


induce [ɪn’djuːs] v. 诱导;引起;引诱;感应
induce 引起 ←同尾词→ reduce 减少
eg. In order to reduce weight, she ate very little, which induced her faint yesterday.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. induce sleep – 诱导入睡
  2. induce labor – 诱导分娩
  3. induce vomiting – 诱导呕吐
  4. induce a state of relaxation – 诱导放松状态
  5. induce a sense of calm – 诱导平静感
  6. induce a feeling of happiness – 诱导幸福感
  7. induce a sense of nostalgia – 诱发怀旧情绪
  8. induce a sense of curiosity – 引发好奇心
  9. induce laughter – 引发笑声
  10. induce tears – 引发眼泪
  11. induce a sense of fear – 引起恐惧感
  12. induce a sense of excitement – 引发兴奋感
  13. induce a sense of wonder – 引起惊叹感
  14. induce a state of meditation – 诱导冥想状态
  15. induce a sense of trust – 引发信任感
  16. induce a sense of doubt – 引起怀疑感
  17. induce a feeling of gratitude – 引发感激之情
  18. induce a state of trance – 诱导恍惚状态
  19. induce creativity – 促使创造力
  20. induce inspiration – 激发灵感
  21. induce motivation – 激发动力
  22. induce relaxation – 诱导放松
  23. induce concentration – 促使专注
  24. induce focus – 引发注意力
  25. induce sleepiness – 引发困意
  26. induce a sense of belonging – 引发归属感
  27. induce a sense of pride – 引起自豪感
  28. induce a sense of accomplishment – 引发成就感
  29. induce a state of euphoria – 诱导欣快状态
  30. induce a sense of urgency – 引发紧迫感
  31. induce reflection – 引发思考
  32. induce a feeling of love – 引发爱的感觉
  33. induce a state of vulnerability – 诱导脆弱状态
  34. induce a sense of empowerment – 引发增强感
  35. induce empathy – 引发同理心
  36. induce a state of confusion – 引发困惑状态
  37. induce a sense of satisfaction – 引发满足感
  38. induce a sense of justice – 引发正义感
  39. induce a state of relaxation – 诱导放松状态
  40. induce a sense of balance – 引发平衡感
  41. induce a sense of order – 引发秩序感
  42. induce a sense of harmony – 引发和谐感
  43. induce self-reflection – 引发自我反思
  44. induce a state of mindfulness – 诱导正念状态
  45. induce a sense of compassion – 引发同情心
  46. induce a sense of purpose – 引发目标感
  47. induce a state of vulnerability – 诱导脆弱状态
  48. induce a state of alertness – 诱导警觉状态
  49. induce a sense of wonder – 引发惊叹感
  50. induce a sense of contentment – 引发满足感
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
