我们已经告诉工作室 可以一次性完成所有的变化 但出于各种原因
We had told the studio that we can do a transformation all in one take. Which we learned for
我们了解到这有些不切实际 也不是特别戏剧化
various reasons was impractical and also it wasn’t particularly dramatic.
我们最终以常规的方式拍摄它 并使用了剖面图和其他东西
We ended up shooting it conventionally with cutaways and stuff.
对埃迪·奎斯特这个角色 罗伯·博汀进行了完整的辅助造型
The character of Eddie Quist, we finally see his full Rob Bottin assisted transformation.
天呐 看看这家伙变成什么样了
Holy shit, look what is happening to this guy.
There’s always going to be the great debate between The Howling and An American Werewolf
in London and as amazing as the effects in American Werewolf in London are, I think at
这个场景中 灯光十分明亮 还有很多特写镜头
that scene, I mean it’s all very brightly lit with a lot of close-ups and
在我看来它就像是一个特效的成品 而不是戏剧化的场景
to me it’s kind of a special-effects reel and not really a dramatic scene.
而在《破胆三次》中 那个场景里有很棒的阴影照明
And in The Howling, you have this great shadowy lighting in that scene, you have Robert Picardo’s
罗伯特·皮卡多扮演的角色不是受害者 他想要变身 他想要
character who is not a victim, he wants to transform, he wants to show Dee Wallace’s
向迪·华♥莱♥士♥扮演的角色展示他的真实面目 我认为这给了他很大的力量
character what he really is and I think that gives it a lot of power.
我们不想做以前做过的那种 更新那个戴着狼人头套
What we didn’t want to do was what had been done before but that iteration of a guy
戴着狼人手套 把衬衫塞得满满当当的家伙
who has a werewolf head and the werewolf hands and a tucked in shirt
didn’t seem to be modern to us.
我总是渴望做一些新鲜而不同的事情 我们进行了尝试
I was always eager to do something new and different and we tried it man and then it
ended up photographing like a bear.
所以 我们最终将木偶和分开的腿组合在一起 让它看起来像穿西装的人
So, we ended up using a combination of puppets and separate legs and indeed a guy in a suit
but you had to shoot it in such a way that you didn’t see his waist.
We managed to pull off a pretty good illusion.
《炼狱》(1981) – 预告片
I love The Burning.
多年来我不知道这部影片的存在 然后当我发现它时
I didn’t know about it for years and then when I found out about it, I was like where
is this been all my life?
如果在野营的时候 我会想看这部电影
It’s a slasher film at a camp like I need to see this film.
好吧 首先它有杰森·亚历山大和霍利·亨特的参与 考虑到他们
Well, first of all it’s got Jason Alexander and Holly Hunter in it which is just mind-blowing
从那时起的职业生涯 真是令人兴奋
considering the careers they’ve had since then.
情节 孩子们互动的方式 当然还有
The writing, the way the kids interacted and of course
Tom Savini’s effects.
我是指他们上那个筏子时的整个场景 他刚在太阳底下出现
I mean that whole scene when they’re coming up on that raft and he just comes up
in front of the sun and it just plunges down in the guy’s neck.
It’s one of my favorite slashers.
我喜欢约翰·兰迪斯的电影 总的来说 我就是很喜欢
I love John Landis movies. In general, I just love them.
但有些特别的影片 比如《动物屋》和《美国狼人在伦敦》
But there’s a particular movie like Animal House and An American Werewolf in London
where he was so skilled at recreating a real environment and a real snapshot in time.
It was totally engrossing to me.
《good bad flicks》主持人
它是完美的喜剧恐怖结合体 因为它开始时轻松愉快
A perfect comedy-horror hybrid because it starts off light-hearted.
There’s sheep shit on my pack.
这是一对朋友 正在四处旅行 接下来你知道其中一个朋友
It’s a couple pals they’re walking around and the next thing you know the one friend is eviscerated
会被狼人掏空 另一个正在慢慢变成狼人
by a werewolf and the other one is slowly transforming into a werewolf.
杰克是一具不断出现在大卫面前的僵尸 而且它每出现一次
Jack is a zombie corpse that keeps reappearing in front of David and it’s continually becoming
more and more decrepit every time it shows up.
It’s a hilarious performance.
The makeup is just absolutely gross.
我记得 能看到他的气管 感觉就像在看解剖书
I remember seeing his trachea and feeling like I was looking at an anatomy book.
珍妮·阿加特饰演一名护士,他收留了大卫·诺顿 他们的爱情故事
Jenny Agutter plays a nurse who takes in David Naughton and their love story really gives
确实为这部电影增加了些人情味 而不是额外的恐怖
an added layer of heart and soul to the film. Not to mention some added scares.
It’s got certainly horrific moments in it.
在结局 他在伦敦的街头跑来跑去
The end where he’s just in the streets of London running around.
我想说 那很吓人
I mean that’s scary.
And that was done so well.
And of course, Rick Baker’s werewolf transformation…
you can’t talk about the movie without talking about that
of course.
Rick Baker was originally going to do Joe Dante’s werewolf work in The Howling but
但约翰·兰迪斯让他信守承诺 在最后一刻把他拉了回来
John Landis kept him to a promise and scooped him up at the last minute.
如果你要去看80年代的狼人电影 你能看到到狼人从普通的人
If you’re going to go see a werewolf movie in the ’80s, you’re going to see a werewolf
become a werewolf out of a man.
看到他的脚拉长成爪子的那一幕 我真的感到恶心
I actually got queasy at the scene of his foot extending into a paw.
看着全是肉质的 并且不断拉长 这个以前从来没有过类似的事情
It was all fleshy and was stretching and there was. .. nothing like that had been done before.
It was startling to me to see that transformation.
在我看来 它永远代表了真正改变80年代电影场面和吸引力的水平
In my mind it will always be a level that really changed the look and the appeal of ’80s movies.
这是部经典之作 同年还有《月满变人狼》和
It’s a classic and they both came out the same year along with Full Moon High
and Wolf en.
I mean it was it was a lupine year.
《月满变人狼》(1981) – 预告片
I thought I was making the only werewolf film.
Except for I Was a Teenage Werewolf which had been done 2O years before in black and white
而且它版权在AIP手里 不会起诉我
and AIP owned it so they weren’t going to sue me.
我告诉他们 我想制♥作♥一个喜剧版本
I told them I wanted to make a comedy version of it.
I don’t think it was what they really wanted.
我想 如果你要拍恐怖片 你就必须拍吓人的恐怖片
I guess if you’re going to make horror movies you got to make scary horror movies.
恐怖喜剧 我不知道
Funny horror movies… I don’t know.
恐怖片影迷会喜欢这个吗 有人会喜欢这种吗
Is the horror audience going to like this? ls anybody going to like this?
我喜欢它 我看得很开心
I liked it. I had a good time.
I got to work with Adam Arkin and his father Alan Arkin.
Wonderful actor.
I told him to make the werewolf look like Henry Hull did in Werewolf of London.
这就是他们的成品 很简单
And that’s what they did. It was simple.
我们有一群很棒的喜剧演员 在拍这张照片时我们玩得很开心
We had a wonderful cast of comedians and I had a good time making the picture.
I can say it now.
《鬼玩人》(1981) – 预告片
Evil Dead scared the crap out of us.
Sitting down to watch it, it really unnerved us.
在《鬼玩人》中 年轻的布鲁斯·坎贝尔获得了他第一个主角
In the Evil Dead a very young Bruce Campbell has his first starring role.
坎贝尔和雷米是高中同学 他们一起制♥作♥过短片
Campbell and Raimi were high school pals who made short films together before going all
后来他们制♥作♥30分钟的超级8毫米影片《在林中》 这个短片可以说
in on the 30-minute super 8 film Within the Woods which is kind of like the first version
是第一版《鬼玩人》 用以吸引投资
of Evil Dead and it was designed to attract investors.
特效 实际效果 充满了肮脏 还有女人在地下室的场景就是
The effects, the practical effects, just the nastiness and just her in the basement
活板门在上上下下 女人在尖叫着 他们用追踪摄像机穿过房♥间
it’s like. .. with the trapdoor going up and down and screaming and the way they tracked the
camera through the house. It was just so unnerving.
I love the claymation stuff that they did with the melting bodies in there.
Seeing Ellen Sandweiss get like essentially raped by tree branches.
这是一个相当清楚的类比 表示自然本身就是一种恶毒的力量
That’s a fairly clear analogy of that idea of nature itself being a malevolent force.
它的诚意是不可能伪造的 因为这只是一群孩子去田纳西州的一个小屋
The sincerity of it is impossible to fake because this was just a bunch of kids going
out to a cabin in Tennessee and filming what they could with no budget.
他们正在做一些 你认为在如此低的预算下不可能完成的事情
They were doing things that you didn’t think were possible on such a low budget.
我是说 他们特别有创造力
I mean they were so creative.
关于《鬼玩人》最有趣的事情是 拍摄时斯坦尼康已经发明出来了
The most interesting thing about Evil Dead is it came out after the invention of the
但他们买♥♥不起斯坦尼康 所以所有那些穿过树林的镜头
Steadicam but they couldn’t afford a Steadicam and so all those shots running through the
都靠他们把相机绑在两个四人一组的人身上 两个四人一组
woods they just strapped a camera to a couple of two by fours and had guys on either end
of the two by fours running through the woods with the camera.
And it works!
The shakey cam is actually scarier than the Steadicam.
这种电影上真实的效果和它的坚韧不拔 让人感觉它就像一部纪录片
This cinema verité effect and the grittiness to it, makes it feel almost like a documentary.
The Evil Dead is a perfect example of cult film creative genius born out of low-budget
《月光光心慌慌2》(1981) – 预告片
Halloween was conceived by not just John Carpenter but by Debra Hill.
And you had a very strong woman
在角色的发展上 她的意见起了很大的作用
and her voice in the development of the characters and I think that has a lot
大家之所以喜欢杰米的角色 也和她有着很大的关系 她真的很有才华
to do with why you like Jamie beyond her own inherent skills which she is obviously very talented.
《月光光心慌慌》取得成功后 合作方想把它拍成一个系列
After Halloween was a success, partners that I had in the movie wanted to make a sequel.
I just didn’t think there was any story left.
I couldn’t stop them from making it.
所以 我想 还不如跟他们一起 于是我写了剧本
So, I figured well, might as well go along with them. I wrote the screenplay.
写得不是很好 我对自己也不太满意
It wasn’t very good. I didn’t do a great job.
现在你重复噱头 只是在重复发生过的事情
And now you’re repeating gags and you’re just repeating what’s happened in one.
