I thought that was a brilliant, brilliant ad campaign.
《猛鬼街》的海报则是南希的脸 她躺在床上
The Nightmare on Elm Street poster features Nancy’s face and she’s lying in bed.
It’s a great poster.
我是说 它很艺术
I mean it’s art.
它不是照片 不像现在的大部分电影海报
It’s not a photo, like a lot of movie posters are nowadays.
只是有一张明星的照片 把照片放到一个讨巧的位置
You just have like a photo of the stars and they’re like in a cute position
这种海报艺术现在占主导地位 但当时他们真的会请人
and that photo art is now kind of dominant but back then they really commissioned someone
to create a painting.
马修·匹克为整个猛鬼街系列绘制海报 是相当罕见的
Matthew Peak was able to do all of the posters for A Nightmare on Elm Street which is rare.
这一系列海报有一种连续性 它们真的漂亮又独特
There’s a continuity and they’re really beautiful and unique.
于我而言 这反映了《猛鬼街》
That reflects to me the high level of artistry that
went into all parts of A Nightmare on Elm Street.
Even though it was a really low budget movie.
我有一段在日落大道上开车的记忆 那里有一栋高层建筑
I have a memory of driving on Sunset Boulevard and there was a high-rise building and the
whole side of it was the painted poster of Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 like on a giant
building. I remember being very impressed with that.
基特·卡森 他的想法是模仿《早餐俱乐部》
Kit Carson, it was his idea to make a Breakfast Club parody.
我觉得这个想法很棒 这能让观众意识到
I thought that was brilliant. I think that also
let people know that we were not as serious as they maybe wanted Chainsaw 2 to be.
托比想要原始海报的艺术 不是模仿《早餐俱乐部》的那种
The original poster art that Tobe wanted to go with was not going to be The Breakfast Club.
他最后用《早餐俱乐部》版海报诓骗了很多参展商 因为这张看起来很无害
He ended up going with The Breakfast Club to sort of trick a lot of exhibitors into
putting it up in their displays because it looks very innocuous.
It doesn’t look like a horror movie really.
看起来就像是个万圣节的电影 一个服装特殊的电影
It looks like a Halloween movie. It looks like a costume movie.
必须要说 广♥告♥宣传很少能真正正确地代表电影
You have to remember that advertising very seldom actually represents the movie correctly.
如果我只看到《夜困杀人场》的海报 我也不会租它
Had I seen the artwork for Chopping Mall, I also would not have rented it.
It has nothing to do with the movie.
《破胆三次》的宣传目标是 我们希望将其定位为一部普通的恐怖片
The gimmick with The Howling was that we wanted to position it as a normal slasher-ish kind
同时 也不放弃它具有超自然元素和狼人的事实
of movie and not give away the fact that it had supernatural elements and werewolves.
最终 他们想出了一张我认为非常聪明的海报 一只爪子撕开画面
Eventually, they came up with what I think was a very clever poster of a clawed hand
ripping the poster and behind it is a woman screaming.
在欧洲 无知道出于什么原因 他们决定不用这个女人
And in Europe for whatever reason they decided they didn’t want to use the woman, they wanted
to use a snout for the werewolf.
所以 在英国的宣传中 它的构图是一样的 但内容不是女人的脸 而是鼻子
So, in the British ads, it’s the same ad but instead of a woman’s face, it’s a snout.
你会想区分你的市场 将重点市场和非重点市场区分开来
You wanted to try to differentiate your product from movies that were aimed at a somewhat
这样做的目的 实际上是对期望值做一个评估
lower market and the idea was to try to vault over the expectations and be able to appeal
to a wider audience.
You try to get them in, through whatever means you can.
必要时你必须得歪曲这部电影 然后当他们看到真面目时候
However you have to misrepresent the movie and then by the time they’ve seen it
it’s too late.
They can’t get their money back.
《夺命凶灵》(1981) – 预告片
好了 回到80年代 那时的血浆片就已经无法忍♥受
Well, back in the ’80s the slasher films not withstanding,
they weren’t really ruled by trends so much.
I mean there are a lot of people doing all different kinds of horror.
有很多导演在70年代入行 一开始拍戏时预算很低
You had a lot of directors who had kind of started off in low budgets in the 70s getting
等到被AVCO大使♥馆♥等半专业人士相中后 才能拍投资更高的影片
discovered by semi majors like AVCO Embassy and being given a chance to do bigger films.
约翰·卡朋特就是从《月光光心慌慌》拍起 然后才是《夜雾杀机》《纽约大逃亡》《怪形》
You had John Carpenter going from Halloween to The Fog, Escape from New York and The Thing.
You had Joe Dante going from Piranha to The Howling.
You had David Cronenberg who went from Rabid and The Brood up to Scanners and then
The Dead Zone.
所以 这真的是很多明星和导演成长的年代
So, you really saw a lot of kind of star directors coming up.
Scanners was one that I saw probably too young.
我和朋友之所以会借这部片 主要也是因为封面好看
My friend and I rented it because of course, the cover art alone.
Michael lronside like this on the cover.
我觉得 我们得看看这部电影
I thought we need to see this movie.
好吧 我不知道我在做什么
Well, I didn’t know what I was getting into.
你没法概括80年代的恐怖 也无法忽视《夺命凶灵》里的爆头
You can’t talk about ’80s horror and not mention the Scanners head blowing up.
《Daily Dead》主编
看到这一幕时简直太令人震惊了 哪怕我是个小孩 我都觉得那是
When that happens, it is so gruesome and visceral that even as a kid I was like this is the
我见过最酷的场景 当然 那时还没有CGI
coolest thing I’ve ever seen. Obviously, this is before CGI.
突然间 那个带着眼镜的老兄
And all of a sudden homeboy with the glasses just…
作为一个孩子 我只是去
As a kid I just went…
What the…
柯南伯格 真有你的
Cronenberg, dude.
溅得到处都是 我想他们拿了一把霰弹枪 然后用了类似于
And just stuff is flying everywhere and I know they took a shotgun and they used, they
鸡肝之类的东西填满了脑子 再把它们给射出来
filled it up with bunch of l think chicken livers or something and just shot it out.
但是 我的天呐 看起来太真实了
But oh, my goodness, did that look so real.
That explosion is probably the shot across the bow of the old guard.
好像就是在说 好 我们要从这里拿走它
Just basically saying, ”Okay, we’ll take it from here.”
《夺命凶灵》中的许多表演之所以奏效 是因为演员的表情很逼真
So much of those performances in Scanners work because the actor’s face has to sell it.
So, you have Michael lronside.
他必须提取出电影中所有的主题 并将其投射到自己的表情上
He’s got to basically take all of these themes from the movie and project it through his face.
这一切都取决于我们是否相信他的表演 对吧
It all hinges on whether or not we believe him, right?
And he’s so great at it.
《恐怖情人节》(1981) – 预告片
My Bloody Valentine might be my favorite slasher of 1981.
这是人物的巅峰之作 在当时尤其是独一无二的
It’s just this culmination of characters whodunit and at the time especially it’s unique.
It’s just the minors and Valentine’s Day.
The interesting thing about My Bloody Valentine
《Dead Meat》主持人
它确实具有令人敬畏的实际效果 但是片方从电影中
is that it was really graphic with awesome practical effects but they cut 9 minutes of them
out of the film.
My favorite kill is definitely one that was cut for the theatrical release.
就是这个叫哈皮的角色 那个酒吧里的老酒鬼
It was this character named Happy, this old drunk guy at a bar who went out to visit the
mine to inspect what was going on.
他的下巴被一把镐子捅漏了 但效果特别的粗糙
He gets a pickaxe swung up through his chin and just the effect is so gnarly and it’s
one of those kills where I watched it and I’m like,
我会想 他们是怎么拍出来的
“How did they even fake this?”
我喜欢这部电影的一大原因是它的真实感 因为它是真的在
One of the things I love about this movie is how authentic it feels and part of that
is because they shot in an actual mine underground.
显然 当矿主发现他们在那里拍电影时 他花了很大的功夫把矿井整理干净
Apparently the mine owners when they found out that the movie was going to film down there
但是这和摄制组的需求相反 所以摄制组又费了大劲把矿井弄脏
spent a lot of time cleaning it up which is the opposite of what the film crew wanted
so they had to re-dirty this actual mine to get the look that they want for this movie.
当然 这很俗气
Of course, it’s cheesy.
It’s a slasher.
所有的比喻都在那里 除了一些抓住我的部分
All the tropes are there but there’s something about that one that just grabs me.
我的意思是 关于《恐怖情人节》我有很多能说的
I mean, My Bloody Valentine’s got a lot of heart what can I say.
《破胆三次》(1981) – 预告片
The early ’80s had a shape-shifter trend.
每个人都在拍变形的怪兽片 像《破胆三次》《食尸人》
Everybody’s making transformation monster movies -The Howling, The Beast Within.
All this other stuff.
在《破胆三次》中 我们试图摆脱传统的
In The Howling we were trying to get away from the traditional villagers chasing the
werewolf template.
我们其实想把它定位为一部恐怖片 因为当时恐怖片很受欢迎
We wanted to actually position it as a slasher movie because they were very popular at the
time and supernatural movies were kind of not.
They were kind of considered a little old hat.
所以 在影片的前半个小时 似乎根本没有任何超自然的元素
So, in the first half hour of the picture there don’t seem to be any supernatural elements at all.
所以当我们最终引入狼人元素时 我是通过在电视上观看《狼人》实现的
And so when we finally did introduce the werewolf angle I did it through watching
The Wolf man on television which is a pop culture reference that audiences can immediately get.
这真是我们第一次这样做 然后它最终在《惊声尖叫》系列中
That was really kind of the first time that had been done and then it eventually became
变得流行起来 这样就让角色意识到这一类型的比喻
very popular with the Scream movies to have characters who were aware of the tropes of
the genre. It became a sort of a genre staple.
Joe Dante loves to put his friends in his films.
所以你能发现他的导师罗杰·科曼 著名的怪物创作者福里斯特·J·阿克曼
So you can find his mentor Roger Corman, Famous Monsters icon Forrest J. Ackerman,
《破胆三次》的编剧约翰·赛尔斯 好友米克·加里斯和他的幸运符迪克·米勒
Howling screenwriter John Sayles, good pal Mick Garris and his lucky charm Dick Miller.
我记得看《破胆三次》时只想着 哦 终于有这样的片子了
I remember seeing the Howling and just thinking, “Oh, finally” like somebody has created
有人创造了一个狼人 并做了一个绝对令人兴奋的变身画面
a werewolf and done an on-screen transformation that is just absolutely mind-blowingly great.
