
n. 化身;道成肉身;典型



incarnation 化身



1. 基本含义: “incarnation”是一个名词,指的是某个实体或概念以肉身形式出现或具体化的过程。它可以指代神灵、精神实体或抽象概念在人类或物质形态中的具体体现。

2. 宗教用法: 在宗教领域,”incarnation”常常用来指代神灵或救世主以人类形态降临世间的事件。最著名的例子是基督教中的”耶稣基督的道成肉身”,表示上帝以耶稣的形象来救赎人类。

3. 哲学和神学: 在哲学和神学领域,”incarnation”可以指代抽象概念在具体实体中的具体化。例如,某个思想或理论以具体的人或组织形式展现出来,被称为”incarnation”。

4. 文学和艺术: 在文学和艺术中,”incarnation”可以表示人物或形象在作品中的具体表现。这意味着一个角色或形象以具体的方式呈现,具有实际的存在和特征。

5. 转喻用法: “incarnation”还可以用作形容词”incarnate”的名词形式,表示某人或某物是某种特质或品质的完美体现。例如,”善良的incarnation”表示某人是善良的完美象征。

6. 历史和文化: “incarnation”也可以指代历史上的某个重要时期或文化的具体表现。例如,”文艺复兴时期的incarnation”表示文艺复兴时期的具体体现和代表作品。




  1. The incarnation of – …的化身 示例:The actor was the incarnation of charm and sophistication. 中文:这位演员是魅力和精致的化身。
  2. In human incarnation – 以人的形式 示例:The deity appeared in human incarnation to guide humanity. 中文:这位神明以人的形式出现,来引导人类。
  3. The incarnation of evil/goodness – 邪恶/善良的化身 示例:The villain in the movie was the incarnation of pure evil. 中文:电影中的恶棍是纯邪恶的化身。
  4. An incarnation of a deity – 神的化身 示例:The temple is believed to house an incarnation of a Hindu god. 中文:据信这座寺庙是一位印度教神明的化身所在。
  5. Reincarnation – 轮回转世 示例:Many religions believe in the concept of reincarnation. 中文:许多宗教都相信轮回转世的概念。
  6. Incarnation of beauty – 美的化身 示例:The model was considered the incarnation of beauty by many. 中文:这位模特被许多人视为美的化身。
  7. Physical incarnation – 物质的化身 示例:The artwork is a physical incarnation of the artist’s emotions. 中文:这件艺术品是艺术家情感的物质化身。
  8. Living incarnation – 活生生的化身 示例:The author was seen as the living incarnation of his fictional characters. 中文:这位作家被视为他虚构角色的活生生化身。
  9. Divine incarnation – 神性的化身 示例:The prophet was revered as a divine incarnation by his followers. 中文:这位先知被他的追随者尊奉为神性的化身。


incarnation (in car NAY shun) Religiously speaking, this noun means “a fleshly version of the divine.” Thus, in Christianity, it refers to Mary’s conception of Jesus—and the initial letter is capitalized. More generally, it’s used for the giving of bodily form to something abstract.

  • F. Scott Fitzgerald intensifies the religious feel of Gatsby’s near-worship of Daisy when he writes, “He kissed her and the incarnation was complete.”
  • “You don’t have to look at me as if I were the devil incarnate when I suggest going off your diet long enough to have a bite of my birthday cake,” said Angela huffily to her friend Adele.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
化身(in car NAY shun)从宗教上讲,这个名词的意思是 “神的肉身版本”。因此,在基督教中,它指的是马利亚对耶稣的孕育–而且首字母是大写的。更广泛地说,它被用于赋予抽象事物以身体的形式。

F. 斯科特-菲茨杰拉德加强了盖茨比对黛西近乎崇拜的宗教感,他写道:”他吻了她,化身完成了。”

