
adj. 清淡的;无趣的




insipid 无味的


insipid (in SIP id) From the Latin for “not savory” or “not tasty,” this adjec-tive means just that—“tasteless” or “dull.” You can use it to describe the way a certain food tastes or just about anything else that’s bland, including someone’s personality. The noun forms are “insipidity” or “insipidness,” but both are rarely used.

  • “My chicken vindaloo was so insipid that I don’t think I’ll go back to Bombay Palace Cafe. I like my food to be spicier and more flavorful.”
  • Considering that he devoted himself to his job for over thirty years and was on such warm terms with his staff, Mr. Dobbs’ goodbye speech at his retirement party was rather insipid.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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无味的(在SIP id中)从拉丁语中“不可口”或“不美味”的意思来看,这个形容词的意思就是“无味”或“沉闷”。你可以用它来描述某种食物的味道,或者其他任何平淡的东西,包括某人的个性。名词形式是“平淡”或“平淡”,但两者都很少使用。

  • “我的鸡肉vindaloo太无味了,我想我不会再去孟买皇宫咖啡馆了。我喜欢我的食物更辣、更美味。”
  • 考虑到多布斯先生三十多年来一直致力于自己的工作,并且与员工关系如此融洽,他在退休派对上的告别演讲相当平淡

