I will get one of those boys out of their underwear.
Seal the deal.
Alright, we’re going out tonight?
少来 又演Christian吊马子的戏码
Oh please, not another episode of ‘Christian hooks up’.
嘿 我得保持技巧娴熟
Hey, gotta keep my skills honed.
To skills.
-要出门? -是啊 瑜伽 你呢?
-Hey, leaving? -Yeah, yoga. You?
Mmm, arm day…
我们还没有见过呢 我是Julie Taylor
Hey, I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Julie Taylor.
-我是Elder Davis -你在读什么?
-Hi. I’m Elder Davis. -What you reading there?
我在学习 室外舒服些
I’m just studying. You know, I thought I’d come outside.
我从爱达荷州来 那里10月份就已经很冷了
‘Cos, we’re from Idaho, it gets cold in October.
哇 好逊 这里四季如春
Oh, wow, bummer. It’s pretty much like this all the time here.
-是吗 Chris? -没错
-Isn’t it, Chris? -Yeah.
-你们在这里做什么? -我们跟人交谈 传播福音
-So, what is it that you guys do? -We talk to people about our church.
是吗? Chris很喜欢交谈
Oh really? Chris likes to talk to people.
Sometimes it helps people to find meaning in their lives.
Julie was complaining her life is void of meaning.
-空虚? 我说了空虚? -也许我们可以一起聊聊
-Void? I said ‘void’? -Maybe we can come talk to you.
-好啊 十分乐意 -行啊 OK
-You know, we would like that. -Sure. OK.
我在你身上押了50块 上班见
Yeah, I got 50 right on you. See you at work.
谢天谢地 终于走了
Thank God she’s leaving.
Can you believe ‘Entertainment Weekly’ called her
the new sweetheart of American cinema?
那个贱♥人♥? 她让Julie 来换我 因为她竟然
That cunt? She made Julie take my table, because she thought
怪我没洗澡 她哪有资格讲 看她那副吃相
I hadn’t bathed recently. Like she should talk. Did you see her eat?
看她的腿 让人见识什么是牛腿
Yeah, did you check out her legs? Now I know why they call them calves.
I bet after sex, she smokes a ham
亲爱的 给我一杯陈酿
Darling, give me a glass of Cuvee
I do hope we’re not speaking disparagingly about our clientele.
Gossip is so ignoble.
Especially regarding those less fortunate.
不幸? 那个贱♥人♥
Less fortunate? That bitch!
You know something… tell.
没有啊 我从不讲故事的 比如以她做那事的勤快劲
No, I would never tell tales, such as with the frequency she does it
她热衷暴饮暴食再催吐催泄 当做有氧运动
the poor child must think that binging and purging are aerobic excercise.
She hardly looks bulimic.
如果我真的关心 我应该建议她
Yes, if I were a different sort, I’d suggest
多吐点 少吃点
a little more of the purging, a little less of the binging.
But I would never say such things.
For gossip is the lowest form of discourse.
You should avoid it if at all possible.
我该回办公室了 搞搞账本 有事通知我…
I shall be in the office, cooking the books, if anyone needs me.
Ben打电♥话♥来 他锲而不舍
Oh, and Ben called. He seemed kind of insistent.
Lila 是不是藏着一个男朋友?
Do you suppose Lila is hiding a boyfriend from us?
人♥渣♥ 这点小费简直是羞辱
Fucking skank… that’s not a tip, that’s an indictment.
放松点 老天 谁惹毛你了?
Take it sound, J. Christ, who pissed in your Cheerios?
某唱片公♥司♥的企划 她陪他喝酒 他才肯听她的录音
Some A and R guy. She has drinks with this guy so he’ll listen to her demo
and now she fears for her virtue.
-他满帅的 -我累死累活才录完小样
-He’s totally cute. -I bust my ass making a great demo,
却没人欣赏 以为遇到知音
I can’t get anyone to listen to it till this guy
who obviously just wanted to fuck me.
可怜的 我觉得他挺帅
Poor baby. I thought he was cute.
What, you would have sex to help your career?
亲 我为了赶走房♥客还帮他吹♥箫♥
Honey, I’ve blown a guy just to get him out of my apartment.
Sex for my career would be noble.
Ben 我还没准备好做那样的决定
Ben, I’m not ready to make that kind of decision yet.
我要挂了 以后再联络
I have to go. OK, I’ll call.
这是Andrew的酒单 -谢谢
Here’s Andrew’s wine order. -Thank you.
-还有其他事吗? -大家以为Ben是你的男朋友
-Is there something else? -Everyone thinks Ben is your boyfriend
其实他是个医生 对不对?
but he’s not, he’s a doctor, isn’t he?
Is everything OK?
年轻人 我可不想在自己公♥司♥里被八卦
Young man, I will not be the subject of gossip in my own establishment.
这就是上帝如何让Joseph Smith
And that’s how, through Joseph Smith,
God restored the true church of Jesus Christ to the earth.
Have any questions?
为什么上帝和Joseph Smith聊天
How come if God talks to Joseph Smith,
he’s a prophet
而如果上帝和我说话 我却成了妄想症?
but if God talks to me, I’m schizophrenic?
好吧 他并非凡人
Ah, well, he was sort of special.
What’s the Mormon church’s stand on black people?
这可是个好问题 美国的非洲裔
That’s a good question. African American members
have been allowed to hold the priesthood since 1978.
跟迪斯科诞生同期 女人呢?
Since disco. And women?
女人不能担任圣职 她们可以
Women don’t get to hold the priesthood, what they get
当贤妻良母 以此分享赐福
is to be wives and to be mothers and share in its blessings.
Oh, sharing. See, sharing is good.
Christian was wondering what is your church’s stand on gay rights.
呃 这种东西不存在
Um well… There’s no such thing.
‘Gay’ and ‘right’ don’t belong in the same sentence.
Oh, but ‘right’ and ‘rightwing’ go hand-in-hand?
Yeah, God hates homos.
You’re gonna come into my house and tell me God hates homosexuals?
And the French!
-上帝憎恨法国人? -大家都憎恨法国人
-God hates the French? -Everybody hates the French.
按橙色的钮就行 你真好
Just push the orange button. Oh, you are such a sweetheart
-谢谢 -不客气
-for doing that, thank you. -You’re welcome.
-妈 全机场都看到你走光 -我实在没办法
-Ma, you’re flashing the whole terminal. -I can’t help it.
如果不提 它要褪到膝盖下面了
If I don’t they are gonna end up around my knees.
Oh, I’m losing the only other sane one around here.
这个传给你 儿子 让我们为你骄傲
I think this belong to you now, son. Do us proud.
父亲 我一定会
Yes sir, I will.
Now, you have yourself a real safe trip, OK?
Oh, for crying out loud, I wasn’t gonna do this.
妈 说好不哭的 如果你哭了 我也会
Ma, you promised. If you start, I will.
我明白 但是我忍♥不住 因为你是我的宝贝
I know, but I can’t help it, because you’re my baby, you know.
And you always will be.
-你还好吗? -哦 还行
-You okay? -Yeah, I’m fine.
如果不方便 我过会再来
Look, if there’s a problem, I could come back.
Look, maybe I’m just homesick.
想家? 爱达荷州?
Homesick? For Idaho?
-是啊 -对不起 别误会
-Okay, fine… -I’m sorry. That came out wrong.
It’s just… When I left home… I zoomed like a rocket here.
你从来没有离开过家 对不对?
But if you’ve never been away from home before… Have you?
当然有过 但这次要离开整整两年
What? I’ve been away from home. Just, not for two whole years.
可能更糟 可能下雨
Could be worse, could be raining.
-电影《新科学怪人》台词 -对
-That’s ‘Young Frankenstein’. -Yeah.
-所以说是两年哦? -是啊
-So two years, huh? -Yeah.
不能通电♥话♥ 假日不许回家
We’re not allowed to call or go home in the holidays,
and they’re not allowed to visit.
-哇 我要报名 -嘿 我很爱我的家庭
-Wow, where do I sign up? -Hey, I happen to like my family.
毕竟 男孩最好的朋友是母亲
After all, a boy’s best friend is his mother.
电影《惊魂记》 是不是?
‘Psycho’! That’s ‘Psycho’, right?
She goes a bit mad sometimes… We all go a bit mad sometimes.
至少这里还有你的朋友 是吗?
At least you got your friends here, right?
Ryder? 我们几周前才被编到一组
What, Ryder? No, we just got assigned to each other a few weeks ago.
幸亏是跟你 不是我
Oh. Well, better you than me.
真凑巧 你们都叫Elmer?
Kind of a funny coincidence, all you guys being named Elmer, huh?
-你认为我是Elmer? -难道你不是?
-You think I’m an Elmer? -Well, you’re not?
不 乌龙 是Elder 教士头衔
No, doofus! It’s Elder. It’s a title. Elder…
还好是这样 谁给你起名Elmer就无趣了
Oh, that’s a good thing. Somebody naming you Elmer, it’s just mean.
What’s your first name, then?
-我们不能用自己的名字 -什么? 为什么?
-We’re not allowed to use them. -What? Why not?
We’re not allowed to do a lot of things.
It’s Aaron.
Aaron 我喜欢这名字
Aaron. I like that.
