Pig and Whistle. Neutral ground.
只有他 你们兄弟 还有埃迪
Just him, you two and Eddie.
嗯 我们怎么知道 那儿是安全的
Yep. And how do we know that we’re going to be safe?
你知道有种东西叫做信任吗 你知道吗
Well, that’s a little thing called trust, ain’t it?
信任 哼
Trust, eh?
你经常会听到一个家伙在你耳边唠叨信任这玩意 是吗
You always got one bloke harping on about trust, don’t you?
But then you look over your shoulder, right,
你就会看到另一个家伙站在那儿 手中握着他的老二
and you see there’s another bloke there, right, with his Hampton in his hand
and he’s preparing to shove his cock right up your arse.
但是 你不会介意他这样做的
Well, you wouldn’t mind that.
You fat poof.
喔 不要 不 不
Whoa, no. No, no, no…
好了 你把他带出去 走吧 快滚
Right, you, get him out of here. Go on, fuck off.
-一个小时后 我们在那个餐厅见 -好了 再见
-One hour. We’ll be with you. -That’s it, bye-bye.
滚蛋吧 乔治
Fuck off, George.
门在这儿 走吧
There’s the door, go on.
拜拜 快把这个该死的老狐狸带走 走
Bye-bye. Take that dead fox with you. Go on.
Get out, you prick.
What a fucking liberty.
大查理 我还要一个鸡蛋
Big Charlie, please could I have another egg?
I’ve eaten this one.
我不喜欢这个谈判 罗吉
I don’t like it, Reggie.
嗯 没事的 不用担心
Nah, it’s all right.
我知道他们 我知道那个酒馆
I know them. I know the pub.
We’ll be all right.
你得去清理那个该死的马桶 伙计 它太臭了
You got to clean that fucking toilet, mate. It stinks.
兄弟 我雇了个女孩去的 她没弄干净可不是我的错
Mate, I paid a girl to do it. It’s not my fault if she don’t.
What are you having to drink?
别管喝什么了 他们进来了
Forget it. They just walked in.
伙计 我要两杯吉尼斯黑啤 等一下
Mate, can I get two Guinnesses, please? Hang on a second.
I just gotta go down to change the barrel.
罗吉 罗恩
Reg. Ron.
The Richardsons were unexpectedly engaged,
so we’re going to look after you.
哦 这样啊 老板下去给我换酒桶去了 谢谢
Oh, it’s all right. The landlord’s gone to change the barrel for me. Thanks.
You don’t mind if I pull myself a pint, do you?
-这是什么 -你说呢 基佬
-What is that? -What do you think, poof?
It’s a fucking tool.
不 这不是个大老二 这是个该死的擀面杖
No, it’s not. It’s a fucking rolling pin.
你是谁 芬妮克·雷达克吗
Who are you, Fanny Cradock?
你拿着这东西要干嘛 要给我烤蛋糕吗
What are you gonna do with that? You gonna bake me a cake?
是不是还要给我唱生日歌♥ 然后看着我吹蜡烛
You gonna sing me a song, watch me blow out me fucking candles?
我是来枪战的 对吗
I come here for a fucking shootout, right?
和一些真正的男人 进行一场真正的枪战
A proper shootout with some proper men,
像是卡斯特上校或者杰罗恩莫 你们听过这两个人吗 没有
like Colonel Custer and Geronimo. Have you ever heard of ’em? No.
因为你们穿着围裙 忙着做那些该死的蛋糕 不是吗
‘Cause you were too busy in your pinny baking fucking fairy cakes, weren’t you?
罗吉 这些人是该死的强♥奸♥犯 强♥奸♥男人
Reg, this lot are fucking nonces, to a man.
They’re fucking nonces.
快给我让开 让开 滚开
Get out of me fucking way. Go on, get out. Go on, fuck off.
Call yourself a fucking gangster?
一场枪战 对 一场该死的枪战
A shootout, right, is a fucking shootout!
Like a Western.
废物 真丢脸
Wankers! Fucking embarrassing.
浪费我的时间 都在浪费我的时间
Waste of my time. Fucking waste of my time.
这下好了 你的兄弟已经被吓得跑路了
Well, your brother’s done a runner.
嗯 他不过是对你们很失望罢了 仅此而已
Ah, he’s just genuinely disappointed with you. That’s all.
看看这杯酒 满是铁屑 瞧瞧
Look at that. Full of iron, that is.
看 这得等一会儿 才能沉淀下去
See, it takes a while, that does, you know, to settle.
查理·理查森说 我们要把你打得喊爷爷叫奶奶 罗吉
Charlie Richardson said we’re to knock the granny out of you, Reg.
是吗 他这么说了他还真是有种啊 行了 听好了
Oh, yeah? He did, did he? That’s good of him. All right, listen.
等你下一次见他时 你给我带个话
When you see him next, you tell him from me, yeah,
就说 去他的查理 对吧
that I say… fuck Charlie, right?
And fuck his brother, yeah?
And fuck that fat Georgie Cornell that hangs out with him.
你这张该死的脸 嗯
Fuck your face. Yeah, yeah?
你们这帮该死的废物 你认为怎么样呢 恩
And fuck the fucking lot of you as well. What do you think of that? Eh?
你喜欢这样 是的
You like that? Mmm.
你不介意我打回来吧 你觉得你能吗
You won’t mind if I fight back, will you? You think you can manage it?
为了我的尊严和骄傲 说实话 我必须打回来
Ah, it’s more for me pride, really, to be honest.
我警告你 我可不会公平决斗
I warn you, I’m not gonna fight fair, though.
So I brought these.
All right?
开始之前 我想给你讲个笑话
Now, before we start, I got a little joke for you.
You’ll love this one.
偏执型精神分♥裂♥症患者 他走进了这个酒吧
Paranoid schizophrenic, he walks into a bar…
You fucking… Ooh!
Fuck off!
They never stood a chance against my beautiful Reggie.
Gang war seemed certain.
Fucking hell!
在世界杯总决赛那天 苏格兰队也这么说
But on the day of the World Cup final, Scotland Yard had its say as well.
这是鲍尔 他愚蠢地前进
There’s Ball, running himself daft…
射门 快射门啊 蠢货
Goal! Get in there, you cunts.
不许动 拜托 能不能别在今天晚上啊
Stay where you are! Oh, come on, boys. Not tonight.
你说什么 没进球
What do you mean, no goal?
等一下 等一下 等等
Wait, wait, wait, wait!
球进了 居然进了 得分了
It’s a goal!’ It’s a goal! It’s a fucking goal! It’s a goal!
查理·理查森 被判处有期徒刑25年
Charlie Richardson was sentenced to 25 years
罪名是 欺诈 勒索和殴打
for fraud, extortion and assault.
伦敦是一个开放的城市 科雷兄弟融入了进来
London was an open city and the Krays moved in.
很高兴您能来 德法耶先生
Glad you could come, Mr De Faye.
Mr Payne.
我很少对什么感兴趣的 但是你的消息
I’m not often intrigued, but your message…
让我很感兴趣 嗯
It intrigued. Hmm.
Sit down.
These are the Kray twins.
Ronald and Reginald.
是的 我听过 听过他们
Yes, I’ve, um, heard of them.
你会发现 他们是非常有用的朋友
You’ll find them useful friends.
我们要谈的是什么事 佩恩先生
What’s this about, Mr Payne?
我们要谈是骑士桥的一个赌场 叫埃斯梅拉达大谷仓
This is about a gambling casino in Knightsbridge called Esmeralda’s Barn.
-我对那个赌场不熟 -真的吗
-I’m not familiar with it. -Really?
是吗 你会惊愕的发现
Well, you’ll be shocked to learn
你在过去的三个月里 从那里赚了24000英镑
that you earned £24,000 from it in the last three months.
My friends and I would like to purchase it from you.
We have the contracts ready for your signature.
Ruling London involved intelligence and intimidation.
It’s not for sale.
你以后会知道 这是不明智的
You might find that in the future, there is a less polite approach.
The trick was to cultivate a quiet certainty
that should it be needed, violence was on offer…
and would be happily applied.
莱斯利·佩恩 是经验丰富的经纪人
Leslie Payne was a fronter and a fixer.
罗吉发现佩恩很有用 但是罗恩对他表示怀疑
Reggie found Payne useful, but Ron was suspicious of him,
afraid his scams were the opposite of what a gangster should be.’
考虑到拉斯维加斯 好的
Consider Las Vegas. All right.
它们都是合法的 都是黑社会运作
It’s all legal, all run by the Mafia.
Soon, London will be the same.
随着哈瓦那的离开 黑社会进来
What with Havana gone, the Mafia is moving in.
梅耶·兰斯基 已经打算好了
Meyer Lansky has already made inquiries.
-梅耶·兰斯基 -是的
-Meyer Lansky? -Yeah.
梅耶·兰斯基 是谁
What, as in the Meyer Lansky?
Meyer Lansky.
Are the Americans gonna try and muscle in on us?
不 他们不会那样做 他们不想发起战争 罗恩
No. They don’t work that way. They don’t want a war, Ron.
-他们是生意人 -好的 也许是我要和他们开战
-They’re businessmen. -Well, maybe I want a war with them.
现在 看看
Now, look.
What they do want is to know who is the up-and-coming local firm,
