
lacuna (la KOO na) This noun too refers to a gap or an empty space. From the Latin for “hollow or cavity” (and thus leading to both “lake” and “lagoon”), it forms its plural in the Latin way (see the first sen-tence below).

  • “There are so many lacunae (la KOO nye) in my memories of the past,” sighed Jennifer. “I remember my fifth birthday but almost nothing at all about being in the first grade.”
  • Greek scholars are comparing their educated guesses to fill in the lacuna in the third line of the newly discovered manuscript of a poem by Sappho.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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腔隙(la KOO na)这个名词也指间隙或空位。从拉丁语中“空心或空腔”的意思(从而导致“湖”和“泻湖”),它以拉丁语的方式形成了复数形式(见下面的第一个sen tence)。

  • 詹妮弗叹息道:“在我对过去的记忆中,有太多的空白。”。“我记得我的五岁生日,但对上一年级几乎一无所知。”
  • 希腊学者正在比较他们有根据的猜测,以填补新发现的萨福诗歌手稿第三行的空白

