Fifteen seconds.
欢乐 痛苦
Joy. Pain.
背叛 性
Betrayal. Sex.
挣扎 救赎 失败
Struggle. Redemption. Failure.
十 九 八 七 六
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six,
-五 四 三 二 -愤怒 哭喊 恐惧
– five, four, three, two… – Anger. Crying. Fear.
笑声 回忆
Laughter. Memories.
-一 -爱情
– …one. – love.
Justin Timberlake
Pusher love girl
*Hey, little mama*
*Ain’t gotta ask me if I want to*
*告诉我 是否能借我一个火*
*Tell me, can I get a light?*
*将你卷起 并让它流淌进我的血管*
*Roll you up and let it run through my veins*
*’cause I can always see the*
*farthest stars when I’m on you*
*And I don’t wanna ever come down*
*Off this cloud of loving you*

*Now you got me hopped up on that*
*Ooh, now you got me hopped up on that*
*Pusher love*
*太爽了我在云端 宝贝*
*So high I’m on the ceiling, baby*
*You’re my drug*
*继续为我供应毒品 宝贝*
*Go on and be my dealer, baby*
*Roll me up*
*我所要的只是你 宝贝*
*All I want is you, babe*
*Unh, one more time*
*Pusher love*
*太爽了我在云端 宝贝*
*So high I’m on the ceiling, baby*
*Be my drug*
*继续为我供应毒品 宝贝*
*Go on and be my dealer, baby*
*Hook me up*
*我所要的只是你 宝贝*
*All I want is you, babe*
One time.
*姑娘 你是我那戒不掉的爱*
*You’re my little pusher love girl*
*Ooh, ain’t you?*
*姑娘 你就是我那戒不掉的爱*
*Just my little pusher love girl*
-田纳西孩子 准备好了吗 -对
– Tennessee kids, y’all ready? – Yeah!
-田纳西孩子 准备好了吗 -对
– Tennessee kids, y’all ready? – Yeah!
拉斯维加斯 你们都准备好了吗
Vegas, are y’all ready?
*Hey, little mama*
*I love this high we’re onto*
*And I know that your supply won’t run out anytime soon*
*仅是一口 你就让我明白*
*You gave me a taste now I know*
*There’s no getting off you*
*And I don’t wanna ever come down*
*Off this cloud of loving you*
*’Cause now you got me hopped up on that*
*Pusher love*
*太爽了我在云端 宝贝*
*So high I’m on the ceiling, baby*
*You’re my drug*
*继续为我供应毒品 宝贝*
*Go on and be my dealer, baby*
*Roll me up*
*我所要的只是你 宝贝*
*All I want is you, babe*
*Unh, one more time*
*Pusher love*
*太爽了我在云端 宝贝*
*So high I’m on the ceiling, baby*
*Be my drug*
*继续为我供应毒品 宝贝*
*Go on and be my dealer, baby*
*Hook me up*
*我所要的只是你 宝贝*
*All I want is you, babe*
*姑娘 你是我那戒不掉的爱*
*You’re my little pusher love girl*
*Ooh, ain’t you?*
*姑娘 你就是我那戒不掉的爱*
*Unh, just my little pusher love girl*
*自从你的出现 我的生活大变样*
*Since you came around I’ve been living a different life*
*I don’t wanna come down from
*this love I got on high.*
*People call me a user*
*But I want you to go on and use me, too*
*Nothing else will do*
*我所要的只是你 宝贝*
*All I want is you, babe*
*宝贝 你知道你是谁*
*Baby, you know who you are*
*拉斯维加斯 来 跟我一起唱*
*Las vegas, come on, sing it to me*
*Pusher love*
*太爽了我在云端 宝贝*
*So high i’m on the ceiling, baby*
*You’re my drug*
*继续为我提供毒品 宝贝*
*Go on and be my dealer, baby*
*Roll me up*
*我所要的只是你 宝贝*
*All I want is you, babe*
Let me hear you one more time.
*Pusher girl*
*太爽了我在云端 宝贝*
*So high I’m on the ceiling baby*
*Be my drug*
*继续为我提供毒品 宝贝*
*Go on and be my dealer, baby*
*Hook me up*
*来吧 来吧 来吧 来吧*
*Come on, come on, come on, come on*
*Pusher love*
*太爽了我在云端 宝贝*
*So high I’m on the ceiling baby*
*You’re my drug*
*继续为我提供毒品 宝贝*
*Go on and be my dealer, baby*
*Roll me up*
*我所要的(只是你 宝贝)*
*All I want(is you, babe)*
*All I want *
*我所要的只是你 宝贝*
*All I want is you, babe *
*Pusher love*
*太爽了我在云端 宝贝*
*So high I’m on the ceiling baby*
*You’re my drug*
*继续为我提供毒品 宝贝*
*Go on and be my dealer, baby*
*Hook me up*
*我的小宝贝 宝贝*
*My little baby you, babe*
*姑娘 你是我那戒不掉的爱*
*You’re my little pusher love girl*
*So sweet(Ooh, ooh, baby)*
*对 你就是*
*Yes, you are*
*My little pusher love girl*
所以 你们都来参加今晚的派对
Oh, so, y’all came to party tonight.
*She’s my little pusher love girl*
Put your hands up
好的 好的 好的 好的
All right, all right, all right, all right
All right
How we feeling on this side tonight?
*Pusher love*
*Junkie for your love*
How we feeling on this side tonight?
*Junkie for your love*
How we feeling up top tonight?
*Junkie for your love*
How we feeling on the floor tonight?
*Junkie for your love*
*Break this motherfucker down*
*My heroine yeah*
*My cocaine*
*My plum wine*
*My MDMA yeah*
*I’m hopped up on it*
*It won’t go away*
*But I can’t wait till I get home To get you up into my veins*
*Pusher love*
*You know I’m just a junkie for your love*
*就是这样 我已兴奋无比*
*That’s right, I’m hopped up on it*
