or so help me, I’m gonna rain holy hell down on both of you.
You understand?
我要去找去他妈的水 吃去他妈的药了
I’m gonna go find some damn water and take all my damn pills.
Then we gonna get this damn party started.
It’s gonna be fun.
-去哪 -还记得毕尼恩吗
-Where to? -Remember Binion’s,
where I had my bachelor party?
我谷哥到 他们刚重新装潢过
I looked it up on the Google, they’ve just renovated it.
-比利 米莉安拿保险套给我 -他说个不停
-Billy, Miriam gave me a condom…-He won’t shut up about it.
-我说个不停 -听起来像6岁儿童
-I won’t shut up? -You sound like 6 year olds.
比利 你现在头上有屁♥眼♥毛
Billy, now that you’ve got ass-hair on your head,
do you wash your hair, or do you just wipe?
-借过 -请问一下
-Pardon me. -Excuse me.
Where’s the check-in desk?
-柜台 -酒店 入住的柜台
-Check-in desk? -For the hotel? Check-in?
早在几个月前装♥修♥时 就停了住房♥部
Hell, they closed the hotel part down for remodeling months ago.
明年重开时 应该会很赞
Reopening next year. It’s gonna be real nice.
We have a problem.
The rooms aren’t gonna be ready for another year and a half.
They’re still remodeling.
阿奇柏尔德 当你预约的时候
Archibald, did this topic
come up when you made the reservation?
没有 因为是你坚持要预约这间的
No, because you insisted on making the reservations.
我坚持 那是你的建议呀 我坚持的是另一间
I insisted, but then you insisted, and it is the second insister
-你要是坚持 我就不会坚持了 -山姆 山姆
-that supersedes the first. -Sam. Sam.
我提供意见 是你坚持的
I offered, you insisted.
兄弟们 别担心好吗
Guys, guys, don’t worry about it, all right?
Lisa and I are staying at the Aria for the wedding.
-我正发讯息给助理 -看到没 没问题
-I’m just texting my assistant. -Yeah, see that? No problem.
大人物的助理 会处理的
Big shot’s assistant will take care of everything.
现在 我想上厕所 该不会也没厕所吧
Meantime, I got to look for a bathroom. Or don’t they have that either?

好吧 去你那家酒店
We’ll go to your hotel.
-不过放钱我来付吧 -这就对了
-But we’re the ones getting the rooms. -Yeah, that’s right.
我找个喝的 现在佛罗里达该是5:00了
Soon as I have a drink. It’s 5:00 in Florida.
-我也去 -来吧
-I’ll join you. -If you insist.
说清楚山姆 是你坚持要预约的
You know, Sam, it was you who insisted on making the reservation.
还有 那顶蠢帽子哪来的
And where’d you get that silly hat?
别再侮辱我的帽子 它会生气的
Oh, why is my hat the default insult?
好 好
All right. All right.
谢谢你们 不过这给我的掌声代表
Thank you! But all that tells me is that wherever you guys are from,
you lack quality entertainment.
好 帮帮忙
Okay, that’ll do it for me.
给服务生些小费 当他们摔倒时 也颇具娱乐姓呢
Make sure to tip your waitresses. It’s pretty funny when they fall over.
山姆 山姆
Sam, Sam.
她很棒 很棒
No, she’s good, she’s good.
我跟我朋友 想请你喝一杯
My friends and I would like to buy you a drink.
You were the ones laughing.
照理说 应该是我请你们喝
In that case, I should buy you a drink.
Oh, hardly.
-黛安娜·波蕾 -比利·葛森
-I’m Diana Boyle. -Hi, I’m Billy Gherson.
I’m Archie Clayton.
-他是山姆·哈里斯 -黛安娜 请坐
-Hi. That’s Sam Harris. -Hey, Diana, please, sit down.
-我帮你 -谢谢
-Let go of her hand. -Thank you.
你真是 真是天赖般好听
You were…That was just incredible.
我想先声夺人 把我的名片
And…And I’m just gonna preemptively just put my cards
-放桌上 然后说 -山姆
-on the table, and say that…-Sam.
My wife of 40 years has given me permission
简单说 这几天放牛吃草
to basically cheat on her this next few days.
我只想让你知道 万一你有需求
And so I just wanted to let you know, in case you…
-我是没事的 -还真是大方的邀请
-I’m available. -That’s a generous offer.
你在床上行吗 山姆
Are you good in bed, Sam?
I don’t remember.
卡罗 请给我蓝钻马汀尼不加冰
Carol, could I have a Sapphire Martini, straight up
-加柠檬皮 男士们 -就这样
-with a twist, please? Gentlemen? -All right.
喝啥 不喝酒
What…? No alcohol.
-他也不能喝 -什么
-He won’t have alcohol. -What?
Bombay Sapphire martini, straight up.
Don’t pay any mind to him.
-我很能喝 天天喝 -好 好
-I’m a big drinker, I drink all the time. -Okay, okay.
-给他2杯 -我也一杯
-Bring him two. -And I’ll have one.
我 我也一杯好了
I’ll…I’ll have one as well.
So, what brings you boys to Vegas?
我告诉你来拉斯维加斯的原因 一个说谎肥仔
I’ll tell you what brings us to Vegas: a big fat liar.
I just wanted to come over and tell you how much I enjoyed
-真的好 -谢谢
-your performance. -Oh, thank you.
你虽不年轻 但应该可以更好
You’re no spring chicken, but you deserve better
than being around these lowlifes.
是你吗 白马王子
Prince Charming, is that you?
但 你比我想像的矮了些
You are so much shorter than I thought you would be.
开玩笑的 事实上我们是来参加婚礼的
No, actually we’re here for a wedding.
礼拜天 榛子头 要结婚
Our friend Hazelnut is tying the knot on Sunday.
-是吗 -那么再见了 混♥蛋♥们
-Yeah? -So, all right. So long, jerk-offs.
我要去找间酒店 找间有房♥间的酒店
I’m gonna go look for a hotel that actually has hotel rooms.
等等 干嘛急着走
Wait, wait. Why are you leaving?
因为这个讨厌鬼 就这样
Because of this schmuck, that’s why.
We got a couple of unresolved issues.
Is he a schmuck?
It’s a gray area.
We’ve been best friends since we’re 6 years old.
我老婆一年前过世时 他竟然没出席丧礼
My wife dies about a year ago, he doesn’t even show up for the funeral.
It’s a little more complicated than that. I…
是呀 送花跟写张 我很遗憾 卡片就算了
Yeah, sends me flowers with a note that says “Sorry for your loss.”
很遗憾 你要走
Well, I am sorry that you’re leaving.
明显的 我需要有人照看我
Clearly I need someone to look out for me,
因为我必须应付 一个酒鬼 一个奸夫
seeing as how I’m associating with an alcoholic, an adulterer
and a schmuck.
I like you.
-那么 -派特 康纳
-Well. -Pat Connors.
Still Diana Boyle.
-酒来了 -你的
-Oh, look here. -There you are.
To the first bachelor party I’ve ever attended
that could be covered by Medicare.
还有敬 真的聆听我
And to the only
people here who actually listened to me sing.
为此 干杯
Thank you for that.
你 要看着对方
Hey, you, eye contact.
Doesn’t mean a thing without eye contact.
How old is the woman that he is marrying?
-她 -那个 她今年
-She’s…-Oh, well, you know, she’s…
-应该 她 -三十多岁吧
-Just in her…-30-ish.
Oh, sweet Jesus.
大伙们 该走了吧
Guys, come on, we got to get going here, all right?
-该去亚利亚酒店了 -那可是真高级的酒店
-Let’s get over to the Aria. -Oh, that’s a great hotel.
-有我的幸运大轮盘 -幸运大轮盘
-Has my lucky big wheel. -Big wheel.
-一起来 -一起来
-Then you’re coming with us. -She is?
What the hell is with this traffic?
-坐的舒服吗 -还可以
-Are you comfortable? -No, I’m…I’m fine.
-我叫他坐到后面去 -不用他坐到后面啦
-I can make him sit in the back. -No, he doesn’t have to go in the back.
-确定 -老子不坐了
-Are you sure? -Screw this, all right?
-对啦 不要坐了 -干嘛
-Let’s just get out of here. -What?
-大家不要坐了 -当真
-Let’s get out. Screw it. -Really?
对啦 对啦 走 走吧
Yeah, yeah, yeah, let’s go. Lead on, man.
喝 喝 喝 喝
Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!
什么东西 地图吗
What is that, a map?
