Me first.
拜托 我整个早上都急着想上
Come on, I’ve been dying to go all morning.
Can’t you use the other one?
Someone’s in there.
不行啦 这儿有人在里面
Nah, there’s someone in there.
Hurry up.
That’s better.
你有拿你口红吗 -有 在柜台上我包里
Have you got your lipstick? – Yeah, in my bag on the counter.
That’s a nice color.
那是什么 你尼龙袜破了个大洞
What’s that? You’ve got a big tear in your nylons.
靠 我越搞越糟 我就这一条
Shit! I’ve made it worse, and they’re the only ones I’ve got.
And I’m going out to the club tonight with Bill.
I’ve got a spare pair in my locker.
你咋样呀 -还不错
How’ve you been? – Not bad.
你看我敢不敢把那人给推下去 -上呀
Do you dare me to push that guy in? – Go ahead.
不 你做呀 -我不想
No, you do it. – I don’t want to.
快动手呀 看在他♥娘♥的♥份上
Just do it, for fuck’s sake!
Get down from there!
你有什么毛病吗 加拉格尔 还犯瘾呢
What’s the matter with you, Gallagher? Still strung out?
两周后的周一 诶
Two weeks on Monday, eh?
你就出去了 诶
You’re getting out, eh?
We’ll have to see.
我们拭目以待你什么表现 诶
We’ll have to see how you behave, eh?
在这儿没什么是有准数的 伙计
No such thing as a certainty in here, pal.
这两周可能出好多事 诶
A lot can happen in two weeks, eh?
Junkie bastard!
咋样呀 安迪 -咋样呀 哥们
What’s up, Andy? – What’s up, buddy?
比利那骚动是怎么一回事 -他昨晚被查了
What was all that ruckus with Billy? – He got searched last night.
Did they find a blade or something?
是 他现在已经被单独监禁了 他们把他揍得屁滚尿流
Yeah, now he’s in solitary. They kicked the fuck out of him.
一帮下流杂种 自从他到这儿就给他们盯上了
Dirty bastards! They’ve been after him since he got here.
就因为别的班房♥里的骚乱 -我知道 这不公平
‘Cause of the riot in the other joint. – I know. It’s not fair.
那晚那东西怎么样 -真不错
How was that shit the other night? – Really good.
还有吗 -嗯 在这儿 你拿钱了吗
Got any more? – Yeah, right here. You got money?
嗯 昨晚拿了些钱
Yeah. Got some money last night.
你呢 詹姆斯 你要来点吗
How about you, James? You want some?
你呢 比利 -你能借我些吗
What about you, Billy? – Can you spot me some?
滚你♥妈♥的♥蛋 -去你大爷的
Fuck off! – Go fuck yourself.
嘿 查房♥
Hey, cell search!
嘿 加拉格尔 站门外 查房♥
Hey, Gallagher, stand outside your door. Cell search.
嘿 小子 这是你老婆吗
Hey, son, is that your wife?
是 -她叫啥 菲多
Yes. – What’s her name? Fido?
Fuckin’ asshole!
嘿 詹姆斯 咋样了
Hey, James, what’s up?
How you doin’?
还行 你呢 -你什么时候从班房♥里出来的
Not bad. Yourself? – When did you get out of the joint?
几星期前 -棒
Couple of weeks ago. – Great.
去打一针吗 -不了 伙计 我还在努力不去碰它
Goin’ for a hit? – No, pal, I’m trying to stay off it.
连点小烟也不抽了吗 看在以前的份上
Not even a little smoke, for old times’ sake?
不 哥们 真的 我会跟你去的 但我还在努力不去碰它
No, buddy, really. I’ll go with you, but I’m trying to stay off it.
看看我 兄弟 我他妈的瘾上来了呢 拜托了
Look at me, man. I’m fuckin’ strung out. Please?
我帮不了你 我只是想买♥♥些烟
I can’t help you. I’m just getting some cigarettes.
你能借我十块吗? -我没十块
Can you lend me a tenner? – I haven’t got a tenner.
我♥操♥ 兄弟 你明白那感觉是什么样的 -我就出来买♥♥些烟
Fuck, man, you know what it’s like. – I’m just out for some cigarettes.
拜托你了 五块你最少有吧
Gimme a break. You gotta have at least a fiver.
I don’t have a fiver.
来 这样跟你讲吧 拿去吧
Here, tell you what: Take that.
编剧 导演
