incumbent 英 [ɪnˈkʌmbənt] 美 [ɪnˈkʌmbənt]



  • It is common knowledge that a strong economy helps an incumbent, whereas a weak one is a liability.
  • Lauren Underwood toppled a Republican incumbent outside of Chicago by appealing to women’s concerns about Republican attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act.


[noun] the holder of an office or post
[名词] 现任者、在职者


Incumbent 源自中世纪拉丁语 incumbentem (担任教堂职务的人),主要作名词表示“(某一职务,特别是官职的)在任者、现任者”。用作形容词则表示“在任的、现任的”,比如现任总统(the incumbent president)。当选但尚未就职的是候任总统(the president-elect)。

离职了可以闲云野鹤云游四海,无牵无挂,但在职时则要兢兢业业如履薄冰,不得怠慢,因为在任者身上都有一份沉甸甸的责任。所以 incumbent 作形容词时,还常用 incumbent upon/on somebody 表示“有责任、义不容辞的、必须履行的”,比如:

  • 我们所有人都必须加倍努力。
    It is incumbent upon all of us to make an extra effort.

另外值得注意的是, incumbent 作形容词时还可以表示“(公司)拥有相当大市场份额的”,比如市场上最具实力的各大航空公司(powerful incumbent airlines)。


出自2005年英国爱情电影《傲慢与偏见》(Pride & Prejudice),该片根据简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen)1813年出版的同名小说改编。影片围绕一个英国乡绅家庭的五姐妹展开,讲述了她们对婚姻、道德问题的处理和误解。


incumbent (in CUM bent) In political terminology an incumbent is a person currently holding an office. The different but related use is of an adjective that expresses a duty or obligation, almost always expressed as in the second sentence below.

  • Despite the attractive platform and energetic campaign that Ms. Yeshlovsky offered in her bid for office, the incumbent was still the favorite, perhaps because of the general inertia of most citizens.
  • It is incumbent on all of us to participate in the political process, at least by voting on all elections.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]

  • 尽管Yeshlovsky女士在竞选中提供了有吸引力的平台和充满活力的竞选活动,但现任总统仍然是最受欢迎的,这可能是因为大多数公民的普遍惰性
  • 我们所有人都有责任参与政治进程,至少在所有选举中进行投票。





  1. incumbent president: 现任总统
  2. incumbent mayor: 现任市长
  3. incumbent governor: 现任州长
  4. incumbent senator: 现任参议员
  5. incumbent representative: 现任代表
  6. incumbent CEO: 现任首席执行官
  7. incumbent chairman: 现任主席
  8. incumbent holder: 现任持有人
  9. incumbent employee: 现任员工
  10. incumbent position: 现任职位
  11. incumbent leader: 现任领导
  12. incumbent member: 现任成员
  13. incumbent authority: 现任权威
  14. incumbent ruler: 现任统治者
  15. incumbent king: 现任国王
  16. incumbent queen: 现任女王
  17. incumbent monarch: 现任君主
  18. incumbent minister: 现任部长
  19. incumbent ambassador: 现任大使
  20. incumbent official: 现任官员
  21. incumbent representative: 现任代表
  22. incumbent leader: 现任领袖
  23. incumbent holder: 现任持有人
  24. incumbent manager: 现任经理
  25. incumbent director: 现任主管
  26. incumbent officer: 现任职员
  27. incumbent administrator: 现任管理员
  28. incumbent organizer: 现任组织者
  29. incumbent coordinator: 现任协调员
  30. incumbent supervisor: 现任主管
  31. incumbent leader: 现任领导者
  32. incumbent executive: 现任执行人员
  33. incumbent official: 现任官员
  34. incumbent president: 现任总统
  35. incumbent mayor: 现任市长
  36. incumbent governor: 现任州长
  37. incumbent senator: 现任参议员
  38. incumbent representative: 现任代表
  39. incumbent CEO: 现任首席执行官
  40. incumbent chairman: 现任主席
  41. incumbent holder: 现任持有人
  42. incumbent employee: 现任员工
  43. incumbent position: 现任职位
  44. incumbent leader: 现任领导
  45. incumbent member: 现任成员
  46. incumbent authority: 现任权威
  47. incumbent ruler: 现任统治者
  48. incumbent king: 现任国王
  49. incumbent queen: 现任女王
  50. incumbent monarch: 现任君主


  • officeholder: a person who holds public office
  • occupant: a person who resides or is present in a house, vehicle, seat, place, etc., at a given time
  • functionary: a person who has to perform official functions or duties; an official
