Line it up so the teeth will bite.
– 按两次 – 对的 弄好了
– Click it twice. – That’s right. Yeah.
Good job.
I used to feed you.
At night while your mother slept.
Give you the bottle.
We were staying in this crappy little apartment, Lower East Side.
然后你就躺着 你就躺在那里
Then afterwards you’d lie… you’d just lie there…
with your head on my chest.
You had this…
气味 如你所知道的 那种小宝宝的气味
smell, you know, the way babies smell.
And I would just…
I’d just hold you.
Feeling you breathe.
I’d make all these promises to you.
Tell you that I’d love you forever,
always keep you safe,
never let you feel alone.
I was just filled with this…
infinite love for you.
我不知道在我身上发生了什么 让我感到心碎
I don’t know what happened to me, what broke inside of me.
可能我总是心碎 我不知道
Maybe I was always broken. I don’t know.
但是和你在一起的那些夜晚 如果我能够
But those nights with you, if I could…
选择在我生命中的什么时候永远活下去的话 那一定是这些
get to choose what time of my life to live in forever, that would be it.
就是这段时间 我不要求你原谅我 我没有资格
That would be it. And I’m not asking you to forgive me. I don’t deserve….
I just…
I love you.
And I’m sorry.
And I’m sorry.
It’s okay.
早点休息吧 好吗 你累了
Go to sleep. Okay? You’re tired.
Knock, knock.
What do you got there?
Your getaway vehicle.
如果我们要把那些胶卷拿到德维恩 我们就要开一晚上车
If we’re gonna get that film to Dwayne’s, we gotta drive through the night.
Tomorrow is the last day they’re developing Kodachrome.
Never gonna let you take me out of here.
That’s why I’m not gonna ask.
It appears I got this tube in my dick.
– 倒霉 – 没关系 我能把它拿出来 我拿出来它了
– Shit. – It’s all right. I can get it. I got it.
你能把它拿出来是什么意思 不 不 不 不 不 嘿
What do you mean you can get it? No. No, no, no, no. Hey!
你不能自己拔导尿管 住手 住手 这太疯狂了
You can’t pull out your own catheter! Stop it! Stop it! That’s crazy!
哦 老天
Oh, God.
老爸 不要这样子
Dad! Don’t!
太混♥蛋♥了 穿上衣服
Fuck you. Getxa0dressed.
– 我吓到你了 – 你确实吓到我了 给你
– I got you. – You did get me. Here.
BGM: Somewhere Else – Indian
♪ 在梦中的每一分钟♪ ♪
♪ Caught in a minute In a dream that I had ♪
♪ 一切都是完美的 他们放开过去的执念 ♪
♪ Everything is perfect They’re letting go of the past ♪
♪ 停留在我梦中的脑海中 ♪
♪ Stop in the middle with a dream in my head ♪
♪ 活在当下 ♪
♪ Living the moment up on the edge ♪
♪ 在别的地方 但是你在别的地方 ♪
♪ Somewhere else But you are somewhere else ♪
♪ 在别的地方 但是你在别的地方 ♪
♪ Somewhere else But you are somewhere else ♪
♪ 房♥子的石头已经裂开 ♪
♪ Rocks form the house It is falling apart ♪
♪ 这里的一切感觉都很好 从一开始就感觉很好 ♪
♪ Everything feels right right here Right from the start ♪
♪ 漂浮在河中 牵着你的手 ♪
♪ Floating in the river Uh-oh, holding your hand ♪
♪ 我是你的男人 ♪
♪ I am your man ♪
♪ 在别的地方 但是你在别的地方 ♪
♪ Somewhere else But you are somewhere else ♪
♪ 在别的地方 但是你在别的地方 ♪
♪ Somewhere else But you are somewhere else ♪
♪ 在别的地方 但是你在别的地方 ♪
♪ Somewhere else But you are somewhere else ♪
♪ 在别的地方 ♪
♪ Somewhere else ♪
It has been this way for the last few months or so.
来自世界各地的人们 都只是为了冲洗胶卷
People coming in from all over the world, all just to develop some film.
如果你问我的话 他们每年都应该停止拍照片
If you ask me, they should stop making film every year.
好吧 我会给到你一个单间 顾客
All right, I’ve got you in a single, king.
不 不 我们有两个房♥间 分开预定的房♥间
No. No, we had… two rooms. Separate rooms reserved.
– 实际上 三个 但是我们只需要两个 – 很抱歉 这有些愚蠢
– Actually, three, but we only need two. – I’m sorry. It’s been insane.
只是 我们不知道谁会来 谁会走
Just… we don’t know who’s coming and who’s going.
Right now all I’ve got is thexa0one room.
One sec.
– 就这样吧 – 很好
– We’ll take it. – Super.
I should have it ready for you in three or four hours.
– 好 – 去你的 真是疯了 好吧
– Super… – Fuck you. That’s fucking cra… Okay.
没问题 没问题
That’s great. That’s great.
很抱歉 开了很久车 没问题
Sorry. Long drive. That’s great.
Watch your step.
– 嗨 – 嘿
– Hi. – Hey.

打扰一下 我想亲自把这个胶卷给德维恩
Excuse me. I wanted to give these rolls to Dwayne personally.
很抱歉 我们昨天已经停止了科达克罗姆胶卷的业务
I’m sorry. We stopped taking Kodachrome yesterday.
你说什么 不 我打电♥话♥确认了 说是周四截止
You what? No. I called to confirm. We were told Thursday.
我知道 我很抱歉 我们比预期更快地用完了染料
I know. I’m sorry. We ran out of dye sooner than expected.
来吧 我们开了两千英里到这儿 我只是
Come on. Look, we just drove 2,000 miles to get here. I just…
– 德维恩在哪里 – 本·赖德
– Where’s Dwayne? – Ben Ryder.
– 我在这儿 – 你成功了
– There he is. – You made it.
– 你在做什么 – 很高兴见到你
– How you doin’? – Good to see you.
Your assistant here just told me you’re not processing any more Kodachrome.
– 她被解雇了 你被解雇了 – 好的 爸爸
– She’s fired. You’re fired. – Okay, Dad.
亲爱的 这是本杰明·亚瑟·莱德
Honey, this is Benjamin Asher Ryder,
one of the world’s greatest living photographers.
你好 这是我儿子 马特
How do you do? This is my son, Matt.
– 马特 很高兴见到你 – 我也是
– Matt, nice to meet you. – You too.
好的 本 我会亲自冲洗这些
Well, Ben, I will process these myself.
我特意给你留出的空位 就等你来
I left a little room in the line on the off chance you made it.
是的 我指望着它 我很感激它
Yeah, I was countin’ on it. I appreciate it.
你能相信吗 一个时代的终结
Can you believe it? The end of an era.
I will have these ready for you to pick up tomorrow.
– 好的 谢谢 – 不用谢
– Okay. Thank you. – You’re welcome.
我们应该吃些东西 你饿吗
We could get food. You hungry?
嗯 我应该塞点东西在我的胃里
Yeah, I should put something in my stomach.
嗯 我也一样
Yeah, same.
抱歉 你是不是本杰明·莱德
I’m sorry. Aren’t you Benjamin Ryder?
– 是的 – 简直不敢相信
– That’s right. – I don’t believe it.
我早该知道你们会来的 我刚刚还说到史蒂夫·麦柯里和你
I should have known you’d be here. I was talking about you to Steve McCurry.
I figured Steve would be here.
– 国家地理杂♥志♥的厄尼科茨 – 厄尼
– Ernie Coates from National Geographic. – Ernie.
你在阿富汗的成就 非常棒
You did that piece in Afghanistan, didn’t you? Yeah, that was great.
哇哦 你知道
Wow, you know…
说出来可能有点尴尬 你就是我成为摄影师的原因
At the risk of embarrassing you, you’re the reason I became a photographer.
Why would that embarrass me?
玛丽 来这儿
Marie, come here.
– 这是本杰明·莱德 – 不可能
– This is Benjamin Ryder. – No way.
是的 恐怕是这样
Yeah, I’m afraid so.
A bunch of us were talking about your Afghan series.
你能相信他们居然要放弃它吗 你一定很生气吧
Can you believe they’re stopping it? You must’ve been pretty pissed.
不 不是这样的 我只是有点感伤 但是
No, not really. A little sentimental, I guess, but…
你知道的 只是时间的问题
just a matter of time, you know.
你知道的 哦 天啊
You know. Oh, geez.
我们都如此 害怕时间的流逝
We’re all so… so frightened by time,
一些事物到来 一些事物消失
and the way it moves on, the way things disappear.
That’s why we’re photographers.
We’re preservationists by nature.
We take pictures to stop time,
to commit moments to eternity.
Human nature made tangible.
About as good a definition of art as any, I guess.
本 瑞克·罗斯 我们曾一起在格林纳达共事
Ben. Rick Ross. We were in Grenada together.
