but I also know that you’re bluffing me.
Call my bluff and see.
I will.
让我解释一下,看起来似乎 你手中握着一把很好的牌…
Let me explain. It must have seemed to you that you hold a very strong hand…
但是 – 一个非常重要的“但是” –
but — a very important “but” —
正巧我手里握着一张牌, 你甚至都不知道牌盒里还有这张
it so happens that I hold a card which you did not even know to be in the pack.
Who’s bluffing now?
正巧,不到一小时前 我跟莱昂内在一起
It so happens that I was with Lionel less than an hour ago.
非常显然的, 在他的行为和谈话中…
And it was transparently clear from his demeanor and conversation…
他对于你和我之间的关系 没有任何怀疑…
That he had not the faintest suspicion that you and I had any relationship…
除此之外- 正如他所说-
other than that of- – as he would probably put it- –
我们是老伙伴,曾经一起围着 快乐的老婴儿室的炉火烤栗子
old pals who used to roast chestnuts together round the jolly old nursery fire.
So, while thanking you for the honor that you’ve done me…
我必须拒绝你的要求, 因为我有其他安排…
I must decline your offer because I have other arrangements…
which make it impossible for me to accept it.
我马上就要宣布 我和德·阿斯科内夫人的订婚
I’m shortly going to announce my engagement to Mrs. D’Ascoyne.
我可以说我认为 你表现的很卑鄙吗?
May I say that I think you’ve behaved despicably?
你想起来了吗,茜贝拉, 我们互相扯平了,你和我?
Has it ever occurred to you, Sibella, that we serve each other right, you and I?
要求你护送我到门口, 是不是很过分?
Would it be asking too much of your manners to escort me to the door?
我猜想 把我们的秘密向公爵倾诉…
[ Louis Narrating ] I had suspected that to confide our secret to the duke…
可能是一个灵巧的策略, 事实证明很正确…
Might be an adroit maneuver, and I was proved correct…
它给我们带来了一封邀请,请艾迪丝和我 去城♥堡♥住几天
For it produced an invitation for Edith and me to spend a few days at the castle.
我必须承认我无法抑制 一种令人愉快的胜利的感觉…
I must confess that I could not suppress an agreeable sensation of triumph…
当我到达 城♥堡♥大门的时候…
As I approached the castle gateway…
现在情形是多么不同啊, 和我上次来这儿的时候比起来
In circumstances so different from those in which I had last done so.
那只是一次非正式的 小型家庭聚会
It was just an informal little house party.
和我们一起的客人们还有 雷德普尔女士和她女儿穆德…
Our fellow guests were Lady Redpole and her daughter Maud…
她看起来名符其实, 象一头红角的牛…
Who most suitably resembled nothing so much as a red poll cow…
And had little more conversational ability.
– 最近你去过剧院吗? – 没有
– Did you go to the opera this season? – No.
下午的时候, 艾斯瑞德邀请我视察城♥堡♥
[ Louis Narrating ] In the afternoon, Ethelred invited me to inspect the castle.
那种感觉很好, 站在城垛上…
It was pleasant to stand on the battlements…
知道所有那些土地 目力之所及…
And know that the acres which stretched as far as the eye could see…
Would soon be mine.
最让我发笑的是,它包含了和我 那六便士旅游完全相同的土地
And it amused me to cover much the same ground as that of my sixpenny tour.
我从没有进过有那样 多的设备的建筑…
I had never been in a building so lavishly equipped…
With the instruments of violent death.
Feel the weight of that.
我们的祖先一定 曾经是很好的人,路易
Our ancestors must have been fine men, Louis.
[ Louis Narrating ] They seemed, however, ill-adapted…
To the discreet requirements of 20th-century homicide.
那天结束的时候,发现我的主人 还很健全,而我自己还是没有主意
And the end of the day found my host still intact and myself still without a plan.
Beautiful woman, Edith.
You’re a lucky fellow, Louis.
I never cease to be conscious of that.
– 谢谢 – 你觉得穆德怎么样?
– Thank you. – What do you think of Maud?
哦,迷人的女孩,虽然可能有时候 她的谈话有一点,嗯,缺乏活力
Uh, charming girl, though perhaps at times her conversation is a little, uh, lacking in sparkle.
Dullest woman I ever met in my life.
Plain too.
But good breeding stock.
很好的种畜, 雷德普尔家
Good breeding stock, the Redpoles.
And they litter a very high proportion of boys.
我猜想你的意思是 –
Do I gather you to mean —
Spoke to old Lady Redpole this afternoon.
Only too glad to get the girl off her hands.
My congratulations.
Duty to the family, really.
那么,这联合,嗯, 什么时候开始?
And when does the, uh, union take place?
非常快 我不再年轻了
Very soon. I’m not growing any younger.
第一次可能得不到男孩 安静的婚礼,我想
Mightn’t get a son the first time. Quiet wedding, I thought.
Maud’s hardly the type for St. Margaret’s.
我们要去里维埃拉度蜜月, 然后去意大利
We shall honeymoon on the Riviera and then go on to Italy afterwards.
No sense inflicting her on one’s friends.
等她有了一个家庭, 那会让她远离正路
When she’s got a family, that’ll keep her out of the way.
[ Louis Narrating ] This news threw me into such distress of mind…
那样,如果我在 我的领地里下毒的话…
That, had I had poison in my possession…
我可能就已经让 艾斯瑞德吃了,然后…
I would probably have administered it to Ethelred there and then…
And chanced the consequent inquiries.
有一件事情很清楚- 如果我在处理他的事情上不成功…
One thing was clear- – If I did not succeed in disposing of him…
During this present visit to the castle…
我就很可能看到 我整个战役的毁灭
I was likely to see the ruin of my whole campaign.
My best wishes for a successful outcome.
第二天早上 我出去和艾斯瑞德一起去打猎…
The next morning I went out shooting with Ethelred…
或者更确切地说, 看艾斯瑞德打猎…
Or rather, to watch Ethelred shooting…
因为我的原则不允许我 直接参与流血运动
For my principles will not allow me to take a direct part in blood sports.
– 今天早上巡视过陷阱了吗,霍斯金? – 还没有,阁下
– Been round the traps this morning, Hoskins? – Not yet, Your Grace.
– Sounds as if we’ve bagged one there. – [ Rustling ]
啊,在最近输了很多次游戏之后, 我们又开始设置捕人陷阱
Ah. Been losing so much game lately, we’ve started setting the mantraps again.
Hoskins is now going to thrash you.
Then he’ll let you go.
让这给你一个教训, 别在我的土地上偷猎
Let this be a lesson to you not to poach on my land.
[ Blows Landing ]
That’ll do.
不断地移♥动♥它们,霍斯金, 否则他们会告诉别人它们在哪儿
Keep moving them around, Hoskins, or they’ll tell each other where they are.
Yes, Your Grace.
– 我想捕人陷阱是非法的 – 是的
– I thought mantraps were illegal. – They are.
What happens if he tells the police?
他会因盗猎被起诉, 然后判六个月监禁
He comes up before the bench for poaching, gets six months in jail.
如果他缄口不言, 他只需要在床上躺几天
If he keeps his mouth shut, he just gets a few days in bed.
Which would you choose?
只有一个办法对付这帮无赖, 我向你保证
Only way to deal with these ruffians, I assure you.
哦,我一定是把我的雪茄烟盒 落在那儿了,我会追上你的
Oh. I must have dropped my cigarette case back there. I’ll catch you up.
– 找到了吗? – 是的,谢谢
– Find it? – Yes, thanks.
今天下午可能还要再巡视一遍, 如果你喜欢的话
Might have another walk round this afternoon, if you feel like it.
That would be most pleasant.
午饭过后,我们出去 对一些不幸的鸟类进行大屠♥杀♥
[ Louis Narrating ] After luncheon we went out to massacre a few more unfortunate birds.
– 听 – 那是什么?
– Listen. – What is it?
我想我听到了什么东西, 好象有人跑过菜地
I thought I heard something, like someone running through the bracken.
又是一个偷猎的流氓! 快点!
Another poaching ruffian! Come on!
There was someone here. Look.
– [ Trap Snaps ] – Blast!
路易,把我从这个上弄出来 快点,伙计
Louis, get me out of this. Hurry up, man.
– 你疯了吗? – 安静,艾斯瑞德
– Have you gone mad? – Be quiet, Ethelred.
I want to talk to you for a minute.
如果你出一点声音, 我就马上轰掉你的脑袋
If you make a noise, I shall blow your head off at once.
By the time anyone has heard the shot…
我就跑回城♥堡♥, 喊叫救命
I shall be running back toward the castle, shouting for help.
I shall say that you stepped on the trap…
and that your gun went off accidentally as it fell.
So be quiet.
To spare you as much pain as possible…
I’ll be brief.
等我♥干♥完了, 我就要杀了你
When I’ve finished, I shall kill you.
你将是我杀的第六个 德·阿斯科内家的人
You’ll be the sixth D’Ascoyne that I’ve killed.
You want to know why?
为了报复德·阿斯科内家 的人对我母亲做的事情
In return for what the D’Ascoynes did to my mother.
因为她嫁给了爱情, 而不是爵位或者金钱或者土地…
Because she married for love instead of for rank or money or land…
他们判决她过一种贫穷的 奴隶一样的生活…
they condemned her to a life of poverty and slavery…
in a world with which they had not equipped her to deal.
你亲自拒绝了 她的临终遗愿…
You yourself refused to grant her dying wish…
就是她想被埋葬在 查尔方特这里
Which was to be buried here at Chalfont.
当我看见她可怜的 小棺材滑入地下的时候…
When I saw her poor little coffin slide underground…
看到她死后还象 生前一样被流放…
saw her exiled in death as she’d been in life…
我发誓要报复 你们过分的傲慢
I swore to have my revenge on your intolerable pride.
That revenge I am just about to complete.
It’s clear that you are insane.
Give me that gun at once.
我想,从这里,伤口会看起来 和我要讲的故事一致
From here, I think, the wound should look consistent with the story that I shall tell.