I can’t be your nurse.
I don’t know how to help you.
Are you done?

– 好吧 是什么意思 – 你被解雇了
– What does that mean? “Okay.” – You’re fired.
Is someone sitting here?
How’s he doing?
He’s overcome with gratitude.
– 真的吗 – 假的
– Really? – No. Mm-mmm.
不 我要喝一杯
Nope. I need a drink.

can I please get, like, any semi-decent reposado on ice, please?
– 我想问你点事情 当时你在那 – 嗯哼
– Let me ask you something. You were there. – Mm-hmm.
我差点搞定他们了对吧 之前我有点害怕
It was happening, right? Like before I had my little freak out?
– 我说服他们了 对吧 – 对 你做到了
– I had ’em, yeah? – Yeah. You did.
– 所以我真是自己搞砸了 – 我不这么觉得
– So I really screwed myself. Okay. – That’s not how I see it.
谢谢你 但是
I appreciate that, but…
I don’t know if you realize what kind of opportunities are out there
for a guy like me at this point.
Like, a handful?
没机会了 现在没了
Mmm. Zero… is the right answer.
话一旦说出去 就没什么机会了
Then, once word of this gets out, it’s gonna be even less.
– 话都那么说出去了 – 你被炒了吗
– The word is officially out. – And are you fired?
没 没有 还没有
Uh, no. Not quite.
显然 我被“炸”了
Apparently I’m “fried.”
– 现在我被炒了 被炒了 – 好吧
– Now I’m fired. There we go. – Good.
– 别笑 至少你有工作 – 不 我其实刚被炒了
– Don’t laugh. At least you got a job. – Oh, no. I was actually just fired too.
– 你在开玩笑 – 不 我没有
– You’re joking. – No. I’m not.
– 什么 为什么 – 没关系的 我经常被他炒
– What? Why? – It’s fine. He does it a lot actually.
– 所以 干杯吧 – 干杯
– So, cheers to that. – Cheers.
– 干杯 – 干杯干杯
– Cheers. – Cheers. Here we go.
– 再来一杯吗 – 不 天呐
– Want another one? – No! God!
– 如果我再喝 我会发酒疯的 – 噢 是吗
– If I had any more, I’d get surly. – Oh, yeah?
– 对 – 我想看看你 你会吗
– Yeah. – I’d pay to see that. Are you sure?
好吧 好 准备葬礼吧 兄弟
Okay, well, that would be your funeral, buddy.
What’s this?
BGM: Lightning Crashes – Live
♪ 小天使睁开了她的双眼 ♪
♪ The angel opens her eyes ♪
♪ 淡蓝色的双眼 ♪
♪ Pale blue-colored eyes ♪
– 这是现场乐队的歌♥曲 – 什么
– This is Live. – What?
You’re singing Live right now.
You said you didn’t know the band Live.
这就是现场乐队的歌♥ 你哼唱的这首
This is Live. You’re singing it.
不 我觉得你误会了
No. I think you misread anything.
– 我觉得你喝醉了 产生幻觉了 – 我没喝醉
– I think you’re drunk. You’re hallucinating. – I’m not drunk.
不 我听到了
No, I heard you.
♪ 哦 我再次感受到了它 ♪
♪ Oh, now feel it, comin’ back again ♪
– ♪ 好像摇滚的闪电 ♪ – 你对我说谎了
– ♪ Like a rollin’ thunder ♪ – You lied to me.
♪ 追逐着风 ♪
♪ Chasing the wind ♪
♪ 来自地球中心的力量再次汇聚 ♪
♪ Forces pullin’ from The center of the earth again ♪
♪ 我能感受到它 ♪
♪ I can feel it ♪
♪ 我能感受到它 ♪
♪ I can feel it ♪
♪ 哦 我 ♪
♪ Oh, I ♪
♪ 哦 我 ♪
♪ Oh, I ♪
♪ 哦 我 ♪
♪ Oh, I ♪
♪ 我再次感受到了它 ♪
♪ I can feel it coming back again ♪
♪ 好像摇滚的闪电在追逐着风 ♪
♪ Like a rollin’ thunder Chasing the wind ♪
♪ 来自地球中心的力量再次汇聚 ♪
♪ Forces pullin’ from The center of the earth again ♪
– ♪ 我能感受到它 ♪ – 嗯 我大概应该
– ♪ I can feel it ♪ – Well, I should probably…
♪ 我再次感受到了它 ♪
♪ I can feel it coming back again ♪
♪ 好像摇滚的闪电在追逐着风 ♪
♪ Like a rollin’ thunder Chasing the wind ♪
♪ 来自地球中心的力量再次汇聚 ♪
♪ Forces pullin’ from The center of the earth again ♪
♪ 我能感受到它 ♪
♪ I can feel it ♪
♪ 我再次感受到了它 ♪
♪ I can feel it coming back again ♪
♪ 好像摇滚的闪电在追逐着风 ♪
♪ Like a rolllin’ thunder Chasing the wind ♪
♪ 来自地球中心的力量再次汇聚 ♪
♪ Forces pulling From the center of the earth again ♪
♪ 我能感受到它 ♪
♪ I can feel it ♪
– 你在干什么 – 我准备去机场
– What are you doing? – I’m going to the airport.
– 你说什么 – 好吧 这是个错误
– What are you talkin’ about? – Yeah. This was a mistake.
不 这不是
No, it wasn’t.
嘿 别着急
Hey, slow down.
I’ve already called a nurse to replace me and…
she should probably be here by breakfast.
嘿 佐伊 什么意思 这是怎么回事
Hey, Zooey. Come on. What is this? What’s goin’ on here?
嘿 你不能就这么离开
Hey, come on. You can’t just leave.
– 本怎么办 – 他昨晚解雇了我
– What about Ben? – He fired me last night.
所以呢 你说他总是解雇你
So what? You said he fires you all the time.
– 对 我现在要他自食其果了 – 好吧 但是为什么是现在呢
– Yeah. Now I’m takin’ him up on it. – Okay, but why now?
– 为什么 发生了什么事情 – 我不能这么做 好吗
– Why? What is going on? – I can’t do this, okay?
做什么 你在说什么
Do what? What are you talking about?
– 我不会伤害你 – 你根本不知道
– I’m not going to hurt you. – You don’t know that.
我明白了 你的丈夫出轨了
Look. I get it, okay? Your husband cheated on you.
I’m not him.
好吧 他没有出轨 好吗 是我出轨了
Okay, well, he didn’t cheat on me. OK? I cheated on him.
我甚至不能告诉你为什么 我出轨了
And I couldn’t even tell you why. I went and fucked someone.
那又如何 那又如何呢 你不过是犯了个错误
So what? So what? You made a mistake.
那是三年前 他不是对的人
It was three years ago. He was the wrong guy.
不 我才是错的人
No. I am the wrong girl.
佐伊 你说“我们不能一直生活在过去的错误中”对吗
Zooey, what about what you said to me, “Nothing good comes from living in the past.” Right?
是的 你曾经和我说过我听起来像你前妻
Yeah, and then you told me I sounded like your ex-wife.


谢谢 伙计 我很感谢 只需要耽误你几秒钟
Thanks, man. I appreciate it. It will just take a second.
他可能会在这儿 嘿 本
He’s probably just in here. Hey, Ben?
哦 该死 嘿 本
Oh, shit! Hey! Ben!
本 你还好吗
Ben! Are you okay?
先生 先生 赶快找人去帮忙
Sir! Sir! Go get help! Please!
没关系的 你还好吧
It’s okay. You all right?
– 我是贝塔一号♥ 快接 – 请说
– This is Beta One, come in. – Go ahead.
– 找到人帮忙了吗 – 在四二八有一个紧急事件需要医疗救援
– Will you get help? – We have a possible Code Blue in 428.
It’s okay.
So I checked in with Ben’s oncologist in New York and shared some blood work.
我们会让他感到舒服些 但是癌症到了这个阶段 我们也没别的办法了
We can keep him comfortable, but at this stage of cancer, that’s all we can do.
Now we can arrange for his transfer to hospice,
but I am afraid he will not be able to travel back to New York.
事实上我们正准备去 堪萨斯
We’re actually on our way to… Kansas.
Oh, that’s off the table.
马特 你的父亲非常的虚弱
Matt, your father is very weak,
虽然我们可以让他在这儿感到舒适 但是他真的没有太多时间了
and while we can keep him comfortable here, he really doesn’t have much longer.
I’m sorry.
I’ll check back in in a little bit.
– 好的 谢谢 – 不用谢
– Yeah. Thank you. – You’re welcome.
Coffee smells good.
You want some?
How are you feeling?
我快死了 这就是我现在的感觉
I’m dying. That’s how I’m feeling.
How long have I been here?
可能是一天半 大约是
Like a day and a half… about.
Where’s Zooey?
– 她离开了 – 她已经走了吗
– She left. – Is she gone?
我以前解雇过她 但这是第一次她真的离开
I fired her before. It’s the first time she ever actually left.
帮我个忙 不要告诉她我在这儿
Do me a favor. Don’t tell her I’m here
She might blame herself.
Of course.
Need help?
– 放到那个小插槽里 – 我知道 我还记得
– Goes in that little slot there. – Yeah, I know. I remember.
拉出来 固定住
Stretch it out. Nice and tight.
