
inane (in ANE) Like “vacuous,” this adjective means “senseless” or “meaningless.” The noun form is “inanity.”

  • The arguments made by the captain of the debating team were so inane that the team was forced to cut him before the next round of the championship.
  • Tired of the inanity of Saturday morning children’s programming, Jody and Paul decided to give away their television set and take their children on regular Saturday morning trips to the library.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]

  • 辩论队队长的论点太空洞了,以至于该队被迫在下一轮锦标赛前裁掉了他
  • 厌倦了周六早上儿童节目的枯燥乏味,乔迪和保罗决定放弃他们的电视机,带孩子们在周六早上定期去图书馆

