


  1. Beyond my ken (超出我的理解范围)
  2. Within your ken (在你的视野范围内)
  3. Expand one’s ken (扩大某人的知识范围)
  4. Limited ken (有限的认识)
  5. Within the ken of science (在科学范畴内)
  6. Outside the ken of ordinary people (超出普通人的认知范围)
  7. The ken of philosophy (哲学的领域)
  8. The ken of literature (文学的范畴)
  9. Broaden one’s ken (扩展某人的眼界)
  10. Explore new kens (探索新的领域)
  11. The limits of human ken (人类认知的极限)
  12. ken the intricacies (理解复杂之处)
  13. The ken of history (历史的领域)
  14. The depths of one’s ken (某人的深层认识)
  15. The ken of mathematics (数学的范畴)
  16. Within the ken of experts (在专家的认知范围内)
  17. The ken of technology (技术的领域)
  18. The boundaries of human ken (人类认知的界限)
  19. The outer limits of ken (认知的外限)
  20. Push the boundaries of ken (拓展认知的边界)
  21. The ken of physics (物理的范畴)
  22. The ken of psychology (心理学的领域)
  23. Intellectual ken (智力的认知)
  24. The ken of art (艺术的范畴)
  25. The ken of anthropology (人类学的领域)
  26. The expanding ken of technology (不断扩大的技术范畴)
  27. The ken of political science (政治科学的领域)
  28. The ken of linguistics (语言学的范畴)
  29. The ken of economics (经济学的领域)
  30. The outer reaches of ken (认知的外界限)


ken (rhymes with hen) Yes, it’s Barbie’s boyfriend, but also much more. Usually a noun, “ken” refers to your understanding, the limits of your knowledge.

  • When my Latin teacher was asked his opinion of Coldplay, he replied, “I’m afraid that question is beyond my ken.”
  • The poet John Keats describes the sense of delight and wonder of an astron-omer when some new planet “swims into his ”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]

•诗人约翰·济慈(John Keats)描述了当一颗新行星“游入他的视野”时,一位天文学家的喜悦和惊奇


一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
