Krakauer当年也是个流浪者。 想看他的另两本书。“Other books written by Jon are Under the Banner of Heaven, Into Thin Air and just released in September 2009, Where Men Win Glory: The Odyssey of Pat Tillman.” 同时推荐christophermccandless.info这个博客。 ​​​​

Jon Krakauer + Sean Penn: Back Into the Wild(“ON LOCATION: Writer-director Sean Penn (left) and author Jon Krakauer in front of the bus Chris McCandless used as his Alaska base camp.”) ​​​​

If we admit that human life can be ruled by reason, then all possibility of life is destroyed – Christopher

Christopher McCandless。抓的是刺猬嘛? ​​​​
McCandless,这张第一次看到 ​​​​


