
junta (HOON ta) This Spanish word for a “small group” has come into English; it denotes either a small group of military officers seizing power in a country or a small legislative body, usually in Central or South America.

  • Though not quite a junta, Lee’s old prep-school ties with Greg and Eddie have been strong enough to switch some votes in their college fraternity.
  • Some recall the multilingual New Yorker cartoon of some years past that depicts a small group of men entering a corporate office, saying, “We’re a junta and this is a coup.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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军政府(HOON ta)这个西班牙语单词的意思是“小团体”,已经进入英语;它表示要么是一小群军官在一个国家夺取政权,要么是一个小型立法机构,通常在中美洲或南美洲。

  • 虽然不是一个军政府,但Lee与Greg和Eddie在预科学校的旧关系已经足够牢固,足以改变他们大学兄弟会的一些选票
  • 一些人回忆起几年前《纽约客》的一幅多语言漫画,描绘了一小群人进入公司办公室,说:“我们是一个军政府,这是一场政变。”

