
[verb] provoke or intensify (strong feelings, especially anger) in someone
[动词] 激起或加剧(某人的强烈感情,尤其是愤怒)


Inflame 这个单词第一眼看过去容易被其前缀 in- (不、无、非)带跑偏,误以为是“灭火”之类的含义,实际上这里的前缀 in- 表示的是“使……、加以……、饰以……”。也就是说 inflame 本义指的是“使燃烧、使炽热、使赤红如火”,比如:

  • 夕阳使天空赤红如火烧。
    The setting sun inflames the sky.

人在激怒或兴奋的情况下,脸也会变红变热或者说面红耳赤。从这个概念出发, inflame 很自然地就被用来引申指“使极度激动”或“激起……的热情”,尤其是使愤怒、欲望等强烈感情激动过度或者无法控制,如同燃起了熊熊大火那般,比如:

  • 被勾起欲望
    to be inflamed with desire
  • 他的风凉话激怒了全国教师。
    His crass comments have inflamed teachers all over the country.

在人的愤怒或欲望加剧之后,局势往往就跟着失控了。而 inflame 相应进一步用来表示“使……恶化、使……更棘手”,多指使局势等更为激烈、暴力、糟糕或难以处理,比如:

  • 侮辱只是起了加剧长期不和的作用。
    Insults served only to inflame the feud.

此外,在医学领域中, inflame 还可以指使眼睛、喉咙、器官(organ)、关节(joint)等“变红肿、发炎”,比如:

  • 她的眼睛红肿疼痛。
    Her eyes were sore and inflamed.
  • 典型病例中,皮肤下面会有一个发炎的小结节。
    In a typical case, there is a small inflamed nodule just under the skin.


He had been thinking almost uninterruptedly of her. Her leniency had, in a way, inflamed his regard. He felt that he must succeed with her, and that speedily.
出自美国现实主义作家西奥多·德莱赛(Theodore Dreiser)创作的长篇小说《嘉莉妹妹》(Sister Carrie)。


  • The Nordic countries and the Netherlands meanwhile argue that stricter rules on Chinese investment could inflame trade tensions, even as the global trade environment worsens.
  • The unseating of the lawmakers threatened to further inflame partisan rancor in a state that is divided over issues like how to respond to a school shooting in Nashville.


  1. inflame resentment: 煽动怨恨
  2. inflame hostilities: 煽动敌意
  3. inflame rivalries: 加剧竞争
  4. inflame animosities: 煽动敌意
  5. inflame suspicions: 引发怀疑
  6. inflame unrest: 点燃动荡
  7. inflame protests: 激起抗议
  8. inflame violence: 煽动暴力
  9. inflame resistance: 引发抵抗
  10. inflame rebellion: 煽动叛乱
  11. inflame dissent: 加剧异议
  12. inflame disapproval: 引发反感
  13. inflame controversy: 引发争议
  14. inflame outrage: 引起愤慨
  15. inflame chaos: 引发混乱
  16. inflame instability: 加剧不稳定
  17. inflame fears: 引发恐惧
  18. inflame anxieties: 引发焦虑
  19. inflame concerns: 加剧关切
  20. inflame insecurities: 引发不安全感
  21. inflame uncertainties: 引发不确定性
  22. inflame anxieties: 引发忧虑
  23. inflame suspicions: 引发猜疑
  24. inflame rumors: 煽动谣言
  25. inflame accusations: 引发指责
  26. inflame tensions: 引发紧张关系
  27. inflame rivalries: 引发敌对情绪
  28. inflame disagreements: 引发分歧
  29. inflame emotions: 引发情感
  30. inflame conflicts: 引发冲突
  31. inflame confrontations: 引发对抗
  32. inflame debates: 引发辩论
  33. inflame struggles: 引发斗争
  34. inflame tempers: 引发脾气
  35. inflame passions: 引发激情
  36. inflame tempers: 引发愤怒
  37. inflame rivalries: 引发竞争
  38. inflame criticisms: 引发批评
  39. inflame controversies: 引发争议
  40. inflame confrontations: 引发对抗
  41. inflame debates: 引发辩论
  42. inflame tensions: 引发紧张局势
  43. inflame animosities: 引发敌意
  44. inflame suspicions: 引发怀疑
  45. inflame concerns: 引发关切
  46. inflame insecurities: 引发不安全感
  47. inflame uncertainties: 引发不确定性
  48. inflame anxieties: 引发焦虑
  49. inflame rumors: 引发谣言
  50. inflame accusations: 引发指责


incite: encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful behavior)
exacerbate: make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse
kindle: arouse or inspire (an emotion or feeling)

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
