Monday to Friday Works from Friday to Sunday ♪
♪ 脚踩六英寸恨天高 她旁若无人地走进夜店 ♪
♪ Six inch heels, she walked in the club like nobody’s business ♪
♪ 秒杀众人 而我有幸见证 ♪
♪ Goddamn, she murdered everybody and I was her witness ♪
♪ 她为钱而生 她为钱而生 ♪
♪ She works for the money, she work for the money ♪
♪ 自始至终 都是如此 ♪
♪ From the start to the finish ♪
♪ 她值每分每厘 她值每分每厘 ♪
♪ And she worth every dollar, she worth every dollar ♪
♪ 她的价值每分每秒展现 ♪
♪ And she worth every minute ♪
♪ 噢 肯定会让你感受到 ♪
♪ Oh, gonna make you feel ♪
♪ 你终究会回来我身边 ♪
♪ You always come back to me ♪
♪ 回来 回来 回来 回来 ♪
♪ Come back, come back Come back, come back ♪
♪ 回来 回来 ♪
♪ Come back, come back ♪
You find the black tube inside her beauty case.
Where she keeps your father’s old prison letters.
You desperately…
want to look like her.
You look nothing like your mother.
You look everything like your mother.
电影 明星 美貌
Film, star, beauty.
How to wear your mother’s lipstick.
You go to the bathroom with the lipstick.
Somewhere no one can find you.
You must wear it Like she wears disappointment on her face.
Your mother is a woman.
她这般的女人 永不屈服
And women like her can not be contained.
我跟你说过没 我见过总统的
I even met the president one time, man. I ain’t tell you that?
对的 我见过总统本人 在我见他之前 你
Yeah, I met the president, you know. Before I met him, you dig…
我并不觉得我自己一事无成 真的
I… I ain’t really see myself going nowhere. I mean, really.
我 你知道吗 我将生死置之度外的
I ain’t…you know…I ain’t really cared if I lived or died.
now I feel like I gotta live,
兄弟 为了我的孩子和事业
man, for my kids and stuff, you know?
他像我一样 也是街区里的孩子
He…he from the hood just like me.
他来自芝拉克 而我来自新奥尔良
He from Chi-Raq, you know. I’m from new Orleans.
You know, that give me inspiration on I can
成为我想成为的人 嗯 任何我想成为的人
be whatever I wanna be, like, you know, whatever I wanna be.
I’ll probably be the next Spike Lee and shit,
也许一无所成 也许能出人头地
or something. You understand what I’m saying?
亲爱的妈妈 让我传承你的智慧
Mother dearest, let me inherit the Earth.
Teach me how to make him beg.
Let me make up for the years he made you wait.
Did he bend your reflection?
Did he make you forget your own name?
Did he convince you he was a God?
Did you get on your knees daily?
Do his eyes close like doors?
背对着你 置若罔闻吗
Are you a slave to the back of his head?
这男人 是你的丈夫还是父亲
Am I talking about your husband or your father?
曲目:Daddy lessons
耶哦 喔 喔 喔 德克萨斯 德克萨斯 德克萨斯
♪ Yee-haw, oh, oh, oh Texas, texas Texas ♪
爸爸的小情人 呱呱坠地
♪ Came into this world Daddy’s little girl ♪
♪ And daddy made a soldier out of me Oh, oh, oh ♪
他牵起我的小手 翩翩起舞
♪ Daddy made me dance And daddy held my hand ♪
喔 喔 喔 他常饮兑茶的威士忌
♪ Oh, oh, oh And daddy liked his whiskey with his tea ♪
我们骑着摩托 穿着夹克 听着黑胶唱片
♪ And we rode motorcycles Blackjack, classic vinyl ♪
一路成长 变得坚强
♪ Tough girl is what I had to be ♪
他嘱咐我照顾妈妈 关照妹妹
♪ He said take care of your mother Watch out for your sister ♪
喔 当他把
♪ Oh, and that’s when he gave to me… ♪
枪给我 高昂着头告诉以后别哭
♪ With his gun, and his head held high He told me not to cry ♪
喔 我爸爸说开枪吧 喔 我爸爸说开枪吧
♪ Oh, my daddy said shoot Oh, my daddy said shoot ♪
他右手握住步♥枪♥ 对着圣经宣誓
♪ With his right hand on his rifle He swore it on the bible ♪
喔 我爸爸说开枪吧 喔 我爸爸说开枪吧
♪ My daddy said shoot Oh, my daddy said shoot ♪
他拥我入怀 教导我要坚强
♪ He held me in his arms And he taught me to be strong ♪
当他离开 我也得肩负重任
♪ He told me when he’s gone Here’s what you do ♪
镇上祸事连连 像他一样的渣男出现
♪ When trouble comes to town And men like me come around ♪
喔 我爸爸说开枪吧 喔 我爸爸说开枪吧
♪ Oh, my daddy said shoot Oh, my daddy said shoot ♪
喔 喔 喔 耶哦 喔 喔 喔 耶哦
♪ Oh, oh, oh, yee-haw Oh, oh, oh, yee-haw ♪
爸爸让我去战斗 这不总是对的
♪ Daddy made me fight It wasn’t always right ♪
♪ But he said girl it’s your second amendment ♪
– 爱你 – 我也爱你
– Love you – Beyonce: I love you too.
– 爱你 – 我也爱你
– Love you – Beyonce: I love you too.
– 爱你 – 我也爱你
– Love you – Beyonce: I love you too.
– 爱你 – 我也爱你
– Love you – Beyonce: I love you too.
– 爱你 – 我也爱你
– Love you – Beyonce: I love you too.
– 爱你 – 我也爱你
– Love you – Beyonce: I love you too.
– 爱你 – 我也爱你
– Love you – Beyonce: I love you too.
– 爱你 – 我也爱你
– Love you – Beyonce: I love you too.
♪ My daddy warned me about men ♪
like you He said baby girl he’s playing you ♪
♪ He’s playing you ♪
