Fuck him up!
Leave him alone!
杀了他们 罗吉
Bury ’em, Reggie!
闭嘴 你们
Shut up, all of you!
见鬼 振作 罗吉
Fucking let ’em have it! Go on, Reg!
你不是很拽吗 嘿
Ain’t so tough now, are you, hey?
Get him in.
在这里 你什么都不是
You’re nothing in here.
-什么都不是 -请住手 不要再这样 老板 求你了
-Nothing. -Please, no more, guvnor! Please.
-求你了 求你了 求你了 -不要再这样 罗吉
-Please, please, please. -That’s more like it, Reggie.
求你了 求你了
Please. Eh? Please!
嗯 一点尊严 不要受伤 是吗
Eh? A bit of respect. Doesn’t hurt, does it?
No more.
I have shit bigger turds.
Please, water.
噢 你想要水
Oh, you want some water?
看那个 厕所 他想要水
Look at that, gents. He’s only begging for water.
现在怎么这样了 著名的罗吉 该死的科雷
What do you make of it now, eh, your famous Reggie fucking Kray?
去你的 要水
Fuck you! Begging for fucking water.
What has he come to?
给你 雷克
Here you are, Reg.
现在 不要让它溢出来
Now, don’t spill it.
否则揍你 好吗
‘Cause you’ve had a little tumble, haven’t you? Eh?
Here it is.
Good boy.
我可以喝水吗 这里就是 看
Can I have water? Here he is, look.
看这个 罗吉·克赖
Look at this. Reggie Kray.
Begging fucking water…
罗吉 罗吉 罗吉
Reggie! Reggie! Reggie…
你好 弗兰西丝
Hello, Frances.
-你好 罗 -今天我见到罗吉了
-Hello, Ron. -I saw Reg today.
He sends his best.
他说 你现在最好不要去探望他
He says it’s probably best that you don’t go and visit him yet.
Did he say why?
没 没提
Nah, didn’t mention it.
你知道有可能 对吧
Do you know it is possible, right,
一个人还活着 却变成了幽灵
for a person to become a ghost while they’re still alive.
You think so?
好吧 就在你身上发生 不是吗
Well, it’s happened to you, ain’t it?
不 不 不 不 听着
No, no, no. No, look.
-听着 -不 什么
-Listen. -“No” what?
不 不 不 拜托 拜托 一会儿就好 听我说
No, no, no. Please, please. Just for a moment, just listen.
在法律上 赌场有当场支付奖金的义务
Gambling clubs are legally obliged to pay winnings on the spot.
And that is why we insist our gamblers pay their debts on the spot as well.
是的 我知道 我听到了
Yes, I know. I’ve heard you.
不过这是你的问题 对不
But that’s your problem. Right?
是你的问题 不是我的
That’s your problem, not mine.
我的问题是 我要五万英镑
Mine is that I want £50,000.
你又来了 又要拿你那五万英镑去尼日利亚
Here you go again with your £50,000 to go to Nigeria.
不 不只是去尼日利亚 好么
No, it’s not just to go to Nigeria, is it?
我想要建立一家公♥司♥ 知道不
I want to set up a company. All right?
我想要在尼日利亚建立一个城市 给那些孩子们
I want to build a city in Nigeria, for the children.
-靠近埃努古 -埃努古
-Near Enugu. -Enugu.
-对 埃努古 -对 埃努古
-Yes, Enugu. -Yes, Enugu.
我告诉过你 埃努古 对吗
I told you, Enugu! Right?
你什么都不知道 对吗 佩尼
You don’t know everything, do you, Payne?
Did you know that “Enugu” is the African word for “utopia”?
-不 -不 你懂个屁
-No. -No, you did not.
Did you know that “utopia” is the Greek word for “nowhere”?
只要五万英镑 我就能把它变成有名之地
For £50,000, I can make that somewhere.
我可以把它改造成一个 任何人都会对我微笑的地方
I can turn it into a place where people will smile at me
-孩子们会起舞 -我也会对你笑的 罗
-and children will dance… -I will smile for you, Ron.
如果你能告诉我 去哪儿弄五万英镑 我也会对你笑的
I will smile for you if you tell me where I can get £50,000.
我来告诉你 我就告诉你 就从赌场里抽出来
I’m telling you. I’m fucking telling you. Just pull it out of the casino.
-我不能从赌场里抽 -那就从赌场里抽出来 蠢货
-I cannot pull it out of the casino -Just pull it out of the casino, you cunt.
Do not meddle with a foolproof way of making the money!
I’m not a fucking banker!
I am not a fucking banker!
-是吗 我是吗 -老天 看看那些
-Right? Am I? -Genius! Look at that.
That has made it all the more manageable.
-这个男人想要建一座城市 -你不要威胁我
-This man who wants to build a city! -Don’t you fucking threaten me!
你敢这么跟我说话 混♥蛋♥
Don’t you fucking dare talk to me like that, you cunt!
罗吉现在不在这里了 好吗 他走了 好吗
Reggie is not here now, all right? He’s fucking gone, ain’t he?
所以你现在为我工作 我 罗恩科雷
So you work for me, Ron Kray!
你乖乖地一路小跑 到该死的银行去
So you will trot along down to the fucking bank,
and you will fetch me my £50,000.
嗯 我会去银行看看 我能干嘛
Yeah, I’ll go down to the bank and see what I can do.
不过我要告诉你 我可以为你工作 罗恩
And I’ll tell you what, I may work for you, Ron,
但是我一定不怕你 好吗
but I’m certainly not afraid of you, all right?
好咯 这也很傻♥逼♥ 因为你就该怕我
Well, that is fucking stupid as well, because you fucking should be.
如果不是我兄弟保你 你早就死翘翘了
Because if my brother hadn’t have vouched for you, you’d be fucking dead.
What happened?
你来这里干什么 罗恩没有告诉你不要来吗
What are you doing here? Didn’t Ronnie tell you not to come?
-我想你了 -听着
-I missed you. -Look.
弗兰西丝 我不想你来这里看到我这个样子 懂吗
Frankie, I don’t want you to come here and see me like this, understand?
-谁干的 -什么
-Who did it? -What?
你的脸 是其他犯人干的吗
Your face. Was it one of the other prisoners?
不 不是 是一个看守 行了吧
No, no. It was one of the guards, all right?
-好吧 那你没去投诉吗 -没
-Well, have you reported them? -No.
你知道吗 我在想 当我出去后
But you know what? When I get out, I’m thinking
我可能回去国会大厦 和首相聊聊
I might go to the Houses of Parliament, have a word with the Prime Minister,
因为他会听 他会
’cause he will listen, he will.
弗兰西丝 这里是监狱 好吗
Frankie, this is prison, OK?
它就是这样 这里弱肉强食
That’s what this is. It’s the law of the jungle in here.
不过不要担心 因为我是个大男人
But don’t worry about it, because I’m a big boy,
我可以自己照顾好自己 而且我很快就能出去了 好吗
I can look after meself and I’ll be out very soon. All right?
你看那边那个脸肿起来的人 看见他了吗
Go on, have a look at that lump over there, you see him?
With the big hat.
There’s a very good reason why we all call him Handbag.
All right?
I don’t want a life like this.
-你在监狱里 只能干等着 -我知道 我知道
-Just waiting, while you’re in prison. -I know. I know.
-弗兰基 不会有下次了 -你怎么能确定
-Frankie, it won’t happen again. -How can you be sure?
因为我知道 因为我向你保证 不会有下次了
Because I know. Because I promise you it won’t happen again.
All right?
I know how you can be sure.
-继续说 -你可以改过自新
-Go on. -You could go straight.
做一个赌场老板 酒吧老板 你喜欢它
Be a casino owner, a club owner. You enjoy it.
Just forget everything else.
对你来是很简单 不是吗 嗯 改过自新
It really is that simple for you, innit? Yeah, just go straight.
宝贝 生活不是永远都能像我们想象的那样 你知道的
Babe, life isn’t always the way we want it to be, you know.
生活还有其他的计划 它…
Life has other plans. It…
-它有它的方式 这就是宿命 -我爱你
-It’s the way it is. It’s life. -I love you.
I love you.
以前从来没有爱过谁 可是我爱你 罗吉
I never loved anybody before, but I love you, Reggie.
And I love you, too.
You think it can protect people?

我喜欢他 他有身体里有些独特的气质 是吧
I like him. Yeah, he got something about him, ain’t he?
你知道我猜它是什么吗 我想应该是他的翘臀
Do you know what I reckon it is? I think it’s his hips.
I want to blow the soul out of that horn.
你看起来有点淫♥荡♥ 是吗 罗恩
You feeling a bit horny, are you, Ron?
是 我是
I am. I am.
-去 去吧 -我会的
-Go on. Do it. -I will. Yeah.
I want to blow the soul out of that horn.
这就是我要做的好吗 好吗
That’s what I’m gonna do. OK? OK?
这就是我 罗恩 吹的一手烂号♥角
That’s it, Ron, give it a fucking blow.
