
iota (eye OH tuh) This noun is not only the ninth and smallest letter of the Greek alphabet; it also connotes “a very small amount.” The Latin spelling of the word is “jota” and gives us a different word with the same meaning: “jot.”

  • “There isn’t an iota of truth in what you are telling me,” Barney shouted at his son. “You were the last one to use the car and there was no dent in the fender when I drove it yesterday.”
  • Mrs. Rumple squeezed a jot of lemon into her tea and smeared a spoonful of marmalade on her scone.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
iota(eye OH tuh)这个名词不仅是希腊字母表中第九个也是最小的字母;它也意味着“非常少量”。这个词的拉丁拼写是“jota”,给了我们一个意思相同的不同单词:“jot”

  • 巴尼对儿子喊道:“你告诉我的一点真相都没有。”。“你是最后一个使用这辆车的,昨天我开的时候挡泥板上没有凹痕。”
  • 伦普尔夫人在茶里挤了一点柠檬,在烤饼上涂了一勺果酱。



  1. iota of doubt – 一丝怀疑
  2. iota of truth – 一点真相
  3. iota of evidence – 一点证据
  4. iota of information – 一丁点信息
  5. iota of hope – 一点希望
  6. iota of knowledge – 一点知识
  7. iota of hesitation – 一丝犹豫
  8. iota of understanding – 一点理解
  9. iota of concern – 一丝关注
  10. iota of progress – 一点进展
  11. iota of compassion – 一丝同情
  12. iota of patience – 一点耐心
  13. iota of excitement – 一丝兴奋
  14. iota of disappointment – 一点失望
  15. iota of happiness – 一点幸福
  16. iota of doubt – 一丝怀疑
  17. iota of truth – 一点真相
  18. iota of evidence – 一点证据
  19. iota of information – 一丁点信息
  20. iota of hope – 一点希望
  21. iota of knowledge – 一点知识
  22. iota of hesitation – 一丝犹豫
  23. iota of understanding – 一点理解
  24. iota of concern – 一丝关注
  25. iota of progress – 一点进展
  26. iota of compassion – 一丝同情
  27. iota of patience – 一点耐心
  28. iota of excitement – 一丝兴奋
  29. iota of disappointment – 一点失望
  30. iota of happiness – 一点幸福
  31. iota of doubt – 一丝怀疑
  32. iota of truth – 一点真相
  33. iota of evidence – 一点证据
  34. iota of information – 一丁点信息
  35. iota of hope – 一点希望
  36. iota of knowledge – 一点知识
  37. iota of hesitation – 一丝犹豫
  38. iota of understanding – 一点理解
  39. iota of concern – 一丝关注
  40. iota of progress – 一点进展
  41. iota of compassion – 一丝同情
  42. iota of patience – 一点耐心
  43. iota of excitement – 一丝兴奋
  44. iota of disappointment – 一点失望
  45. iota of happiness – 一点幸福
  46. iota of doubt – 一丝怀疑
  47. iota of truth – 一点真相
  48. iota of evidence – 一点证据
  49. iota of information – 一丁点信息
  50. iota of hope – 一点希望
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
